“Although I don’t know how you got this information, don’t think that because you know this information, you have the qualifications to compete with us.。”

“The power we have when we unite is beyond anyone’s imagination!”

“Even the King of Quan and the Great Priest are absolutely no match for me!”

“But now that you know so much and insist on seeking death, I will help you now。”

After a brief shock, Dragon God Salama's expression returned to normal.。

He felt that Qin Yu was just being alarmist.。

So what if I know they can fuse together? Even I can't estimate their power after merging.。

How difficult is it to kill a mere Saiyan?

“You've said you'll kill me countless times, so stop talking nonsense! Show me your true skills!”

Qin Yu raised the corner of his mouth, and then rushed directly towards the Dragon God Salama.。

He punched out again。

Thousands of fist shadows once again enveloped the Dragon God Salama。

Salama also punched out, and their fists collided again.。


Time and space are constantly distorting, as if every moment will be destroyed。


The battle lasted for half an hour. This was another improvement in Dragon God Salama's strength.。

Because although he cannot absorb energy from Qin Yu, the dragon god Salama can absorb the divine power generated by other people's battles.。

As time goes by, Sun Wukong, Vegeta and Gabe are all at a disadvantage.。

You must know that the enemy they face is extraordinary.。

First of all, they had no choice but to kill them with absolute power. Secondly, in that anxious battle, their divine power was constantly being absorbed.。


“What the hell is going on with these bastards? Like an unkillable cockroach。”

Son Wuhan and Piccolo looked very solemn.。

The two of them teamed up to deal with the evil god Mal, and were defeated by him alone in the end.。

You must know that both of them have made breakthroughs and their strength has been greatly improved.。

Especially Piccolo, after comprehending the sage martial arts of Namek, he has become a god.。

No less powerful than Super Saiyan Blue……

And Sun Wuhan is stronger。

Neither of them could defeat an evil god together, and their god's power was almost completely absorbed!

“Oops, even though Master has told us the weaknesses of these guys。”

“But with our strength, we still can't defeat them。”

At this time, Gabe's face was very solemn.。

Master has long told them that evil gods can absorb their power, so under normal circumstances, do not attack with energy!

But they couldn't control it at all。

If there is no energy attack, he will not lose faster.。

“This hateful bastard seems to be much stronger than before。”

Kafisi also looks ugly。

He and Gabe teamed up to deal with Haz, and now they are at an absolute disadvantage.。

On the other hand, on Qin Yu's side, only Broly can still have the upper hand.。

Because after Broly became a Super Saiyan, he did not have any divine power.。

Therefore, Yamoshi cannot absorb Broly's energy.。

At this time, Yamosi was also badly beaten by Broly, and he will probably be completely killed soon.……

After absorbing a large amount of divine power, Dragon God Salama。

At this time, the strength once again surpassed Qingyu。


Dragon God Salama and Qin Yu punched each other, and Qin Yu's body retreated several hundred feet.

My fist feels a little numb!

“This guy's power has increased again. Am I going to become Super Saiyan IV?”

“But that brat, King Quan, hasn’t come yet. If I become Super Saiyan 4 now, I may not be able to achieve the expected results by then.。”

Qin Yu frowned and thought secretly in his heart。

His purpose is not just to kill the dragon god, Salama and other evil gods。

He also wants to use his own power to control multiple time spaces and universes。

In this universe, it is impossible for two controllers to exist at the same time。

Therefore, whether it is Dragon God Salama or King Quan, they no longer need to exist today.……

“How about it? small bug。”

“This is the siphoning ability you know. I have said it before. If you know it, what can you do?”

“Because even if you know it, you can't resist it。”

Dragon God Salama said to Qin Yu with a sneer.。

Now his strength has once again far surpassed that of this human being。

It's just a matter of time to kill him。

“Isn't it just a slight advantage? Are you already getting carried away?”

Qin Yu tilted his head and said coldly to Dragon God Salama。

“Even when death is imminent, he is still uttering such arrogant words!”

“Then next, I will kill you completely!”

For some reason, every time this guy speaks, especially the confident curve of his mouth, it makes Dragon God Salama even more intolerable.。

call out……

The next second, Dragon God Salama's body flashed towards Qin Yu again。

This time his speed and quantity have been greatly improved!

Obviously, this time he planned to completely eliminate Qin Yu!

“It seems like this guy has murderous intentions。”

“If this is the case, I may not need to continue to retain my strength!”

After feeling the murderous intention of Dragon God Salama, Qin Yu thought in his heart。

If I still retain my strength now, I guess there will really be some danger.。

As for what happens in the future, you can make your own plans later!

After thinking about it, Qin Yu clenched his fist tightly.。

Just when I was about to improve my strength,。


Suddenly, four figures appeared in front of Qin Yu。


The four people who suddenly appeared were King Quan, his two guards, and Qin Sili.。

Qin Sili quickly ran to Qin Yu with an excited look on her face.。

“Well, did you have fun?”

Qin Yu rubbed Qin Sili's little head and asked with a smile。

No matter when, Qin Yu always has a happy smile on his face when he sees his daughter.。

“OK! The two of us had a great time。”

“By the way, Quan Wang doesn’t even know the Three Character Classic! I even taught him! But he is so stupid that he can’t learn even after being taught.。”

Qin Sili nodded, and then said with some disgust。


Qin Yu has a black line on his head. It seems that the two of them are really playing well.。

“Qin Yu, please step back and rest first!”

“Leave the rest of the matter to me. Take care of it.。”

King Quan turned his head and said to Qin Yu。

Then he looked at the Dragon God Salama...

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