Eight months after the fourth collapse.

The whining cold wind raged between heaven and earth, the grass and trees were yellow, the leaves were falling, and it was extremely bleak.

Siberian plain.

The north wind howled, and the snow was like a knife.

Densely packed Honkai beasts are constantly born from the snow, constantly approaching the nearby city.

Because of the inaccessibility of people and the difficult living environment, there are relatively few natural villages here.

Therefore, this collapse outbreak did not cause many casualties.


A shrill sonic boom resounded throughout the world.

Countless shells fell from the sky, densely packed and continuous, and the explosive power was estimated.

Under the attack of the cannonball, the sea of broken beasts turned into flying ash.

Some of the Avalanche Beasts were completely erased before they were completely formed.

After a few minutes, the missile stopped firing.

Countless silver-white mechs stepped onto the battlefield to carry out the final cleanup.

Several of the surviving Avalanche Beasts had just taken a breath, ready to absorb some Avalanche energy and recover from their injuries.

But he was pressed to the ground by several silver-white titan mechs, hammered madly, and ravaged it.

The other Honkai beasts roared angrily when they saw their companions being pressed to the ground, and just as they wanted to step forward to help, they were hit back by the scattering projectiles of the Thunder Mecha.

The explosion did not stop, one by one the rattlesnake shells broke through the wind, and the repelled broken beast retreated, turning into nothingness.

The Broken Beast that was turned to the ground was ravaged by several Titan mechs, followed closely behind, turning into nothingness.

"Buzz." Thousands of silver-white steel Great Walls, constantly moving forward.

The Collapsed Beast, which had already been severely damaged, was vulnerable to a blow in front of the Great Wall of Mecha and quickly collapsed.

To the Honkai temporary command center.

Several burly men wearing heavy army coats watched the live broadcast on the projection screen and smiled with relief.

With the rapid development of science and technology, the production cost of broken weapons has been greatly reduced, and the number of alternative materials has increased day by day.

This missile scrubbing and mecha clearance tactic is widely used on the battlefield.

This tactic is used by most countries because of its low cost, high efficiency in cleaning up Avalanche Beasts, and low casualty rates.

"Hey!" A leisurely sigh sounded, adding a bit of life to the burning scorched earth.

Golden void cracks emerged, and dozens of unconscious figures slipped from them.

These are the indigenous peoples of the area.

was saved by Ye Jingxing who was passing by.

"Hey!" Ye Jingxing sighed again.

"Today is your lucky day, go home and have fun!" Ye Jingxing said to himself.

With a wave of his big hand, a white light shrouded several people.

The purple ravines above the bodies of several people slowly disappeared.


The crowd disappeared without a trace, and was moved to a safe place by Ye Jingxing.

Ye Jingxing understood this practice of sacrificing the few to save the many, but did not approve of it.

He felt that if he left it alone, something big would happen sooner or later.

He also tried hard and submitted an application to his superiors, but he was lost in the sea and was not heard.

After a few discussions, the matter fell apart.

I don't know what happened these months, most of the collapse disasters occurred in desolate places, and there were few collapse events in prosperous cities.

The world is so big and there are so many countries, not every country is as powerful as Shenzhou and Mu.

There are some small countries that cannot bear some large collapse disasters.

This set of tactics has helped many weak countries through crises, so many weak countries highly respect this set of tactics.

"Buzz." Just when Ye Jingxing was thinking about it.

The wind and snow became more and more intense, the fire was extinguished, and the scorched black earth was covered with a thick silver coat.

"Ding-ding-ding." Ye Jingxing's imaginary shield thumped under the attack of the heavy snow.

"I'm looking for you so hard, you big fish is hooked after all." Ye Jingxing looked at the round of red lanterns in the sky through the wind and snow, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The field of wind and snow gradually expanded, burying everything in the wind and snow.

Shenzhou Kyoto, a small villa of Ye Jing's connoisseur.

The winter sun, warm and shining through the glass, illuminates the house.

In Ye Jingxing's room, the little green hair ball got into the arms of the big pink hair dumpling, with a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't know what kind of dream he was having.

The big pink hair ball gathered the quilt, hugged the green hair ball, fell into the warm embrace of the quilt, and did not want to wake up.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz."

The mobile phone on the table vibrated violently, continuously, and finally woke up a certain pink hair ball.

Alicia reluctantly stretched out her Qianqianyu hand, which was like condensation, and without opening her eyes, picked up the mobile phone and connected the call.

"Hey." Alicia said listlessly.

"Is it the captain? Haven't you woken up yet? The other end of the phone listened to Alicia's tone and was surprised.

"It's Xiaoya, I haven't seen it for a long time, has a new task ♪ been issued" Alicia opened her beautiful eyes, and her sleepiness disappeared in an instant.

The disappearance of the emperor-level avalanche beast, the rise of the missile + mecha stream, and the decrease in the frequency of large-scale avalanche.

The special squad is in an embarrassing situation where there is nothing to do.

Take a vacation, take a vacation, take a vacation again.

In the face of ordinary Honkai disasters, ordinary squads do not play much less role than these special squads.

Kevin also has a lot of time to accompany May.

Mark also has a lot of time to accompany his wife.

Mother Ye and Father Ye got together less and separated more because of work.

Ye Jingxing traveled all over the world, looking for traces of the emperor-level Collapsed Beast.

The heavy responsibility of taking care of Ye Xiaofeng fell on Alicia.

I don't know if it's because of the weather or staying with children for too long, Alicia is getting more and more sleepy, and the time to get up keeps delaying.

If no one shouts, you can even sleep until noon.

This strong sleep quality made Ye Jingxing envious.

"Think too much captain, if there is no large-scale collapse crisis, the establishment of our special squad should be abolished."

"Yes," ♪ Alicia said slowly as she sat up, a little lonely.

"However, according to Dr. Mei's research, there are still ten lawyers, who have not been born ~~~"

"Mama, sleep." The green-haired ball crawled out of the quilt and stretched out his arm, wanting to take Alicia's mobile phone.

"Grandpa Sun has sunburned your ass, it's time to get up" Alicia rubbed Ye Xiaofeng's ♪ little head and said affectionately.

"Our Mr. Quilt said that he couldn't bear us, we couldn't abandon Mr. Quilt." Ye Xiaofeng got into the quilt again, and his little hand gripped the quilt, pitifully.

"Don't get up again, be careful when Dad comes back to grab your lollipop ♪," Alicia said to Ye Xiaofeng.



Ye Xiaofeng turned into a ball of wind, got out of the quilt, barefoot, and ran towards his secret base without looking back.

"Hey, hey, captain, captain, are you still there?"

"In, in, in." Alicia looked at Ye Xiaofeng's small figure and smiled gently.

"Recently I got a few concert tickets, do you want ~~~"

"Is it Eden's ♪" Alicia said excitedly.

"Of course." Daisy Dobia said proudly.

Then the two agreed on a time and agreed to go to the concert together.

"Drip, drip, drip, I'm sorry, the phone you called is temporarily unanswered, please dial ~~" Alicia looked at the phone suspiciously.

"How can it not get through, this is not scientific." Alicia was puzzled.

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