After a while, the emperor had eaten, but Irene did not finish. The emperor closed the lunch box and waited for Irene. After Irene finished eating, the emperor took the lunch box from Irene and said to Irene, "I'll go first, you will be bored in the afternoon." After that, he held Irene's face with his hands, He kissed without hesitation. After a while, he left Irene, turned around, and ran out.

Irene looked at the back of the emperor, and had an indescribable feeling.

The emperor ran out quickly, and after returning the lunch box, he quickly ran out of the headquarters building. After avoiding several heavy guards in front of the headquarters building, he quickly ran into a small bush.


One afternoon, Tianzi used his skills to run fast, but he still didn't see the edge of the base. At this time, the sky was already dark, and the number of heavy guards on patrol began to increase. The emperor knew that if this continued, he would have to be exposed. So, the emperor began to reverse course.

When Tianzi arrived at the headquarters building, it was almost 8 o'clock. And the emperor is already hungry. So, the emperor walked into the cafeteria and ate a meal.

The emperor ate quickly. Then, the emperor did not go to Irene's place, but went straight upstairs to Robert's residence. The Son of Heaven knocked on the door. After a while, Robert's voice came from inside the house. "Who is it!"

"It's me, the emperor." The emperor replied.

Halfway through, the door opened. The emperor walked in, and after Robert behind the door closed the door, he asked the emperor. "Emperor, you come to me, is there something wrong?"

"Of course." The emperor walked into the room and sat on Robert's bed. "Can you build an expander?"

"Of course I will, thinking back then, I was very good at it!..." Robert began to brag again!

"Okay." The emperor interrupted Robert, who was about to talk. "Now is not the time for you to brag, you make me one now!"

"But," Robert wondered. "What do you want this for?"

"This," the emperor replied, "you don't have to know." After that, he took out the jungle pioneer and played with his hands.

Seeing this scene, Robert knew what the Son of Heaven was going to do. So, Robert did not hesitate and started quickly, while still guessing the purpose of the emperor.

After the emperor saw that Robert had started, he nodded with satisfaction, and told the jungle pioneer to put away and look at Robert.

After 10 minutes, Robert built an expander, and at this time, Robert still didn't think of the emperor's motive.

The emperor got up, picked up the expander in Robert's hand, said "thank you", and walked out. At this point, let Robert Mousset open up and know the emperor's motives.

After the emperor walked out of Robert's room, he returned to his room and put Robert's expander on the table. Due to today's fatigue, the emperor lay on the bed and fell asleep.

At this time, Robert was notifying Erin by radio, and told Erin what had just happened. Then, he asked Irene, "Irene, what should you do next. It's impossible to let the plan fail, right?"

Irene thought for a while and replied, "It's impossible, let me tell Makarov, hang up first."

After Irene hung up, she quickly hit Makarov. After a while, Makarov's voice came from the other end of the radio. "Hey! Erin, is something wrong?"

Irene briefly described all the events of the day to Makarov, and asked Makarov what plans?

Makarov thought for a while and replied, "In this way, you follow the emperor first, and I will stop him."

"Okay." After Irene replied, she hung up the radio and turned to sleep.

The next day early in the morning, the emperor got up. After washing up, he quickly went downstairs to where Irene was. When the emperor saw that Irene was still sleeping, he didn't want to disturb her. He took out the notebook he was carrying with him from his pocket, tore a sheet on it, wrote some words on it with a mini pen, and folded the note. , reached into the iron fence, threw it hard with his hand, and just threw it on the bedside table. The emperor stood up, glanced at Irene, and ran out quickly, came to the cafeteria, brought some dry food and water, and immediately ran out of the headquarters building, following the original route, like running away.

After nearly an hour, Irene woke up in a daze, she sat up and rubbed her eyes with her hands. Then, I found the note on the bedside table, Irene looked around vigilantly, and after confirming that no one was there, she picked up the small note, opened it, and the two lines on it came into view, "Irene, today Not ready, wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will definitely take you out!"

Irene doesn't need to read the content, just look at the handwriting to know who wrote it. So, Irene folded the small note, put it back where it was, sat there and thought about it, picked up the radio, and connected Makarov.

"Hello!" After a while, Makarov's voice sounded on the other end of the radio.

"Commander." Erin recounted what happened in the morning.

There was no sound on the other end of the radio. After a while, Makarov replied, "Irene, you should obey the emperor first. After all, you can't let the whole plan fail. I will go to the surveillance and intercept you tomorrow."

"Okay!" Irene agreed and hung up the radio.

Irene was still sitting on the bed, thinking about how to deal with the emperor.

In the distance, there was still that figure, looking at Irene with a pocket telescope. Soon, the man put down the telescope and said to himself, "Hey, did you really find me? Then you can't stop me, I'm going to kill Irene!" After speaking, he turned around and left.

On the other side, Tianzi ran according to the original route. Since Tianzi set off very early, when he arrived at the place yesterday, it was only around 9 o'clock. The emperor stood there and looked around. After confirming that no one was there, he ran forward again.

The emperor didn't know that in these jungles, there would be those small cameras that couldn't be smaller, and these cameras were urgently installed by Makarov after he learned the news of the emperor at the latest. Therefore, what the Son of Heaven did was clearly seen by Makarov. And Makarov, who is sitting at the desk, controls the mouse in one hand and holds a coffee cup in the other, not taking a few sips, looking at the computer, watching the signs of the emperor's running, and at the base Mark on the map.

Time passed quickly, and it was not long before noon, and the sun today is not very fierce, so the emperor is not very hot. The emperor stopped, took a break, and ate some of the dry food he brought with him to replenish his energy. After the rest, he quickly ran into the distance.

At this time, Makarov, who was sitting in the office, connected with Irene.

"Irene, I think the emperor should be brought back now..." Makarov said first without waiting for Irene to speak.

"No." Makarov wanted to continue, but was interrupted by Irene. "I think there is a better way."

"Oh?" Makarov raised his eyebrows slightly. "So, what are your plans?"

Erin explained her plan again.

After listening to Makarov, he pondered for a while, and felt that what Irene said was very reasonable, and it was very beneficial to the whole seduction plan.

"Well, okay," Makarov agreed. "I approve." Random, hung up the radio and continued to stare at the screen.

Under the efforts of the emperor, he finally reached the edge of the base at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. However, the emperor was dumbfounded by the sight in front of him.

In front of the emperor is a very high wall, the emperor estimates that it is about 10 meters high. 10 meters is definitely not a problem for the emperor. The problem is, the heavy guards on the wall, and all of them are holding heavy cruisers. If you go up like this, won't you be beaten into a hornet's nest? The emperor thought about it and decided that there must be "loopholes" when walking along the city wall.

The emperor had to walk in the grass a little outside the city wall, and if the heavy guard above looked down, he would be in trouble.


At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the emperor still hadn't found a breach, and the emperor's confidence was also decreasing little by little. Just when the emperor's hope was about to be dashed, suddenly, the scene in front of the emperor made the emperor excited.

There is a small river in front, and the river can lead to the outside, and there are only about 5 heavy guards on both sides of the river. If Irene cooperates, these 5 heavy guards are not a problem, and the heavy guards above are definitely not. come down to support. At a height of 10 meters, even if the heavy guards are wearing armor, this is a deadly danger. The emperor saw that the sky was getting dark, and he knew that after a while, the number of heavy guards on patrol would increase. In this case, it would be a problem to go back by himself. So, the emperor went back the same way, and made a mark all the way.

When the emperor returned to the headquarters building, it was almost 8 o'clock. The emperor ran to the cafeteria and quickly finished eating, he felt that he didn't need to visit Irene for the time being. After all, it was a critical moment, and there could be no mistakes. So, the emperor quickly went upstairs, returned to his room, and fell asleep.

Makarov, who had been in the office for a day, turned off the computer after seeing the emperor entering the room, got up, and walked out.

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