Qin Yu nodded and said to the great priest。

In fact, he never considered absorbing the power of the King at all. This was just an unexpected gain.。

You must know that when King Quan proposed this proposal, Qin Yu himself was a little afraid.。

Because that guy is the master of the universe after all, and he may have some means to absorb him, and then he will bite him back.。

Fortunately, this didn't happen。

“Did Lord Quan Wang ask for it?”

“It seems that the Dragon God Salama is even more powerful than I imagined, and not even King Quan can handle it.。”

The expression of the high priest seems to have faded a little.。

But it quickly returned to normal。

“Now that you have absorbed King Quan's power, you are now the new King Quan.。”

The high priest looked at Qin Yu very respectfully and said。

“Let me give you control of time and space for the time being!”

“By the way, let me ask you something. Do you know where Weiss and Bardos went with No. 18?”

Qin Yu is now eager to know their whereabouts on the 18th.。

Because I can't feel where they are going。

“I don't know this either。”

“This battle was too fierce, and the turbulence of time and space was severe。”

“With the power of Weiss and Bardos, they may not be able to return to the designated time and space in such violent turmoil!”

The great priest thought for a while and said with a serious face.。

This time and space turbulence is too severe。

So it is very possible that they have reached other actual control。

“Is that so?”

“The problem seems a bit serious?”

“Okay, I have dealt with the whole demon Salama, and I will leave everything to you for the time being.。”

Qin Yu patted the great priest on the shoulder and said。

I don’t have much interest in doing things like being the King of All for the time being.。

Maybe you will have this idea after you find No. 18 and Broly.。

“Ok, I see。”

The great priest nodded.。

“Well, then I'll go find them first.。”

After Qin Yu finished speaking, his body disappeared in front of the great priest again.。


Time passes little by little。

At this time, in a huge universe。

Weiss, Bardos and No. 18 suddenly appeared。

“Where are we now?”

Xiao Sili asked curiously。

Because she suddenly felt that there was a lot of strong aura in this place。

Those auras were quite strong, probably far more powerful than myself and Broly.。

“I, I don’t know exactly what happened!”

“Originally, I wanted to go back to our time and space, but the time and space were too turbulent, so I wasn't sure where we were.”

“It's just that in this universe, I feel very strong pressure。”

At this time, Weiss on the side said with a very solemn expression.。

Even when I saw the King Quan and the Great Priest, I had never felt such a huge sense of oppression.。

It's as if the gods in this world far exceed those in their world。

“I feel it too。”

“We may have passively entered an incredible world!”

“The power of the gods here is really too great. Even my father's power is far less powerful than these people.。”

Bados also had a look of fear on his face。

Logically speaking, angels are not afraid?

Even if he is killed, he will never have such thoughts!

But now, she suddenly felt this way。

“What is going on? I wonder if Qin Yu can find us。”

No. 18 also had a sad look on his face。

It doesn't matter if something goes wrong for you, but a woman must not let anything happen to her.。

And he was very worried now. Did Qin Yu get rid of the all-demon Salama?

“not good。”

“There are a lot of scents coming towards us, and I feel that these scents are very familiar.。”

“It must be the aura of Saiyans!”

At this moment, Broly suddenly said。

Although he is usually very militant, at this time he actually felt a lot of pressure。

It's like after arriving in this world, my power has been suppressed。

Moreover, more importantly, there is a bloodline suppression。

As for why he feels this way, he still doesn't know.。

Boo hoo hoo……

And at this moment。

Almost as soon as Broly's voice fell, five figures suddenly appeared in front of them.。

Then surround them。

“Are they... Saiyans?”

Saiyans are easy to identify because they have a long tail behind them。

The tails of these people are not wrapped around their waists, but are swinging flexibly behind their backs.。

Moreover, all of them grinned and had long canine teeth, like apes that have not yet completed their evolution.。

But from their bodies, there is unparalleled power。

“Chi Chi Chi……”

“Since so many prey have come and landed on our Saiyan planet,。”

“It's so good, I haven't eaten human flesh in a long time。”

One of the Saiyans bared his teeth and claws, pursed his lips with his tongue, and had a greedy look in his eyes.。

“This, what is going on?”

“It seems that they are Saiyans, but how could Saiyans possess such terrifying power?”

Weiss and Bardos were completely confused!

To know the power of Saiyans, they know very well that Qin Yu and Broly are very powerful Saiyans.。

And this kind of Saiyan is a mutated Saiyan.。

But each of these people in front of me seems to be so powerful。

“Tsk, although calling you wild monkeys is equivalent to scolding yourself, the way you look really makes me sick!”

“Damn it, you actually treat us as food, then I will show you how powerful I am。”

Broly's strength is already quite powerful.。

So I was naturally very unhappy with these Saiyans in front of me.。

Especially judging from their tone, they seem to regard people like themselves as food.。

This made him even more unbearable。

“Chi chi chi, does the little mouse still want to resist?”

“That's fine. If you don't resist, it would be a bit boring.。”

The Saiyan who just spoke still grinned and said。

“Master Wife, Xiao Sili, please step back first。”

“Let me see how awesome they are!”

He said something to No. 18, Qin Sili and others.。

His face doesn't look good at this time。

Although he felt very unhappy, he also felt that these people put a lot of pressure on him.。

ps: I recommend a friend's new book "Dragon Ball Gets a God-Level System". Friends who like Dragon Ball must read it. It's very interesting.

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