"According to the division of the prehistoric world, we are now in the realm of Daluo Jinxian. Before that, there were Quasi-Sage, Sub-Sage, and Saint! The stone man and the stone man king in this world are all in the realm of Daluo, but the difference is the initial or peak stage. The emperor and the king correspond to the quasi-sage realm of the prehistoric world." Lingxi said in a deep voice.

Xiao Chen looked at Lingxi with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Quasi-Sage, Sub-Sage? Saint? What is this?" Xiao Chen asked Lingxi with some curiosity.

"Quasi-saints are like the realm of the emperor and the king of this world. Sub-saints are above quasi-saints, and exist only below saints. Saints are supreme! They are supreme in all the heavens and worlds, and are also called Dao Lords in some other worlds!"

"What do saints say? All those below saints are ants. This is the saying that is circulated in the prehistoric world. No matter whether they are quasi-saints or sub-saints, they are no different from ants in the eyes of saints. My father, the Lord you mentioned, is a saint, and the strongest saint in the prehistoric world!!" Lingxi said with a hint of pride and admiration in her eyes.

"My goal is to surpass my father. Hehe, when the time comes, I will also lock him up on Chaos Island for hundreds of millions of years and not allow him to go out." Lingxi said with a smirk on her face.

Xiao Chen looked at Lingxi with a complicated expression.

"So that's how it is. I understand." Xiao Chen's eyes were firm.

"These are all taught to me by my father and mother. My father asked me to come to this world because he wanted me to break through to the Quasi-Sage in this world." Lingxi said in a deep voice.

"Hmm? Didn't you say that the road ahead in this world is cut off?" Xiao Chen looked at Lingxi and asked.

"Yes." Lingxi nodded confidently.

"Then how do you break through?" Xiao Chen looked at Lingxi with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Can't you break through if it's cut off? Just continue the road. I want to take the strongest path. This little thing can't stop me." Lingxi said with a bright smile on his face.

Looking at Lingxi who was confident, Xiao Chen didn't know what to say.

If it was really that simple, then since the ancient times, whether it was Jiuzhou or the other world, no emperor or emperor had been born. No, no emperor had been born.

Suddenly Xiao Chen thought of the little stone emperor!

He was the one who really reached the realm of emperor and emperor under such a cut off road.

Discuss the way in life and compete for supremacy in the world. Discuss the corpse after death and be respected in the tomb!

It can be said that he is a man of amazing talent in the world of immortality!

"Okay, this is for you." Lingxi handed a crystal-like token to Xiao Chen.

"What is this?" Xiao Chen looked at the token in his hand.

"I will be your big sister in the future. If there is anything, crush it and I will know. I will protect you at that time." Lingxi said to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen: ...

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Chen looked at Lingxi and asked.

"Call me big sister!" Lingxi took out a small hammer directly, flashing a breath of destruction, and gently knocked on Xiao Chen's body.

Xiao Chen was smashed directly into the ground, and his body, which was comparable to the stone king, was trembling and painful.

Xiao Chen looked at Lingxi a little dizzy.

"I am ready to accommodate the ten thousand ways of this world and walk my own way." Lingxi said slowly.

"Your body is too weak, even inferior to ordinary beasts, but your qualifications are good, and you are qualified to be my little brother. Bye, I hope you will be stronger than now when we meet next time." Lingxi said with a smile.

"Tuanzi, let's go. First stop, Jiuzhou!!" Lingxi rode Tuanzi.

At this time, Xiao Chen looked at Tuanzi under Lingxi and found that Tuanzi was also in the realm of Stoneman King. He felt a little numb.

"Ying!!" Tuanzi cried, and then his four short legs directly crushed time and space, carrying Lingxi through time and space, and appeared in Jiuzhou.

Xiao Chen looked at the crystal token in his hand, and his whole body was still numb: "Should I say that he is worthy of being the heir of the Lord?"

Primordial World!

Yuan Huang looked at Yuan Meng and said unhappily: "You put Nannan in other worlds, and you can rest assured."

Yuan Meng looked at Yuan Huang who was distressed about Nannan and smiled and said: "Don't you see how happy that girl is? Now no one cares about her. She actually said that she wants to surpass me and wants to lock me up on Chaos Island for hundreds of millions of years. Do you think she is in trouble?"

Hearing Yuan Meng's words, Yuan Huang rolled his eyes and left directly.

Yuan Meng smiled and watched Yuan Huang leave, and then looked at the world of immortality.

If the creatures in this world were in the prehistoric times, they would be stronger. Unfortunately, this world is now broken, but it cannot be said to be broken.

The way forward for this world was blocked by people, those emperors and kings who existed innately.

They wanted to forge the only true world and were ready to sacrifice the heavens to achieve the only true world.

This is why the way forward for this world is broken.

You can go, but it requires great perseverance.

The world of killing sisters!!

Esdeath and Held appeared in the Temple of the Gods.

"The Laughing Bat has started to act." Held said slowly, and a projection appeared in front of Held and Esdeath.

Gotham, the main world of DC!!

The Laughing Bat appeared here.

The dimensional crack behind him slowly closed, looking at Gotham in the main world.

"It's still as chaotic as ever, but isn't this Gotham?" The Laughing Bat looked at Gotham with a smile on his face.

Gotham City, where the people are simple and honest, and Arkham, where people are outstanding and beautiful!!

"Look, what did I find?" The Laughing Bat looked at a figure that appeared not far away!

Green hair, clown makeup, purple suit!

"What day is today? How come I met so many strange people?" The Joker also looked at the Laughing Bat.

This guy, like himself, has a chaotic and crazy aura.

Bang! ! !

"Joker, you are arrested." A voice sounded, and a strong figure appeared behind the Joker.

"Batman, I think you have another problem to solve before you catch me." The Joker looked at the Laughing Bat and said with a crazy smile on his face.

Batman looked at the Laughing Bat and his eyes condensed.

Then he looked at the Laughing Bat with a hint of disbelief, as if he thought of something.

"It seems that you seem to have thought of something, so why not tell me." The Laughing Bat looked at Batman and said with a smile on his face.

"You are not from this world." Batman said in a deep voice, and sent a message for help without making a sound.

"Yes, you are still so capable, Bruce Wayne, or the me in the main world." The Laughing Bat said slowly, and walked towards Bruce Wayne step by step.

A figure appeared behind the Laughing Bat.

The next moment, the Laughing Bat took out a pistol and shot at the figure behind him without hesitation.

Bang bang bang!!!

He stopped only when the entire magazine was empty.

"Superman?" The Laughing Bat looked at the Superman who appeared in Gotham.

Then he looked at Bruce Wayne in disbelief.

"It seems that a lot of interesting things have happened in the main world." The Laughing Bat said with a smile and looked at the Superman who appeared in Gotham.

"But if you are here, how about Metropolis?" The Laughing Bat looked at Superman and said with a smile.

The pupils of the future Superman shrank.

Super hearing was fully pulled, and Superman instantly heard the endless cries for help in Metropolis.

The whole Metropolis was engulfed in flames.

A terrifying figure appeared in the metropolis.

The Destroyer!!

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