Honghuang: With a supernatural understanding, I have opened up three thousand demon worlds

Chapter 257: Raising an enemy to protect oneself will lead to suffering the consequences

Pan Jinxi's heart sank, and he looked at the Alien Emperor, and suddenly thought of something.

"In short, I need an existence that can help me pass on the message. I won't kill all these people, but those who are over 60 years old and have not given birth will die. Resources cannot be wasted like this. Do you understand what I mean?" The Alien Emperor said slowly.

Pan Jinxi's pupils shrank, and he looked at the Alien Emperor.

"Of course, those who are valuable will not die, such as existences like you. I am also very curious about you scholars." The Alien Emperor said slowly.

Compared to humans.

The Alien Emperor was born too recently. Although he has wisdom beyond ordinary people, he also has terrifying military power.

However, there are still many things that the Alien Emperor does not know.

"What do you want to do?" Pan Jinxi asked the Alien Emperor hoarsely.

He had a trace of fear in his heart. The existence of the Alien Emperor was beyond his cognition. After all, no matter from which angle, he knew that the evolution of the aliens was very high.

But he did not expect that there would be such an existence as the Alien Emperor.

"I want to build an alien civilization, a real civilization compared to before." The Alien Emperor said his ambition.

Pan Jinxi's pupils shrank and he looked at the Alien Emperor.

He knew that the Alien Emperor had other intentions, but he didn't expect that the Alien Emperor's ambition was so big.

Build a civilization, a civilization of aliens.

Compared to before.

Alien tribes can only be said to be tribes, not civilizations.

The meaning of the word civilization is not that simple. Order and wisdom are the most basic things of civilization.

"This is impossible." Pan Jinxi said without thinking.

"Nothing is impossible." The Alien Emperor said slowly and looked at Pan Jinxi.

"Among the aliens, except you, even if there is wisdom, it is limited, and there is no way to form a civilization." Pan Jinxi said in a deep voice.

The Alien Emperor is a special existence, and his wisdom is not inferior to any human.

But civilization is not something that can be achieved by one person.

"So I need you." The Alien Emperor said slowly, his tone was also very calm, and he knew very well what the aliens lacked the most now.

"I need you to help me develop a drug that can inspire wisdom." The Alien Emperor said with a gleam in his eyes, looking at Pan Jinxi.

Pan Jinxi's pupils shrank, and he looked at the Alien Emperor with a look of horror in his eyes.

"Don't underestimate me. Although I was born relatively recently, I know a lot of things. Humans are greedy and smart, selfish but selfless, which is a collection of contradictions." The Alien Emperor said lightly.

"Now the choice is in your hands. Either help me research a drug that can develop wisdom, or the entire capital and tens of millions of people will become an incubator for the alien race. You decide." The Alien Emperor said slowly.

Pan Jinxi felt a little heavy in his heart.

How to choose this choice, does he have the power to choose?

There is no Pan Jinxi who knows very well that even if he is not there, there are others who are willing to do this thing. The purpose is very simple, that is, to survive.

"It seems that you have made your choice." The Alien Emperor said slowly.

"Your Majesty, I agree, but I have a condition." Pan Jinxi clenched his fist and looked at the Alien Emperor and said.

"Your Majesty, it's a good title, I like it very much, tell me what your conditions are." The Alien Emperor said slowly and looked at Pan Jinxi.

"I hope Your Majesty can give me some aliens to experiment with. After all, experiments require samples." Pan Jinxi said in a deep voice.

Hearing Pan Jinxi's words, the Alien Emperor nodded.

"In addition to developing medicines that can inspire wisdom, I also need you to study something." The Alien Emperor said slowly.

"What is it?" Pan Jinxi looked at the Alien Emperor with some curiosity.

"Reproduction, the most important thing for a race is reproduction. I need you to study whether aliens can reproduce naturally, just like humans." The Alien Emperor said in a deep voice.

Hearing the words of the Alien Emperor, Pan Jinxi looked at the Alien Emperor with some surprise.

The Alien Emperor did not say anything but turned and left.

Pan Jinxi was also taken away.

However, Pan Jinxi did not know why the Alien Emperor wanted to do this, but Pan Jinxi still agreed.

The Alien Emperor returned to a gorgeous bedroom, squinting his eyes to look at the forest outside.

The location of the Alien Queen.

Compared with the reproduction of the offspring of the aliens, the Alien Emperor knew one thing very well, that is, the offspring of the aliens, except for the queen, the aliens alone have no reproductive ability.

Once the Alien Queen gets old and no new Alien Queen is born, the alien race will face the crisis of extinction.

This is why the Alien Emperor asked Pan Jinxi to study this aspect.

The appearance of the Alien Emperor is not a good thing for the humans on the Blue Water Planet, especially for the entire Blue Water Planet. In the final analysis, up to now, humans are still at the top of the food chain.

Now, it can be clearly seen that the status of humans is gradually changing, whether it is the appearance of monsters or alien races such as aliens.

In comparison, humans are also evolving, but the pace of evolution is too slow.

Compared with monsters and aliens, the rate of human evolution is not slow, but it is still far behind.

The only good news is that the Alien Emperor knows his own race very well, and he also understands one thing.

There is an interdependent relationship between aliens and humans.

At least this is the case now, there is indeed an interdependent relationship between humans and aliens.

Thinking about it, if all human beings die, then the aliens will not be much better.

Before the ability to give birth to offspring has evolved, the alien emperor will not attack humans so easily. This is also the most basic thing.

The Alien Emperor also knew that there was not only one human country on this planet. Compared with other countries, his country was still not ranked high on the entire Blue Star.

Not the strongest, but not the weakest either.

The most important thing is that there is an ancient country next door. These are things that the Alien Emperor learned from the history of Bangzi Country.

The good news is that the alien emperor is not killing people wantonly, but the bad news is that the Bangzi Kingdom has been enslaved.

Overall, it's a mixed bag.

But the only good thing is that after the aliens dominated Bangzi Country, they did not start to exploit the people at the bottom of Bangzi Country like before.

One thing to say, this has to be said to be a kind of irony.

Human beings have no bottom line when it comes to their own kind.

Although the aliens are similar, they are from an alien race and are not belonging to the same ethnic group at all. Everything they do is done as a matter of course.

But the mutual oppression between humans seems so ironic now.

But it was precisely because something like this happened in Bangzi Country that the aliens seized the opportunity. Otherwise, if the aliens were really eliminated with all their strength, would something like this still happen?

It's obviously impossible.

The reason why such a thing happened was entirely because the high-level officials of Bangzi Country were doing evil.

If they didn't seek death like this, then this kind of thing wouldn't happen, right?

In the final analysis, it really is true to that sentence, the evil done by God can still be repaired, but the evil done by oneself cannot survive.

The upper echelons of Bangzi Country fully explained what this sentence meant.

Time passes slowly.

At the moment when Bangzi Country completely fell, the last message was sent directly to the entire world by satellite, and other countries could receive Bangzi Country's signal.

This side of the Dragon Kingdom.

Qin Rong looked at the news coming from above.

"Has Bangzi Kingdom fallen?" Qin Rong took a deep breath and looked at the news from above, and couldn't help but sigh, with a hint of worry in her eyes.

If you think about it, the distance between Bangzi Country and Long Country is not far or even very close.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Rong is worried.

From a certain perspective, the fall of Bangzi Country is not a good thing.

Both Qin Yao and the upper echelons of the Dragon Kingdom knew about the existence of aliens. This was not a kind race.

Especially the last news sent by Bangzi Country.

News about the Alien Emperor was mentioned.

"If you respect yourself by raising bandits, you will suffer the consequences in the end." Qin Rong thought with a hint of disgust in her eyes.

Originally, Qin Rong thought that the island country should be the first to fall, but now it seems that Qin Rong is overthinking.

Of course, this is not the country on the other side of the Black Continent.

As for the Black Continent, it has already fallen. Even the entire continent has basically become a paradise for monsters, and there are countless monsters in it.

Satellites from various countries have monitored a terrifying golden lion king on the Black Continent, with two wings on its back and three lion heads.

An uncrowned monster overlord, a being at the top of the food chain in the Black Continent.

Really big scary creatures.

There are many such creatures in Black Continent.

Qin Rong looked at the information in her hand and saw that the Long Kingdom could not handle the matters in Bangzi Country now.

To be honest, Long Guo is also preparing to deal with greater troubles.

After all, the spiritual energy has revived, and all kinds of monsters and monsters have emerged.

If you want to go to Bangzi Country, you can only ask for your own blessings. For now, this is the case.

The good news is that the aliens from Bangzi Country have not crossed the sea. On the one hand, the alien emperor has not yet thought of expanding outside.

On the other hand, the current water blue star has expanded ten times, and the distance between Bangzi Country and Dragon Country has also been widened ten times.

So even if they want to come over, it's not that simple. (End of chapter)

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