At this moment, in the abyss of the universe, Kenoa saw the scene of the battle appearing in the crystal ball at this moment, and then he felt a little bad.。

He pinned all his hopes on Jiguraya, but from the picture in the crystal ball, it can be seen that Jiguraya's current state is not special. Qin Feng's combat effectiveness is quite good, and Jiguraya At this time, Raya was almost beaten and retreated. It seemed that failure was only a matter of time.。

“Waste and waste are all waste... none of them can be used? "Kloe also shouted out in anger at this time. He originally placed all his hopes on Jigulaya.。

But Jiguraya's performance was far from what he imagined.。

“Master Kenoa said that he was in another universe, that there was an all-king existence. Although Jiguraya's strength was quite good, how could he be his opponent in the face of such a person with all-king strength?”

Sakana said this to Knoya at this time. After all, the All-King is the most powerful existence in the entire universe. Although it does not belong to the All-King in this time and space, But his identity is genuine. He just came to this world and was restricted by the rules of this world. When he adapted to the rules of this side and improved his strength, In this universe, only Quan Wang can compare with him.。

“According to what you say, he must be dealt with directly before he has completely recovered the power of the King. Otherwise, it will be impossible to find opportunities to deal with him in the future? "Knoya's eyes flashed with a scarlet light at this moment.。

And at this moment, his mind was spinning rapidly, thinking of ways to deal with Qin Yu.。

“Don't you have a magical drug that can suddenly increase the body's fighting power dozens of times?”

At this moment, Kenoa seemed to have thought of something and looked at Sakana next to him.。

“Ah, Lord Kenoa, what are you talking about? I don't understand? "Sakana couldn't help but sweat sweat on his forehead at this moment, pretending not to understand and turned his head away.。

“You call me "Don't pretend to be stupid". It's the drug that was researched by the big Us in the wizard's planet. That kind of drug can stimulate people's potential and forcibly remove everything in their own cells and even bones. The power is completely released and the combat effectiveness is doubled several times. In the end, after I destroyed that planet, this drug fell into your hands, right?。”

At this moment, Knoya stared hard at Sakana in front of him。

At this time, Sakana saw Knoya in front of her, her urgent eyes immediately couldn't help but sigh, and then she took out a bottle of blood-red medicine from her arms in desperation.。

The light emitted from the blood-red medicine is extremely alluring, as if it looks like blood, and is very disgusting.。

“This is...the power of destruction……”Crowe also thought at this time that when the planet was destroyed, the great wizard on the planet finally took out the bottle of red medicine and poured it directly into his throat in order to fight him. , the subsequent mutation of his body increased his combat power by almost dozens of times, and it was also the first time that his body was injured at that time.。

The Great Wizard is an inconspicuous guy, but he can actually use the medicine he created to be so powerful that he can hurt the God of Destruction. This is really a huge improvement.。

At that time, Croya felt that this kind of medicine was quite interesting. Although he killed Dawusi directly in the end, when Dawusi was dying, they directly copied the lock inside and owned dozens of possessions. A bottle of that blood-red medicine, a medicine that increases combat effectiveness, was finally handed over to Sakana.。

The method that Knoya now thinks of is to let Jiguraya drink this medicine to increase his combat power to its peak state, and then deal with Qin Yu.。

“It's just that Lord Kenoa, once this kind of drug is used, it will not stop until the soul is shattered and the body's functions are completely gone. Therefore, this is a 100% method of death after taking it. Although he dies, he relies on this This kind of power can kill opponents who are much stronger than him. In other words, after Jigulaya uses this drug, he will eventually die.。”

Knoya heard what Sakana said at this time, and a ruthless light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and then he said lightly: "That person who asked me is also doing a lot of things, using his life in exchange for an intruder Death, this is a completely worthwhile deal。”

“Intruder? "Sakana. Looking at Knoya in front of him, he couldn't help but say this directly.。

“Is not it? "Knoya's eyes flashed with a cold and ruthless light at this time, looking at Sakana in front of him.。

Sakana already knew at this time that Knoya would kill Qin Yu no matter what. In the end, he had no choice but to take out the bottle of medicine for me.。

“Yes, this is what I want... I must kill you, this guy!”

Kenoa held the blood-red medicine here, and a scarlet light emitted from his eyes. Then he flicked his fingers at this moment, and a small hole for space shuttle was opened next to him, and then the red The liquid was poured out directly。

At this time, the red liquid in the medicine went directly into the hole. At this moment, in the distance, the battle between Jigulaya and Qin Yu was still in a fierce state.。

“I'll give you medicine to enhance your fighting power... If you want to wash away your glory, you have to drink it.。”

Jiguraya heard Croya's voice at this time, and couldn't help being stunned. Before he could react, he felt a subtle space shuttle hole appear in front of him, followed by some red The liquid spurted out directly。

Jigulaya originally didn't want to take these medicines, but seeing that he was humiliated by Qin Feng to this point, his self-esteem was greatly hurt, so he didn't care whether the medicine had any side effects, so he opened his mouth and swallowed it directly. Go down.

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