Honghuang: With a supernatural understanding, I have opened up three thousand demon worlds

Chapter 141 Tsunade: Those who do not surrender will be destroyed!

As time went by.

Most of the zombies died at the hands of Tsunade and Dokujima.

Tsunade can absorb the essence of flesh and blood of any living creature to strengthen herself.

Dokujima can also evolve by killing living creatures.

The two can be regarded as similar in nature.

Ying Zheng and others did not deliberately slaughter those ordinary zombies, but handed them over to Dokujima and Tsunade.

Esdeath began to collect the resources of this world, especially the technology, and found a lot of good things in the domineering of observation.

It was a month after Esdeath plundered the whole world.

"You can go back." Hundreds of USB flash drives appeared in Esdeath's hands. These were the technologies of this world that Esdeath copied.

Including life reputation, weapons and equipment.

"It's time to go back." Ying Zheng said lightly.

A golden channel appeared.

Ying Zheng and others left the Marvel Zombie Universe and returned to the world of Zhan Mei.

Then they returned to their own worlds.

Esdeath found Yuan Meng directly in the chat group.

Esdeath: "Your Majesty, we have conquered the Marvel Zombie Universe. Please give me three copies, one for each of me, Ying Zheng, and Zhu Yuanzhang."

On Chaos Island.

Yuan Meng looked at Esdeath's message in the chat group, and then replied directly.

Yuan Meng: "Okay, there is a new trial land, but this trial land is different. You can learn about it first. Anyone can conquer this world, but it is worth noting that there is a mysterious power in this world. I have already figured it out. You just need to learn about it yourself."

Esdeath: "Got it, thank you Your Majesty!!"

Ying Zheng: "Thank you Your Majesty!

Zhu Yuanzhang: "Thank you Your Majesty!

Looking at the repeater in the group, Yuan Meng didn't say anything.

He just wanted to cultivate the world in the group as soon as possible, which was related to his future layout.

A ray of golden light spread from Yuan Meng's fingers and merged into the Marvel multiverse.

The Marvel Zombie Universe was instantly refined by a golden hand and turned into an origin, without causing any waves in the Marvel Multiverse.

The origin of the Marvel Zombie Universe was divided into three parts, one flew to Ying Zheng's world, one flew to the Ming world, and one flew to the Zhan Mei world!

In an instant, the three worlds skyrocketed a lot, but it was only one-third of the world's origin, which was not a big improvement.

But it was enough for the small world.

In the Naruto world.

Tsunade looked at the improvement of the three worlds of Daqin, Daming and Zhan Mei with desire in her eyes.

Every time Yuan Meng made a move to refine the origin, it was live broadcast without any cover, on the one hand, it was also to improve the motivation of the group members.

On the other hand, it was also to show his majesty.

The improvement of the three worlds made Tsunade feel complicated.

Although there were many gains this time, Tsunade's biggest gain was the improvement of strength. After swallowing countless zombie flesh and blood essences, Tsunade's strength has been improved to the peak of five stars, and she is only one step away from entering the six-star realm.

But now, this step still feels like an indefinite end. On the one hand, it is the limitation of the world, and on the other hand, the ninja world does not have enough resources for Tsunade to break through.

Tsunade now has the strength of the Six Paths.

Don't argue that the Six Paths can destroy the moon. You should know what the moon in the Naruto world looks like.

Can it be considered a starburst?

That's nonsense. It is man-made and not very big. The diameter is probably only a few dozen miles at most.

It is caused by special abilities.

And this does not count the dimensional differences of the world.

You know, the difference in the dimension of the world does exist. The existence of the lower world and the existence of the higher world are not two levels at all.

The division of Yuanmeng is based on the prehistoric world.

It is not divided according to other worlds.

The difference in combat power should not be too big.

If it is really calculated according to other worlds, it will be a mess.

But this also made Tsunade understand something in her heart.

Especially this cross-border journey.

Tsunade looked at the Third Generation with a hint of cruelty in her eyes: "Third Generation, you are old, and the elders are not young either. It's time to give way to the young people."

Hearing Tsunade's words, the Third Generation was shocked.

He also knew why Tsunade said that.

This crossover almost brought a world-destroying disaster to the ninja world.

Everything that Danzo did was tacitly approved by the Third Generation.

Tsunade also knew that it was precisely because of this that Tsunade made her attitude clear as soon as she came back.

Some things cannot be solved by mercy.

"Xiao Gang, there is no need to do this." The Third Generation said slowly to Tsunade.

"If you want to be decent, I will give you decent, but if you don't want decent, then don't blame me for not giving you decent in the end." Tsunade said in a deep voice, and the pressure of the Six Paths level on her body permeated.

Tsunade was really angry.

Originally, Tsunade turned a blind eye to some things. But now what the Third Generation and others have done has touched Tsunade's bottom line.

This time, it was almost time for the Ninja World to become the tonic for other worlds.

No matter from which angle, Tsunade would not allow such a thing to happen again.

The third generation's face darkened and he looked at Tsunade.

Then with a sigh, Sandai left Tsunade's office.

"Tsunade, you shouldn't do this to your teacher." Jiraiya walked out of the darkness.

"Do you know what happened this time?" Tsunade said coldly and looked at Jiraiya.

"What's going on?" Jiraiya looked a little surprised at Tsunade's attitude.

"Our world was almost destroyed because of them." Tsunade said solemnly.

As a result, Tsunade is now embarrassed to be on the road in the chat group.

People are going to change.

The same goes for Tsunade.

Giving in again and again, taking the overall situation into consideration again and again,

In the end, this was the result. Tsunade was also caring about her feelings, but what she got in exchange was the destruction of the entire world.

This time Tsunade wasn't giving in.

"There are some things that no longer need to exist. Inform the entire ninja world that if you don't surrender, you will die!!" Tsunade said with a hint of fierceness in her eyes.

"Tsunade!" Jiraiya looked at Tsunade with complicated eyes.

He didn't expect Tsunade to be like this now.

Orochimaru was very satisfied with Tsunade's appearance.

Only in this way can we lead changes in the ninja world and bring new life.

The invitation letter sent from Konoha soon spread to the entire ninja world.

Among the five major villages, except Konoha, all other villages have procedures for resistance.

Only the four Kages had a hint of helplessness in their eyes. They knew very well that Tsunade was serious this time, and judging from the combat power Tsunade showed.

No matter how many people there are, it is useless.

The strangest thing in the world of Naruto is the so-called pursuit of peace.

And this so-called peace seems to them to be given with good intentions. In fact, no matter which world it is, there is no absolute peace.

The so-called peace is only suppressed by the supreme force. This is the real peace. As for the so-called peace gained by influencing others with goodwill.

Yes, but the last few decades is the limit. If you want permanent peace, you must have absolute force to suppress it. Only then can we usher in real peace.

Don't say such stupid things as all beings are equal. Humans themselves are animals. Wherever there are people, there are classes. Are all beings equal?

That is a complete lie to fools. The existence of class has never disappeared, it is just invisible. Holding the so-called idea that all living beings are equal is completely a fool's idea.

Now Tsunade also understands this. The kindness you show is more of your weakness in the eyes of others, just like the plans of the Third Generation and Danzo.

If Tsunade hadn't been a member of the group, Tsunade would have died immediately.

But Tsunade will never allow such a thing to happen again.

What kind of existence are the members in the group? Each of them can be said to be either an overlord or an emperor. Which one is not the only one?

They didn't mind carving up the origin of the Naruto world, but they didn't do it for the sake of being a group. In the final analysis, it was because of some things.

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