Chapter 202: Three months of training

In the end, they chose a relatively desolate planet。

On this planet, some relatively low-end humans survive。

It looks similar to Earth, but the technology is much more advanced than Earth's。

“Let’s settle on this planet for now!”

“The combat effectiveness of humans on this planet is generally relatively low.。”

Qin Yu and everyone moved to this place instantly。

Of course, this low combat effectiveness is only generally speaking。

Compared to Qin Yu and Broly, their combat effectiveness is naturally much weaker.。

However, a large number of people have combat capabilities of over 100 million, which means。

They have super Saiyan strength comparable to Son Goku.。

“Well, this planet's combat effectiveness is relatively low and it is more suitable for habitation.。”

Weiss and Bardos also nodded.。

I think this planet is more suitable for temporary residence。

Broly and others naturally had no other ideas.。

After all, Master Qin Yu chose this planet, so naturally they had nothing to say。

trust it completely!

“Okay, since everyone has no objections, let’s find a place to live first!”

A few people found a relatively quiet community。

There are several villas inside。

In this way, no one will be disturbed。

They can practice with peace of mind here。

In the end, Kyle and Bardos shared a room, Weiss, Broly, and Gabe shared a room.。

Xiao Sili has her own room。

As for Qin Yu, it’s more comfortable.。

“Okay, I think everyone has seen their rooms!”

“Then in the next time, I will create a room similar to the spiritual time room。”。

“In this case, everyone can practice there。”

Wait until the rooms are assigned。

Qin Yu began to prepare for training。

You must know that there are many strong people in this time and space, even ordinary Saiyans can become so powerful!

Then some gods above the Saiyans, or other races, will definitely be more powerful!

If you can't continue to improve your current strength, then you probably won't be able to protect yourself and the people you want to protect.。

Not only do you need to improve your own strength,。

Others need to improve too。

Because I can't be by their side all the time!

Take what happened this time as an example。

If they hadn't appeared in time, their lives would have been in danger by now.。

Therefore, it is very important to improve your own strength!

“OK, Master。”

“After seeing the strength of those guys, I can't wait to improve my own strength!”

Gabby and Broly both looked excited。

You must know that they were very helpless before。

Especially Broly, when everyone has high hopes for him。

But he found that he couldn't cope with the situation in front of him at all.。

This will make him quite uncomfortable。

That feeling of guilt is really frustrating.。

Therefore, he needs to increase his strength quickly。

Only with enough power can he protect Xiao Sili and Kaier.。

“By the way, you two need to practice too。”

“At our time, you were very powerful and existed at the top of this pyramid.。”

“But it’s completely different here, and I think you feel it too!”

Qin Yu turned his head and said to Weiss and Bados。

They are no longer invincible in this place。

So they need to practice。

And it requires very hard practice。

“Of course, Master Qin Yu。”

“It’s just that we are angels, no matter how strong we are in training, there is nothing we can do, we can fight with all our strength。”

Weiss spoke.。

This is the limit of their angels。

Although it has very powerful energy, it cannot be used casually。

“You don’t have to worry about this, I will remove all restrictions on you。”

“This way, you can fight as you like。”

Qin Yu smiled and said。

After all, he now has the power of the king, and it is easy to relieve the restrictions on Weiss and Bardos.。

“Master Qin Yu, is it true?”

Weiss and Bardos shouted in surprise at this moment。

In the previous world, they had great strength, but due to various restrictions they could only watch others fight or teach others. It was difficult for them to intervene in the battles in the world.。

It also made them quite frustrated.。

It's like having a dragon-slaying sword on your body, but when you see the person you want to chop, you can only stare.。

Putting a precious sword on your body is like scrap metal. Thinking about this feeling makes you feel uncomfortable.。

“Just stand still and don't move!”

After Qin Yu said this, he lightly touched the void in front of him.。

The restrictions that were originally bound to Weiss and Bados were directly erased.。

“there is none left?”

Bados and Weiss immediately felt that the power that originally bound them like iron chains had completely disappeared.。

“Next, you two should seize the opportunity to practice and become as strong as you can.。”

When Qin Yu saw their excited looks, a happy smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.。

Next, Qin Yu's main training target is Broly.。

Broly's current strength still has a lot of room for improvement. After all, he is the legendary Super Saiyan.。

Now we have only developed the Super Sailor, the second phase.。

There are also the third, fourth, fifth and sixth extreme stages that have not yet been developed.。

Even the realm of Super Saiyan God has not been touched.。

If you can reach this level, even if you deal with the previous Saiyans, you will definitely not be so embarrassed.。

It’s just that De Broly now has two evolution routes.。

Each one is quite strong.。

I just don’t know which evolutionary path he will choose.。

So Qin Yu still left the choice to Broly.。

“Broly, there are two evolutionary routes for you to choose from. One is the evolution route of the Super Saiyan body, which is no different from the Saiyans you encountered before.。”

“The second evolutionary route is the Quan Sai Shen………I believe you have seen how powerful it is. In fact, both evolutionary routes have their own advantages.。”

“I want to become an all-race god like my master……”

As soon as Qin Yu finished speaking, Broly immediately made his choice. In fact, he had already decided on it when he was young.。

“That's good, but the next training won't be that easy! You and Gabe, just come with me. I will train you for three months first. In these three months, we will see how much you can grow.。”

Qin Yu nodded lightly, and then took Gabe and Broly to exercise first.

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