Time passed slowly.

After the Three Pure Ones returned to Kunlun.

Laozi went into seclusion directly. This war made Laozi clearly realize a problem. Not becoming a saint is nothing in the eyes of Taiyi Dijun.

Becoming a saint is what he should do most now.

Tens of thousands of years have passed.

After Dijun and Taiyi returned to heaven, they began to prepare, but they did not think of fighting with the Wu clan.

Laozi walked out of Kunlun Mountain, turned into an old man, and looked at the coast of the East China Sea.

Walking towards the coast of the East China Sea, he came to one of the human tribes.

"Is this the race created by Junior Sister Nuwa?" Laozi walked in the human tribe, watching these human tribes develop for their own tribes one by one.

Laozi walked in the human tribe.

Finally settled in a tribe.

Looking at these human races, a sigh rose in his eyes. The human race is really a race chosen by heaven, born with Pangu Dao body, and it does not take as long to grow as other prehistoric races.

The most important thing is that the blood of these human beings is so strong that it is terrifying, just like a furnace. The only thing is that these human beings do not practice immortality.

Laozi traveled among the human race for hundreds of years, and stayed in each tribe of the human race under the pseudonym Li Er for decades.

I found that the human race took a completely different path from other people in the prehistoric world, but it was very similar to the witch tribe.

They also have strong bodies and strong blood like a furnace, but they do not practice the soul. They take the path of will, which cannot be said to be not practicing the soul.

It can only be said that the main practice is the body, with the body as the foundation, and the endless power is integrated into their own body. The fist can break the sky and the foot can split the earth. It is completely the opposite of the Taoism passed down by Hongjun in the prehistoric world.

One focuses on the soul and pays attention to the law of nature, and the other focuses on the body and pays attention to the endless power into oneself.

Different paths naturally face completely different things.

There is no saying that the martial arts and immortals are strong or weak, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Martial arts requires an extremely firm will, and progress is slow in the early stages. Immortal Taoism emphasizes comprehension, and in the early stages, you can grow rapidly.

But once you have mastered martial arts, you can be said to be invincible at the same level, not to mention that martial arts do not have any powerful spells.

Martial arts are all about magical powers. At the level of immortals, martial arts masters of the same realm are invincible in the flesh, and also have powerful attacking magical powers.

As for immortals, it can only be said that they have advantages over martial arts in terms of lifespan and practice.

Compared with martial arts and immortals, especially in the early stages, without a firm will to practice martial arts, you can't go on at all. This threshold alone has stopped countless people.

To give a simple example, two people practice martial arts and immortals at the same time. The other person can fly and cast brilliant spells, and his lifespan has broken the limit and has at least a few hundred years of lifespan. You are still polishing your physical blood and running on the ground, without any brilliant magical powers, and your lifespan has not increased much.

In comparison, would you choose martial arts or immortals?

Although martial arts can be invincible at the same level, that is after growing up. In the early stage, martial arts cannot compare with immortal cultivators.

This is something that cannot be denied.

After all, this is the fact.

I have traveled in the human tribe for hundreds of years and found that the overall life span of the human race is very short, compared with other races in the prehistoric world.

Millions of years and tens of millions of years are too short, and as long as you become an immortal, you can enjoy eternal life. The life span of the human race is really too short.

Most of them are trapped to death at the peak of the human way. To cross the gate between immortals and mortals is like ascending to heaven.

This is the shortcoming of martial arts. Although it is powerful, compared with immortals, the biggest problem is the problem of life span.

In short, martial arts has been a full attack and defense existence from the beginning. What about immortals? From the beginning, the blood bar is full and the survivability is full.

It can only be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it cannot be said that immortals are not as good as martial arts, and martial arts are not as good as immortals.

Hundreds of years have given Laozi a sense of enlightenment. The human race was born to meet the calamity, and they are born with great luck. Moreover, they are accompanied by the appearance of the treasure of luck. All these phenomena make Laozi feel that the human race is not simple.

Then Laozi stayed in an unknown tribe.

He began his preaching journey and initially taught the human race some basic cultivation methods of the immortal way.

On Chaos Island!

Yuan Meng looked at the coast of the East China Sea with endless laws in his eyes.

He saw the scene of Laozi preaching among the human race, but Yuan Meng did not stop him.

Similarly, Nuwa in the Nuwa Palace in the chaos also knew about Laozi's preaching among the human race, knowing that Laozi's preaching would take away her own human luck.

But Nuwa had no choice. This was Laozi's way to become a saint.

It was also the trend of the heavenly way that could not be changed. As for asking Laozi to establish another religion to become a saint?

That was impossible.

As the foundation of the inheritance of all the ways, the human race, no matter what race or what tradition, can be passed down among the human race.

Even if there are later Buddhism, Jiejiao, and Chanjiao, where is the final orthodoxy?

It is still among the human race.

I am not stupid. Why don’t I establish a good human religion and establish other sects?

I think too much.

As for Yuan Meng, he can stop it, but why should he stop it?

It is also a good thing for other sects to flourish and bear fruit among the human race, of course, I don’t mean the bad ones like me.

If the human race only follows the martial arts, it is not a good thing. The martial arts are not suitable for everyone in the human race. This is the biggest feature of the human race.

The ability to integrate into any Taoist practice is something that other races do not have.

For example, if you ask the witches to practice leisure and magic, is it possible?

Is it possible for the monsters to practice immortality and magic?

Each race in the prehistoric world has its own heritage.

Even Yuan Meng's martial arts is not suitable for all prehistoric races, but only for races with strong physiques.

The human race is just an exception. This is why the human race can become the overlord. It is not because of the saints, but because of the human race itself.

On Chaos Island.

"Master." A weak voice came.

The six-eared macaque, carrying a ten-meter-high round stone, has wet his hair with sweat.

There is no fluctuation of mana in himself, standing there.

"What's wrong?" Yuan Meng said without looking back.

That round stone was made by Yuan Meng using the stars of a galaxy. It has the weight of a galaxy and is now carried by the six-eared macaque with his body.

"Time's up." The six-eared macaque grinned as he looked at the three long incense sticks in front of him that had already burned out.

"Really?" Yuan Meng glanced at the six-eared macaque. He relied on his body to carry the weight of a galaxy. This was only the strength of his body, not his magic power.

"Not enough." Yuan Meng said lightly. Time passed on the burnt incense sticks. The next moment, the three long incense sticks returned to the state they had just been lit.

The six-eared macaque grinned and shut his mouth honestly.

You have to know that this is the galaxy of the prehistoric world, not the galaxy of other worlds. It is completely incomparable.

Simply put, it is a matter of quality.

A strong man who can blow up a mountain in other worlds may only be able to crush a small stone in the prehistoric world.

This is the difference.

The different dimensions of the world lead to completely different qualities of the same thing in different worlds.

Now, the Six-Eared Macaque can withstand the weight of a galaxy with his physical body, because his physical body is extremely strong.

Yuan Meng was fishing in the sea while training the Six-Eared Macaque leisurely.

After all, he is his formal disciple. If he loses in the competition with his peers in the future, he can't afford to lose face.

Moreover, the Six-Eared Macaque is a good seedling, and Yuan Meng must polish him well.

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