Countless scriptures surrounded the Purple Sky Palace, and the light of the Heavenly Dao bloomed.

This was the third sermon, and also the last sermon of Hongjun.

Time passed slowly, and 30,000 years passed.

As Hongjun opened his eyes, two wheels of the Heavenly Dao Dharma slowly rotated in his eyes.

"Do you have any doubts?" Hongjun looked at the gods of the prehistoric world and said slowly.

"Teacher, what is a saint?" Laozi asked first.

Hongjun said lightly: "Saints, all those below saints are ants!!"

This sentence summarizes what a saint is.

The prehistoric gods in the Purple Sky Palace were a little silent. All those below saints are ants, which means that they are no different from ants in Hongjun's eyes.

"Teacher, how to become a saint?" Yuanshi spoke to Hongjun second.

Hongjun looked at Yuanshi, then at the gods of the prehistoric world and said slowly: "There are three thousand great ways and eight hundred side doors, but they all lead to the same destination. In the end, there are only three ways to achieve enlightenment."

Hongjun hesitated for a moment before continuing.

"The first way: achieve enlightenment with force! You need great perseverance, great magic power, and great supernatural powers to achieve enlightenment."

"The second way: achieve enlightenment with the three corpses! Kill the three corpse gods and finally return to one, and you can achieve enlightenment."

"The third way: achieve enlightenment with merit! With great merit, combined with the foundation of becoming a saint, the purple qi of Hongmeng, you can achieve enlightenment."

Hongjun's words excited the gods of the prehistoric world.

Three ways, each of which can achieve enlightenment successfully.

Prove the way with force, prove the way with the three corpses, and prove the way with merit.

Prove the way with force, that is, take the road of the great way, the way to achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which is also where Hongjun hesitated, but Hongjun still said it, but he didn't make it clear.

The subsequent killing of the three corpses or the attainment of the Tao through merit and virtue are all the ways of heaven.

In fact, Hongjun is the only one who killed the three corpses in the entire prehistoric world. All the six saints in later generations, no matter who they are, have become saints through merit and virtue.

Whether it is the Three Pure Ones, the two saints in the West, or Nuwa, they all took the way of attaining the Tao through merit and virtue.

Relatively speaking, the way of attaining the Tao through killing the three corpses is more like the way Hongjun himself has taken. To put it bluntly, it is a way to open up a new path.

There is only one traditional way to attain the Tao, that is, to attain the Tao through force. This is the most traditional way to attain the Tao, and it is the way of the great road.

Whether it is killing the three corpses or attaining the Tao through merit and virtue, it is the way of heaven.

However, it is too difficult to attain the Tao through force. It requires great perseverance, great magic power, and great supernatural powers. The big here does not mean that the earth is very big, but that it means immeasurable.

It requires accumulation, the accumulation of several kalpas.

Whether it is Yuan Meng, Zulong, Yuanhuang, or Shi Qilin, they were all born at the beginning of the world, and they succeeded in achieving the Tao until the witch and demon calamity.

You should know that their background and talents are the strongest in the infinite heavens and myriad worlds, and they spent countless years.

It is impossible to calculate how many years it took them to achieve the Tao.

It is not to say that you can achieve the Tao just by saying it.

Why is there no one who can achieve the Tao in later generations, including the top great masters such as Zhen Yuanzi, who can achieve the Tao by force.

It is very simple, Hongjun has achieved the Tao.

After achieving the Tao, he completed the Heavenly Dao and completely cut off the road to the Great Dao. This is the reason.

You should know that there are fifty Great Daos, forty-nine Heavenly Daos, and one is missing!

This one is a variable and also a vitality. The Heavenly Dao is incomplete, which is why Hongjun wants to achieve the Heavenly Dao, and also the reason to complete the Heavenly Dao.

So after Hongjun achieved the Tao, it is impossible for the prehistoric creatures to walk the road of the Great Dao, and they can only walk the road of the Heavenly Dao.

Unless you leave the prehistoric world and escape from the heavens and the myriad worlds, you will have the possibility of attaining the Tao.

Otherwise, it is basically impossible to attain the Tao.

The prehistoric gods now naturally cannot know this. By the time they know this, everything is too late.

Tongtian looked at Hongjun with a trace of determination in his eyes: "Teacher, who can become a saint!!!"

Hearing Tongtian's words, a gleam of light flashed in Hongjun's eyes.

The other prehistoric gods held their breath and looked at Hongjun, with a trace of hope and desire in their eyes.

"Under the Heavenly Dao, nine is the base number. Under this seat, there are six saints." Hongjun said slowly.

Hearing Hongjun's words, the prehistoric gods looked at Hongjun with fiery eyes.

Seven primordial purple qi appeared in Hongjun's hands.

"This is the primordial purple qi, and it is also the basis for becoming a saint." Hongjun said slowly.

The prehistoric gods, including the Three Pure Ones, looked at the basis for becoming a saint in Hongjun's hand with enthusiasm.

They did not forget what the primordial purple qi that Hongjun was talking about was, the basis for becoming a saint.

"The Three Pure Ones are born with great merits. They are my true disciples and can become saints!" Hongjun said lightly.

Three primordial purple qi entered the bodies of the Three Pure Ones.

The faces of the Three Pure Ones were filled with uncontrollable joy, even Laozi was the same, with a smile on his face.

"Disciple Laozi (Yuanshi, Tongtian), thank you Master!!" The Three Pure Ones said at the same time.

Hongjun nodded with satisfaction.

Then Hongjun looked at Nuwa: "Nuwa, you should be my inner disciple. You have great merits, great opportunities, and great fortunes. You can become a saint!!!"

Then a primordial purple qi flew into Nuwa's body.

"Disciple Nuwa, thank you Master." Nuwa also had a hint of joy on her face.

The faces of other prehistoric beings were almost distorted by jealousy.

But he didn't dare to do it. Let's not talk about the strength of Sanqing and Nuwa. Now she is different from you who are just listening to the teachings. She is already a disciple of Hongjun.

Before you do it, you should also consider Hongjun's face.

The two people in the West couldn't sit still and looked at Hongjun who closed his eyes to rest.

There were six cushions in the first faction, but only they didn't have any.

"Teacher, my brother and I came from the poor land in the West. Our desire to seek the Tao is rare in the world. Please have mercy on us." Zhunti cried directly.

Hongjun opened his eyes. Although he knew why Zhunti Jieyin was so shameless, he still couldn't help wanting to slap Zhunti.

"Jieyin, Zhunti, you should be my registered disciple. You will also have great merits and can become a saint!!" Hongjun said slowly.

Then two purple air flew into the bodies of Jieyin and Zhunti.

Jie Yin and Zhunti smiled: "Jie Yin (Zunti), thank you Master!!!"

Kunpeng saw this scene, and looked at Hongyun with endless murderous intent in his eyes. If this was not Zixiao Palace, Kunpeng would definitely kill Hongyun directly.

The opportunity to become a saint is gone just like that.

This is more than just a big revenge!

Thinking of this, Kunpeng felt his heart aching and bleeding.

Hongyun looked a little embarrassed and didn't dare to look at Kunpeng. After all, it was because of him that Kunpeng lost the cushion and lost the opportunity to become a saint.

This is a huge cause and effect, even Hongyun, the good guy, can't laugh.

This cause and effect is huge.

Similarly, the smiles on Jie Yin and Zhunti's faces faded, and they also felt a little uncomfortable.

Cause and effect.

When the foundation of becoming a saint appeared, Jie Yin and Zhunti felt the huge cause and effect.

The cause and effect of the two saints, how can they give it back to Hongyun?

But the other gods of the prehistoric world saw Zhunti's crying and it was really useful.

One by one they began to cry and complain, and the entire Zixiao Palace was bustling with activity, as everyone stared at Hongjun holding the last foundation for becoming a saint.

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