Night falls!!!

Above the sky, meteors fall towards the blue water star.

However, unlike the last meteor, most of the meteors fell into the sea or Asia.

This time, these meteors appear more in places like Africa, Europe and America.

The bright meteors appeared in these places with brilliant luster, and most of them fell into the sea.

Only a few fell on the land.

New York!!!

A black figure stood on a building.

Wearing black armor and cloak, with a hunting light in his eyes, he overlooked the whole New York.


It has been a week since he escaped last time.

After a week of recuperation, Batman has recovered his strength and become much stronger.

But this kind of strength is what he doesn't want.

After all, after experiencing such hellish torture, Batman has not gone crazy. It can only be said that his will is indeed very firm.

But that's all, the physical deformation is permanent and irreversible.

Except for the fact that there is no change in his mind, Batman can be said to be one of the deformed ones.

But it is precisely because his mind has not changed that Batman feels that he is still himself.

Of course, negative emotions are inevitable.

After all, the beginning of the deformation is the deformation of the soul, and then the distortion of the body.

Although the mind is still the mind of a normal person, Batman's soul has been stained with darkness, which is a silent change.

This is the most terrifying thing.

Batman himself did not realize this.

Now Batman has not left New York, largely because of the Joy Cult, but now the Blue Water Planet is expanding, even if Batman wants to leave New York, it may not be an easy thing.

After all, New York is now under the control of those deformed ones.

What Batman is doing now is hunting, hunting the Joy Cult.

Suddenly, Batman jumped down from a tall building.

The black figure appeared in an alley like a bat.

Silently appeared behind the two Nicos.

The two Nigos were looking at a white young woman with a grim smile on their faces.

Relatively speaking, the most corrupted people in the Pleasure Cult are white people, but these two Nigos are also members of the Pleasure Cult.

The next moment.

A long whip directly pierced through the bodies of the two Nigos.

A black Gundam figure appeared behind them.

The two Nigos looked at their chests in disbelief, and their two beating hearts had been pierced by the tentacle.

Batman didn't even look at the two Nigos, and then left here with an indifferent face.

Batman's previous bottom line of not killing had completely changed with this hellish torture.

In Batman's cognition, these things are no longer considered human, so it doesn't matter if they are killed.

But in fact, this is also a change, a subtle change, but Batman himself is not clear.

He is becoming more and more cold-blooded now, which is the best proof.

If it were the previous Batman, even if the two Nigos were deformed, they are still in human form.

Batman would not kill them.

But now, Batman can directly penetrate the bodies of the two Nicos without hesitation, and then walk away expressionlessly.

This shows that Batman has changed now, and this change is subtle. If no one reminds him, Batman will become more and more indifferent, and eventually become an emotionless killing machine.

After Batman left.

The Joker appeared in the alley.

Looking at the two Nicos lying on the ground, the Joker had a smile on his face.

"Hehe, has the little bat finally grown up now? But it's not enough now." The Joker said with a smile on his face, with an evil light in his eyes.

Chaos and disorder are what the Joker wants to see most.

The most essential thing about the Joker cannot represent the resistance of the lower class people.

The most essential existence of the Joker is the existence of chaotic evil.

It's just that some people beautify it.

In essence, the Joker is almost the same as the devil, or even no different.

The biggest difference may be the difference in race. The Joker is a human after all, and the devil is always a devil.

This may be the biggest difference between them.

"But it's not enough." The Joker showed an evil smile on his face.

Batman wanders in New York City in the dark.

To be honest, it is not without reason that this city has become the base camp of the aberrants.

The Church of Pleasure is essentially an alien god, an alien god who controls pleasure and pain.

In this materialistic and decadent New York, no city is more suitable for the development of the Church of Pleasure than this city.

Although it is a bit perverted, I don’t know how many people would be willing to live forever.

Similarly, the entire country of Eagle Sauce is not much better now.

With the tenfold increase of the Blue Water Star.

Originally, each state of Eagle Sauce was far away from each other, and now it is even farther away.

It can be said that basically each state is independent now.

It was similar before. You have to know that Eagle Sauce is a federation, and each state has its own independent laws and treaties.

It was like this before, after the extraordinary era.

The situation between each state is getting worse and worse.

In fact, this is also a very normal thing. The country of Eagle Sauce was established by a group of bandits from the beginning.

Each state can now be said to be independent.

It is in the kind of state that does not say it explicitly, but no longer listens to the superiors.

In a word, I want independence.

However, this situation is impossible to happen now. After all, Eagle Sauce is still a superpower on the Blue Water Star. Even if such a thing is going to happen.

Then it is after the existence that can truly resist nuclear weapons appears.

Now everyone is still tacitly maintaining superficial stability.

No matter who it is, no one wants to use such a dangerous thing on their own land. Let’s not talk about whether they will win or not, but once this head is opened.

It is not so easy to end it.

The same thing.

Island country!!

Today’s island country can only be described in one sentence: In the Warring States Period, demons and monsters were rampant!

Compared to the Eagle Sauce, although the Eagle Sauce did not declare independence, it is still doing superficial work, but on the island side.

The major chaebols are divided, and ordinary people in this era can only rely on those chaebols to survive.

In addition to the foreign advantage, that terrifying behemoth.

Today's island country can only be described as chaos.

There is no upper class, no real controller, if you have to say there is, it is those chaebols.

However, because it is different from the Eagle Sauce, the Eagle Sauce is because of the problem of nuclear weapons, which the island country does not have, so this era of chaebol division has emerged.

Don't say that the island country has the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons, the island country does.

But do you think nuclear weapons are like playing with building blocks? Can they explode after they are manufactured?

Or will they explode by themselves if there is any mistake.

There is also how to launch it, these are all problems. Being able to manufacture does not mean that you can really manufacture it, and even if you manufacture it, it does not mean that you can really launch it.

This is a very simple thing, which is why the island country is willing to become what it is now.

Everyone wants to be the boss in this big reshuffle, but no one is willing to give in to anyone else.

The same is true for the Korean country.

Relatively speaking, the chaebols in the island country are still relatively human, but the Korean country is completely inhuman.

Not to mention all kinds of oppression.

They even support the enemy, and the enemy here refers to those aliens.

But soon the Korean country suffered a backlash.

Here we need to talk in detail about why the Korean country suffered a backlash. Very simple things.

With the launch of the second spiritual energy revival, the entire Shuilan Star has now expanded tenfold.

The Korean country is naturally no exception.

It is still the original land shape, but it has been enlarged tenfold.

If it is just like this, it is fine, but in the Korean country, it is different. First of all, it is a population problem.

The population of the Korean country is not large, and as for the army, Emmmm, to put it bluntly, it is just like that.

Other countries have seen a decline in their dominance over other cities, and the Korean country is naturally no exception.

Of course, this is only the first point.

The second point is the aliens. You should know that the previous aliens, although they have extraordinary existence, are not too outrageous after all.

They are still unable to resist human high-tech weapons.

But this time is the second spiritual revival.

As mentioned before, the spiritual revival is accompanied by the evolution of all things.

Aliens are naturally no exception.

This is true from any angle.

The aliens have also begun their second evolution. If it is just like this, it is okay, but the key is that the attitude of the Korean country towards the aliens has always been to keep the enemy in check.

In the situation of encircling the aliens, they did not want to really solve the existence of the aliens.

This is the most critical thing.

Their idea is to use the aliens as a threat and let those ordinary people be exploited by them.

But they did not expect the arrival of the second spiritual revival.

At the same time as the world pattern changed drastically.

The aliens also began a new round of evolution. After this round of evolution, even the most ordinary aliens became extraordinary aliens.

Master their own extraordinary attributes.

Of course, the ordinary aliens mentioned here, those extraordinary aliens that evolved in the first spiritual revival, evolved again this time.

You know, biological evolution is more difficult each time, and another evolution means that the strength of the aliens has been greatly improved.

From a certain perspective, the aliens can be said to be a real extraordinary group.

A truly extraordinary group.

All this, whether it is the upper class or the lower class of the Korean country, did not find anything.

The upper class did not find it because they did not find the abnormal movement of the aliens. For ordinary people, they are already screwing screws every day, and saying 996 is polite, so how can they care about these things.

Life is already very tiring, and it is good to be able to survive, so how can they care about these aliens?

But all this happened later.

The upper class of the Korean country is still in the midst of luxury and indulgence, and immersed in their rule over the lower class.

This is also inevitable.

But think about it.

The situation in Black Continent is even more chaotic, with conflicts between tribes, and the situation there was not much better before the spiritual energy was revived.

Many places still have no water and electricity, but now the spiritual energy has revived.

With the expansion of the Blue Water Star, the distance between Black Continent and other states has become farther.

It is even farther away from the civilized world.

Basically, except for a few countries that are still maintaining the flame of civilization.

Others have become more of a conflict between tribes, which is no different from primitive tribes.

And the most terrible thing in Black Continent is not these things.

The most terrifying thing is those monsters.

You should know that the number of animals in the Black Continent grassland is the largest in the world, without a doubt.

Before the spiritual energy was revived, it was a paradise for animals.

Now after the spiritual energy was revived, it has completely become a paradise for monsters.

For humans there, being hunted by monsters is basically a common occurrence.

No matter from which perspective, the spiritual energy revival is not a good thing for Black Continent. In the past, when something happened, there was still Faji to take care of it.

But now Faji can't protect itself.

And from some perspectives, whether Pharaoh is still the same Pharaoh as before is questionable.

You know, Pharaoh was still the white man speaking before, but after the spiritual energy revived, the black people on Pharaoh's side have begun to rise.

They even shouted the slogan of "white people get out of Pharaoh".

This kind of thing is not groundless, but a serious matter.

So now in Heizhou, even if Pharaoh wants to manage it, he has no ability, because Heizhou has always been Pharaoh's backyard.

Even Eagle sauce dare not intervene easily, otherwise, Pharaoh will really be pissed off.

Eagle sauce will not end well at that time.

Time passed slowly.

Now the countries on the Blue Water Star are all in a mess because of the second spiritual energy revived, which has caused the countries of the whole world to be in a mess.

The increase in territory is a good thing, but at this time, it is not a good thing for any country.

After all, the emergence of extraordinary affairs now is a lot of things to deal with.

Because the territory has become larger, it is far from being as simple as before to centralize power.

So it will be more troublesome to deal with things.

Island Country!!!

A giant beast slowly walked out of the sea, a mutant beast about 100 meters tall.

In the second time of spiritual energy recovery, the strength of this giant beast has become more terrifying.

From the most intuitive data, this giant beast is about to break through the height range of 100 meters.

What is this concept.

It is not a good thing for the current island country. After all, the current island country is in the era of chaebol separatism. Each chaebol world has cooperation and hostility.

But facing this giant beast, they are also very troubled.

The biggest headache for this giant beast is the moving radioactive material.

Even the extraordinary people cannot resist this kind of radiation. As the giant beast becomes stronger, the ability of this radiation is also getting stronger.

It is not a constant thing.

So for the extraordinary people, these radiations are also a fatal thing if they stay for a long time.

"Did it appear again?" Qin Rong looked at the surveillance video from the satellite. Although the satellite can still be used, Qin Rong is not sure how long these satellites can last.

After all, the world changes every day, and the terror index rises.

It is possible that the satellite can be used today, but it can't be used tomorrow. This is also a very normal thing.

Looking at the video sent back from the satellite, Qin Rong took a deep breath. This behemoth is growing too fast. (End of this chapter)

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