Jia Yingchun also knew about this proposal and hurriedly raised his glass and said, "No!"——”

“That's it. It's quite naughty when you think about it! "Shi Xiangyun's playful spirit aroused, "My eldest sister-in-law loves my sister-in-law, can you go and have some fun?"”

Wang Xifeng smiled angrily and said: "You are the third girl! I have no objection, but you go ask me, old lady!"”

The girls got the answer and were very happy。


“good! Go to Brother Hong!”

“Sister Bao is leaving!”

With this pull, Jia Tanchun connected Yingchun, Xichun and Shi Xiangyun, and then led Xue Baochai.。

During this period, the chess players, the waiters, and Ru Hua at the small table saw their master leaving the table, and asked Yuanyang to encourage them, and a group of maids followed Yingying Yanyan.。

However, Qin Keqing grabbed the attacker and said, "Okay. I heard the old lady said something about my sister, so you can't follow me to make trouble. You go first and sit with your wife Ping for a while.。”

When Xiren heard this, his face was filled with peach blossoms, and he obediently left the table and went to Ping'er's table.。

Naturally, Wang Xifeng and Qin Keqing stopped playing along.。

Madam going to make trouble will inevitably cause Jia Yuanchun to misunderstand。

As for Jia Baoyu, she chatted happily with Qin Zhong。

This Qin Zhong was so handsome that Jia Baoyu felt inferior to him. In addition, he got excited about chatting and was already obsessed with it for a long time, so he ignored the sisters to make trouble.。

“By the way, good sister-in-law! "Jia Baoyu hurriedly called Wang Xifeng。

Wang Xifeng smiled politely and said: "What's the matter? Second Master Bao can take care of your brother Hong!”

Jia Baoyu said: "My master has gone home, and I have been neglecting my studies. It turns out that my father called me to go to the private school at home."。”

“I just happened to have a chat with Jing Qing, and I want to ask you: Can we go to Anfu Academy to study?”

Wang Xifeng was surprised when she heard this. After all, Qin Zhong was Qin Keqing's younger brother, so naturally he didn't point fingers and just watched Qin Keqing speak.。

Although Qin Keqing had only the same affection for his adoptive father and this younger brother, he always took care of him.。

Seeing that the two of them were quite affectionate, she covered her mouth and said with a smile: "This has become my fault. It turns out that my father also mentioned the issue of Jingqing's extension of the division, but I haven't told Master Jing yet. I will make arrangements for you two later.。”


“Hey sister……”Qin Zhong pursed his lips and said。

Although his father Qin Ye did not mention the identity of this sister, he often respected his sister at home, which inevitably made Qin Zhong a little timid.。

Qin Keqing raised his hand slightly and said: "If you get tired of playing with Mr. Bao later, just go and stay in the west front yard. If you have a good time, stay a few more days. What do you think?"”

Qin Zhong was overjoyed when he heard this, but Jia Baoyu was the first to respond: "Okay, thank you second sister-in-law! If you can tell my father... that you need to be careful about respecting the master, we can prepare for a few days! That would be better!"”

When Wang Xifeng and Qin Keqing heard this, they couldn't help laughing and agreed temporarily.。


At this time, at the main table of the South Hall, a group of pretty girls came to the table of elders.。

Jia Tanchun made the decision: "Ancestor! We want it! Have a wedding!”

main table。

Looking at these girls, the ladies couldn't help but smile after hearing this.。

“Hi! Jia Mu smiled angrily and said, "You can play!"”

“The sisters who also got votes came over! I’m not afraid of scaring Brother Hong, and I’m not worried about your eldest sister either!”

“Ancestor! Shi Xiangyun shook his shoulders, "Just let us play!"”

“Yes, ancestor!”

“Old lady, just agree! !”

“A rare opportunity!”

All the girls and maids came to support, and their voices were full of excitement。

When Jia Mu heard this, her face was filled with joy。

The custom of having a wedding ceremony is to allow the juniors and servants in the family to get involved during the wedding.。

There is no distinction between elder and younger, just making jokes with the two people who are married.。

Naturally, Jia Mu felt that it was good to establish a relationship with the county prince's palace, relying on elders like them? How shameless!

She patted Mrs. Wang's hand and said kindly: "My dear, you are laughing at the naughty girls.。”

Mrs. Wang and Chen Yun were happy。

Seeing these girls, one or two of them have beautiful faces and charming faces.。

It’s not too late to like it! Who cares?

Mrs. Wang said softly: "Girls, just go ahead! It's a custom, and it has its own reasons! You say so, dear relatives!"”

Chen Yun then ordered: "If you have nothing to do, just play. Baby girl, just keep an eye on me. Call the maids at home to join us to celebrate the occasion."。”

After hearing the words 'maid at home', Xue Baochai's face suddenly turned red.。

I don’t know if it was Chen Yun’s slip of the tongue or if it was intentional. Xue Baochai could not help but have thoughts in her mind... Fortunately, her mother was not at the table at this moment, so there was no need for detailed explanations, which broke the hazy beauty of the slip of the tongue.。

Xue Baochai hurriedly said: "Okay, madam. I will call the girl at home later."。”

“well! When Jia Mu heard this, she was very happy and waved her hand: "Just go." You have to talk to us later about how you made trouble with Brother Hong and the eldest girl!”

After all, Li Wan, who gave birth to Lan'er to Jia Hong, is also the grandma of Rong Mansion, and now she is also accompanying the elders at this table.。

As a "widow", she originally did not dare to be too willful。

But thinking about that day in Changchun Garden, she and Jia Yuanchun were also pulling each other's pigtails. Now that Jia Yuanchun and Jia Hong were married, she could not help but turn green with envy.。

In addition to being drunk, Li Wan hurriedly said: "Old lady, madam, why don't I go over with the girls?”

“After all, Brother Hong and the eldest girl are on business today. Although it's fine to play around, don't do it randomly! I'll go take a look, so you can feel more at ease!”

“Eh! Sister-in-law is going?”

“It's okay, what are we doing?”

“But play seriously, not nonsense!”

Li Wan glanced at Shi Xiangyun angrily, "Tell me, Miss Yun, how can you play seriously?”

“That——”Shi Xiangyun rolled his eyes and said playfully: "Let's give Brother Hong some lantern riddles to guess. If he answers wrong, he will have to drink. If he makes too many mistakes, he will not be allowed to enter the house!”

“I just happened to have picked up a few good mysteries recently, which will definitely stump Brother Hong!”

The elders nodded when they heard this, and they went back to playing and having fun, but they were all unmarried girls, so naturally they shouldn't go too far.。

Li Wan then said: "That's okay. The Sichun sisters are also good at music, chess, calligraphy and painting. If you three sisters each pass another test, the other girls can take what they are good at and give him a good test."。”

“Isn’t it interesting and fun?”

After hearing this, the girls thought it was okay.。

“I feel relieved that the palace judge is here. Mrs. Wang looked at Li Wan with a smile and said, "It sounds really good, so as not to make that fool think that getting married is easy!"”

Jia Mu then smiled and said, "Okay, let your sister-in-law follow you! Just take the exam well!"”


“Thank you, ancestors!”

After the girls got permission, they naturally left in a hurry and left through the back door.。

A group of maids carried a lot of wine bottles, and they were definitely going to have a good time! If they don’t drink, then they have to force the groom to drink!

Afterwards, the girls entered through the back gate and saw the carved beams and painted pillars in the back garden, with landscapes on the left and right, which was full of elegance.。

Just as he walked to Yingyue Lake and Huxin Tower, Jia Tanchun saw Xue Baochai laughing non-stop。

“Sister Bao, why are you laughing all the way?”

The girls all looked over after hearing this and stopped in front of the Huxin Tower.。

Xue Baochai smiled and said: "What Sister-in-law Zhu said is of course good, but Brother Hong - although he is careless and a general, he really can't defeat him with the things he did just now!”

“That's it! Shi Xiangyun said unexpectedly: "If it is too easy, it will be boring." Sister Bao, what suggestions do you have?”

Everyone naturally pricked up their ears after hearing this. After all, they only come here occasionally.。

But Xue Baochai has lived in Anguofu for several years, so he naturally knows Jia Hong better.。

Xue Baochai covered his mouth and said with a smile: "Okay, I won't say anything more. Let's test my brother based on his original statement first. Just see how he talks nonsense. We still can't tell who is causing trouble!"”

The girls couldn't help but become curious after hearing this。

He simply quickened his pace and arrived at Qing'an Hall in a short while.。

The doors are open all the way, so it's convenient to walk in.。


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