
The entire space and time was trembling violently, and black and white energy beams were released from the sky.。

It's like a doomsday scene。

“So strong, this can't be such a powerful force。”

At this moment, Beerus, Sun Wukong and others all looked at the silver-white light.。

It's too strong, it's simply not an energy they can understand!


“This is the almighty dark energy, it seems to be stronger than I imagined。”

A low voice came out from the white light group, and then the light group dissipated little by little.。

A black figure appeared in everyone's sight。

The whole body is black and white, with a silver-white clock on the chest, six tentacles on the top of the head, the eyes are red, and there are also two lines of blood and tears at the corners of the eyes.。

At this time, Dragon God Salama has completely turned into a full demon!

“This creature was so strong, his energy made me feel a lot of pressure, and my body even started to tremble!”

Even the always arrogant Broly was clenching his fists and his body was trembling slightly.。

Although I am not afraid of death, I will feel a sense of fear from the bottom of my heart when facing the all-demon Salama.。

“Soon, my dark energy will flood the multidimensional universe, and this world and all other worlds will become my domain.。”

“Kid, the debt between us should be settled properly now.。”

After Dragon God Salama muttered a few words to himself, he looked at Quan Wang。

This is his ultimate goal, to kill all kings and then become the ruler of all worlds。

“You are so shameless, young man. Do you think you can compete with Master Quan Wang in this state?”

Lei Zuku looked at Quanmo Salama coldly.。

Although he also felt a lot of pressure from this guy's body。

But if you want to disrespect the king, they will never forgive you!


“Hand of God, let me experience your true power now!”

Quanmo Salama waved to Lei Zuku and Qingze.。

Now I don't take them seriously at all。

Even if Quan Wang fused his own hand of God, he would definitely not be a match for his omniscient and omnipotent self!

“What a smug bastard!”

“In this case, let us kill you completely!”

Lei Zuku and Qingze jumped up and instantly appeared in front of the demon Salama.。

Boo hoo hoo……

The two of them attacked instantly。

They also seem to know that the demon Salama can absorb the power of God。

So he didn't use the power of God to attack, but just used the simplest and most direct fist to hit him.。

The speed of the two of them was very, very fast. Even Salama, who had just turned into a full demon, seemed to be at a disadvantage in an instant.。

Bang bang!

The next second, their fists hit Salama's chest almost at the same time.。

Salama's body flew out upside down……

“What? Are all the king's guards so powerful?”

“I didn't even see what they were doing!”

Sun Wukong, Beerus and others all looked shocked.。

They had known for a long time that King Quan's guards were very strong, but they didn't expect them to be so strong.。

Even Salama, who has turned into a full demon, is not their opponent?

“Although the painting style of those two guys is very simple, they are ridiculously strong.。”

“These guys are simply not something we can handle.。”

“Now it seems that even if the location is suggested, we can't help at all.。”

Piccolo frowned tightly and said in a low voice。

The battle at this time has gone far beyond their imagination。

Even if they become gods, they can't interfere!

“Those guys are so strong. I don’t know if Master can handle them.。”

Gabe and Kaffis looked solemn.。

Although they have always believed in Qin Yu's power and believed that he was invincible!

But the all-demon Salama in front of me, and the two guards with simple paintings, are simply too powerful!

So they couldn't help but worry。

“Don't worry! Dad's strength can definitely defeat them!”

At this moment, Qin Sili said firmly。

In her mind, dad is always the strongest。

No matter how powerful the enemy is, he can't be my father's opponent!

While everyone was talking, Quan Mo Salama stood up again。

“snort! Is that all you have?”

“I have completely seen your tricks just now, so you can go and die next!”

Quanmo Salama clenched his fist. The reason why he didn’t just kill them both at once was。

Mainly because he wanted to experience the power of God's hand。

Now, I have almost learned their fighting skills。

So there is no need for them to exist!

“Don't get too carried away, Salama.。”

“If you want to kill us, you don't have the ability yet。”

After Qingze said something, his body suddenly jumped up。

Appeared directly on top of Leizuku's head。

“The two of them formed a triangle with their hands at the same time。”

“god shield……”

Then, the two small balls like antennas above their heads suddenly fired a very, very strong lightning bolt.。

He struck directly at the all-demon Salama.。

The lightning was dozens of feet thick and instantly swallowed up the entire demon Salama.。

“Was... killed?”

“too strong!”

Seeing that the Demon Salama was hit from the front, Beerus and the others screamed in excitement.。

Just now, the two guards of Quan Wang had very strong attacks.。

It can be said that it contains the energy to destroy the entire world.。

With this kind of energy, even if it can't be killed, the whole demon Salama will be seriously injured.。

“It seems that the attack of the Hand of God is completely useless against the all-demon Salama.。”

“Moreover, the energy they had just seemed to have been absorbed by the demon Salama!”

Qin Yu watched the battle between the three of them seriously!

Then he spoke calmly and said。

It is undeniable that Quanwang's two guards are very powerful, but there is still a big gap between them and Quanmo Salama.。

Therefore, their attack just now had no effect. Instead, it sent a stronger energy to the demon Salama.。

“I said... you can go die!”

The body of Quanmo Salama suddenly appeared, directly in front of Lei Zuku and Qingze。

Then he punched out directly with both fists, hitting both of them in the lower abdomen.。

Wow wow……

Blood spurted out from their mouths at the same time, and their bodies flew out directly, landing in front of King Quan.

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