Honghuang World!

On Chaos Island.

Yuan Meng opened his eyes and looked at the battlefield outside the domain.

A terrifying big hand came out from the abyss, and the terrifying demonic flames were burning the heavens.

The Lord of the Abyss took action. Tens of thousands of years of war have plunged the entire abyss into the quagmire of war.

Now these Lords of the Abyss want to end this war.

The most important thing is that the abyss did not get any benefits in this war, but became the object of plunder.

A big hand covering the battlefield outside the domain stretched out directly.

A figure walked out of the human race giant city!

One of the three thousand great ways of human race!


Long black hair, magnificent figure, eyes seemed to contain infinite starlight.

A golden big hand, the big hand fell.

It broke the big hand.

"Roar!!!" The voice of the Lord of the Abyss echoed in the ancient abyss.

"Looking for death!" Hao took a step with a hint of murderous light in his eyes and went directly into the abyss.

The existence of this Abyss Lord was accurately found in the endless abyss.

Accompanied by endless battle fluctuations, Hao fought with this Abyss Lord.

Hundreds of years later.

Hao walked out of the abyss with a bloody head in his hand.

"Anyone above the Lord God who dares to take action will die!!" Hao said in a deep voice. He hung the head of the Abyss Lord on the battlefield outside the domain.

The abyss shook.

The breath of several Abyss Lords rioted.

The next moment.

On the battlefield outside the domain, the breath of several quasi-saints also directly released and crushed the abyss.

The Abyss Lord stopped the rioting breath.

Everything seemed to have nothing happened.

But it was an endless shame for the Abyss.

A Lord was killed by someone alone in the abyss, and then returned intact. What is this shame?

Even the faces of other Abyss Lords who did not deal with this Abyss Lord were not good.

But tens of thousands of years of war also made them understand that the prehistoric world is not as simple as it seems on the surface. This great monarch's move was just to test the attitude of the prehistoric world.

But now, they know, but they have lost a great monarch of the abyss.

In the abyss.

The seven supreme monarchs and other great monarchs of the abyss gathered together, and their divine thoughts talked in the void.

"The world on the other side is not that simple. The bloody monarch has fallen, so what good ideas do you have?" The furious monarch said slowly.

As the seven supreme monarchs in the abyss, as long as the abyss is not destroyed, they will not die. They are: arrogance, jealousy, greed, violent temptation, gluttony, lust, and laziness!

These are also the seven original sins of living beings.

Now the prehistoric world has shown its strength, which makes the seven supreme monarchs a little restless.

This is also the reason why they gathered together and sat down to talk.

"For this kind of thing, my suggestion is to let those birdmen come, right? Don't they want to spread the glory of the Lord throughout the heavens and the worlds?" The only female among the seven kings, the Lustful King, said with a charming face.

"Heavenly plane?" The Lazy King yawned and looked at the Arrogant King, the leader of the seven kings, without leaving a trace.

"Indeed, it is a good choice to drag them into the water. As for what the other party has, we can see it at that time, right?" The Greedy King said with a smile on his face, looking at the wild direction with endless greed in his eyes.

"In that case, who is the best to go?" The Jealous King said with a smile on his face.

"I'll go." The Shadow King said slowly, with a gleam in his eyes. "It just so happens that I have something to do and I just happened to go there." The Shadow King said lightly.

The other kings all agreed.

There is no reason not to agree, after all, heaven has always been in opposition to the abyss.

Just like twins, there is heaven and there is abyss!

Heaven and abyss have always been hostile to each other, but interdependent.

If the abyss is for the flesh and blood of living beings, then heaven is for the faith of living beings.

One is for flesh and blood, and the other is for soul.

I can only say that the eldest brother is not talking about the second brother, neither of them is a good thing.

Look at those exorcism methods, just like playing games, once the real name is read, the devil can only roll back to hell or abyss.

What the hell is this not playing games?

Chaos Island!

Yuan Meng opened his eyes.

"Interesting, abyss heaven." Yuan Meng had a smile on his lips. He hadn't noticed this before, but now, it is obvious that those abyss demons have a way to connect with heaven.

"Come on." Yuan Meng had a gleam in his eyes, and between his eyes, the heavens and the worlds surrendered.

Then Yuan Meng appeared in the void, standing outside the prehistoric world, looking at the endless void.

A big world appeared in Yuan Meng's eyes.

The world filled with holy light is bordering the outer battlefield. It seems that it will be close to the outer battlefield in just a thousand years.

Then Yuan Meng wandered in the endless void and saw one world after another, but Yuan Meng did not make any move on these worlds.

On the one hand, these worlds are already broken, and on the other hand, these worlds are indeed not of much value.

"Some things should be done." Yuan Meng murmured, and the endless Dao surrounded the prehistoric world and imprinted it, turning into the endless Dao and merging into the nothingness.

Time was illusory, the Dao intertwined, and the entire prehistoric world gradually disappeared.

After doing all this, Yuan Meng returned to the prehistoric world.

"I hope to postpone the arrival of reincarnation." Yuan Meng couldn't help thinking that if he just wanted to escape the reincarnation of the heavens by such means.

This is too simple.

Yuan Meng didn't believe that he was the only one who thought of this. Yuan Meng just wanted to postpone the arrival of reincarnation.

He had more time to prepare.

The western land of the prehistoric world!

The Buddha's light shines here.

Zhunti and Jie Yin sat in the golden hall, and the endless Buddha's light illuminated the entire western land.

"Brother, Buddhism should flourish." Zhunti opened his eyes and said slowly.

Jie Yin also opened his eyes and looked at the prehistoric human race.

The current Buddhism is very influential in the western part of the prehistoric world, but it is not so in other areas of the prehistoric world.

It's very simple. The west is the base camp of Buddhism, the north is the base camp of the demon clan, the south is the base camp of the Phoenix clan, the sea is the base camp of the dragon clan, and the east is the base camp of Taoism.

These forces are all concentrated in their own base camps.

The rise of Buddhism is destined by heaven, and it is also one of the great trends of heaven.

However, if Buddhism wants to rise, it still needs to go through ninety-nine eighty-one disasters, that is, the Journey to the West will begin!

In the Journey to the West, the first half is the rise of Buddhism, and the second half is the dispute between Buddha and demon.

The demon world, which has been hidden for two disasters, will also be born after the rise of Buddhism. At that time, there will definitely be disputes between Buddhism and the demon world.

After all, the Western Land was the base camp of the Demon Cult before Buddhism.

If there is no dispute, it is impossible.

There are still thousands of years. When the human race evolves to the Tang Dynasty, the Journey to the West will begin.

Zhunti and Jieyin also began to prepare for layout and planning.

All the great masters of prehistoric times knew that the calamity of the journey to the west was just a formality for the Buddhist sect to go through. To put it bluntly, it was just a show.

Time passed slowly.

Thousands of years passed, and dynasties changed among the human race.

The Tang Dynasty was established.

Zhunti also walked out of the western land.

The breath of the calamity in the prehistoric world once again permeated.

On the Flower and Fruit Mountain!

A five-colored stone continued to emerge with the fluctuations of life, and finally exploded, and a monkey walked out of it.

Yuan Meng opened his eyes and looked at the direction of the Flower and Fruit Mountain. Nuwa also appeared beside Yuan Meng and looked at the Flower and Fruit Mountain.

Nuwa said with a smile on her face: "This monkey, his footsteps are extraordinary, born in response to the calamity."

Yuan Meng smiled, this is the famous Monkey King in later generations!!!

"This monkey's talent, footsteps are not weak, can't be wasted." Yuan Meng said slowly.

Nuwa nodded. After all, there was a causal relationship between this monkey and Nuwa. Although it was not Nuwa's offspring, to some extent, it was indeed Nuwa who created this monkey.

This monkey was bred from the five-colored stones after Nuwa repaired the sky. Fundamentally speaking, the relationship between this monkey and Nuwa was not shallow.

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