Soon, Tianzi and Tang Qianer found the best tavern in Beiling City, had a meal and separated.

In his spare time, the Emperor studied the Great Thousand World.

It was found that the biggest difference between the Daqian world and the lower planes is that the world's will is stronger, and the degree of suppression of the cultivator is deeper.

To give a simple example: Daqian World starts from the induction realm, but it corresponds to the Dou Shi realm of the Dou Po plane.

Ordinary people are similar to Dou Qi and Dou Zhe, except that if a Dou Zhan of the Dou Po plane and below come to the Great Thousand World, they will become no different from ordinary people.

On the other hand, Dou Zun is also equivalent to the powerhouse of the Heaven-reaching Realm, who can easily tear apart the space on the Dou Po plane, but the power of the Heaven-reaching Realm cannot do this in the Great Thousand World.

The rules of the Great Thousand World are more complete, and the space is more solid.

This is the high-level plane.

"By analogy, then the peak Dou Zun is a trivial problem..." Tianzi pondered slightly, lying on the bed of his dormitory in Beilingyuan, spread his arms comfortably on it.

The Supreme corresponds to Dou Sheng!

The Supreme Being is the Dou Di!

"This world is wonderful!" Looking out the window, the slightly drunken sunlight was reflected by the glass-like window, reflecting the colorful halo, which was dazzling.

People who have just broken through the shackles of the plane and came to the Great Thousand World from the lower plane, because the energy they cultivated at the beginning is not aura, such as the emperor, the main plane where he is located, the plane of Dou Po, who cultivates Dou Qi, and this kind of Dou Qi, in the After entering the Great Thousand World, it will gradually be assimilated into a more pure spiritual power.

And most of the powerhouses who broke the shackles of the plane and came to the Great Thousand World will be extremely unfamiliar with this, because it is the instinct of a powerhouse to protect themselves, and they can't let their own hard training come from fighting Qi or something. Inexplicably assimilated by an unfamiliar energy.

So this will cause some conflicts, the assimilation of spiritual power, and their own resistance, which will cause a lot of crisis to them. This is the first big thing that all the strong people who break the shackles of the plane and come here will encounter. problem.

As for the assimilation of spiritual power that the Son of Heaven had just arrived in the Great Thousand World...

Not a problem at all! ! !

He has an invincible exercise technique, "Qiankun Good Fortune"!

I don't care if you are high-level spiritual power or low-level fighting qi or soul power, etc.

Direct conversion is as simple as drinking water! ! ! ! !


Hei Mingyuan, located in the southern part of the Northern Spirit Realm, is a quite remote place in the Northern Spirit Realm. Because it is too dangerous, it seems inaccessible and extremely lacking in popularity.

Hei Mingyuan, a very famous fierce place in the Northern Spirit Realm, is different from the Northern Spiritual Realm. At least the Northern Spiritual Realm will often be visited by adventure teams, but the Heimingyuan is almost a forbidden place in the Northern Spirit Realm. Those who have ventured into it over the years Of the people, nine out of ten become the stench-smelling mud piled up among adults.

Even if the remaining one can escape, it will be frightened, and it will take a long time to recover before he can recover. If he hears the name of Hei Mingyuan in the future, he is afraid that he will have a heartfelt fear.

And two or three months after that day, a handsome young man with long silver-white hair came here.

The Son of Heaven stood on a hillside and looked forward, only to see that there was a virgin forest with a dark color, above the black forest with no end, filled with gray death miasma, this kind of death miasma. Possessing highly poisonous, even the powerhouses of the Spirit Wheel Realm would not dare to let them intrude into the body easily.

However, the Son of Heaven has three kinds of different fires and all the gods and thunders around him, so there is no need to be afraid of these dead miasmas.

Even though there is still some distance away, the emperor can still feel the thick dead aura and a fishy stench emanating from the black abyss. Compared with the original of the Northern Spirit, I really don't know how dangerous it is. No wonder It can become a forbidden place for everyone to talk about in the Northern Spirit Realm.

"Nine secluded sparrows, ranked eleventh on the list of all beasts, were born in the land of the North. Its wings can cover the mountains, and the light of the secluded can swallow the sun and the moon." The emperor whispered slightly, and his eyes flashed.

He came to Heimingyuan this time for one thing - to conquer Jiuyouque!

As Mu Chen's early cheating tool, Jiuyouque is still very useful. Not only is his own strength strong, but if the emperor is linked with his bloodline, the emperor can also get great benefits.

Moreover, the flame of Jiuyouque is also extremely powerful!

The emperor didn't believe that Mu Chen would have no other compensation after he kidnapped Jiuyouque. After all, even Xiao Yan got the Dragon Phoenix Yan accidentally because he took away Qinglian Earth Heart Fire.

As the big ruler, Mu Chen is not even inferior to Xiao Yan, right?

"I just don't know where Jiuyouque is..." The emperor looked around and found that there was nothing but a dead miasma.


A cyan flame burst out from the palm of the emperor's palm, and the light of the fire faintly illuminated the nearby places.

Suddenly, a black snake appeared in the emperor's field of vision, staring fiercely at the emperor, the huge snake head was only a few millimeters away from the cinnabar mole in front of the emperor's forehead!

"What is this ugly?" The emperor was startled by the sudden appearance of the ugly snake, but his body did not move at all.

This big snake seems to be a bit human, and seems to understand that the emperor is calling him ugly. The ugly snake head is even more ferocious. He opened his bloody mouth and bit at the emperor.

Seeing this, the emperor raised his brows, and immediately let out a cold snort, took a sharp step, and his vigorous spiritual power exploded. The flame's feet stepped heavily on the huge body of the big snake.


The huge snake head of that big snake was kicked out!

Afterwards, it was burnt out by Myriad Beast Spirit Fire and Xuan Huangyan.

"It doesn't make any sense at all." The emperor clapped his hands symbolically, as if to pat the dust off his hands, and then shrugged disdainfully.

This big snake looks like it's awesome, but it's actually quite rubbish.

Of course, if those who had already died in the dark abyss and the big snake who had just died knew what the Son of Heaven was thinking, maybe they would climb out of the grave and strangle him.

Too tmd annoying.

"Although these things are rubbish, they are still very strong for the general spirit wheel realm." After leaving the place, the emperor continued to walk deeper.

In order to avoid trouble, the emperor directly scattered his soul power to guide himself.

After a long time, what appeared in front was a vast black basin. The ground here seemed to have been burned by flames, showing a charred black color. Of course, it was not these that surprised the emperor the most, but the place in the basin. In the middle, it is covered with white bones.

These bones should be spiritual beasts in terms of body shape. They show a stance of running wildly in front of them, as if there is something there that is attracting them, making them unable to extricate themselves.

"As expected of the Great Thousand World, such a magical place... tsk tsk tsk..." The Son of Heaven exclaimed.




(Because the author is about to take the college entrance examination, there will be only one update per day for the time being. After the college entrance examination, the update will be resumed. I wish me a successful college entrance examination!!!)

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