
last moment when the ice and snow giant sword fell violently.

The golden light flashed away, and a pink-haired silhouette appeared beside Ye Jingxing.

With a wave of the girl's little hand, a pure and flawless pink crystal flower quietly bloomed, protecting the two of them.

The moment the ice and snow giant sword touched the pink crystal flower, it turned into powder, and the snowflakes filled the sky.

It also confirms that point of view, there is no harm in smoke.

It was hard to imagine that a crystal flower that looked so fragile could withstand the full force of the ice and snow giant sword.

Afterwards, as before, it was pure and flawless, and still looked fragile and fragile.

The pink-haired girl squatted down slightly, looking at Ye Jingxing's pale and blue face, and the words that were about to reprimand turned into a strong sense of distress: "Little Yezi, you really don't make people worry ♪♪♪"

Xue'er felt something, and her sweat exploded.

This feeling was only felt in Ye Jingxing before his strength was restored.

Then, Xue'er waved her small hand to disperse the ice and snow, and then saw a scene that made her angry.

When the six lawyer cores saw the hostess coming, they immediately ran behind the hostess, took various shapes, and despised Xue'er.

For example: a middle finger....

When Xue'er saw this scene, she almost couldn't help but take the initiative to teach these cores of lawyers, who did not know the height of the sky.

Because of the oppression that the pink-haired girl brings to herself.

Xue'er had to whisper in her heart: "Didn't you see that your masters were all killed by me?"

Alicia gently fiddled with the pink bangs in front of her forehead and chuckled: "What are you complaining about ♪♪

" Xue'er habitually waved her small hand, and then realized something, and forced her spirits, "No, no, no!" What about complaining, what a time for you to come, otherwise the one at your feet, he

Alicia said without joy or sorrow: "You are afraid!

Xue'er played with the hair on her chest and said unhurriedly: "How is it possible, I am an apostle of God, how can I have the kind of emotions that only mortals can have!"

Alicia slowly stood up and looked at the girl in front of her coldly: "Oh! If

it is someone who is familiar with Alicia, seeing her expression at this time, it is estimated that he can swallow a computer screen.

After all, they know Alicia well, but she is an innocent and lively cute girl who smiles at all times.

Anger is a negative emotion they have never seen before.

Even if it is a former civilization, in the sixth collapse, because of the difference between Alicia and Kevin, the sixth law was released, causing all the lives of a city to disappear in an instant.

When Kevin knelt in repentance, frantically pounding an iron billboard with his fist, his fist was bloody and blurry.

Alicia can also joke, "The billboard hammer is broken, but you have to lose money." From

this, you can see how Alicia's character is.

However, at this time, she was actually angry.

Xue'er felt that her soul was trembling, and she did not dare to rise up at the slightest thought of resistance.

Her instinctive reaction was to tell her: what can't be beaten, can't be defeated at all, just grab it.

Under the coercion that only a lawyer can feel, Xue'er knelt down uncontrollably, lowered her head, and led her neck to be killed.



The golden light in Alicia's hand was generous, and a slender and dexterous three-foot Qingfeng appeared in her hand.

"Da, da." Alicia gradually moved closer to Cher.

"Knock knock knock!"

Xue'er's forehead broke out in cold sweat, her heart was beating faster and faster, and her heartbeat was getting louder, as if she was about to jump out of her chest in the next moment.

Just as Alicia was about to give Xue'er a pain, a faint voice slowly sounded.

"Sister, don't!"

Alicia stopped the movement in her hand, withdrew her long sword, and quickly returned to Ye Jingxing's side.

Alicia's voice was full of thick crying: "Xiao Yezi, are you okay" ♪♪

Ye Jingxing couldn't see who the girl in front of him was.

But this familiar fragrance, this familiar touch told him that he could relax.

Ye Jingxing said weakly: "It's okay, just take a break."

Alicia gently rubbed Ye Jingxing's somewhat blue little face, and said softly: "Well, um, well, after I take care of things, rest well!"

Ye Jingxing said again, "Don't kill her." The

expression on Alicia's little face wrote three big words: "Why?"

Ye Jingxing relied on his feelings and shouted to the core of knowledge in the sky: "Come here!" "


The red light flashed away, and the core of knowledge appeared next to Ye Jingxing and Alicia.

With the little strength left, Ye Jingxing transmitted Xue'er's memory to Alicia, and then passed out.

Before falling into a coma, Ye Jingxing said softly: "In the last days, there are all poor people, why are poor people embarrassed and pitiful!"

Alicia slowly closed her eyes, feeling the gray and dark memory.

After a long time, Alicia breathed a sigh of relief: "Whew! He

lowered his head and looked at Ye Jingxing, who fell asleep peacefully and was like a child.

Alicia waved her small hand at Xue'er and said softly, "Come here."

Cher walked to Alicia's side with no choice, and she didn't dare to take a breath.


Alicia gripped the core of knowledge, and the purple-red light bloomed in an instant, shrouding Xue'er in it.

Then Xue'er rolled her eyes and fainted, and the lawyer characteristics slowly disappeared, and her body shrunk.

A few minutes later, a little silver-haired loli appeared next to Alicia.

Alicia looked at the petite and lovely silver-haired loli, and then thought about his gray memory, a little trance.

If Ye Jingxing is not given a thorough coolness, it is estimated that Alicia will like Xue'er more.

After all, the average person in Shenzhou has white-haired lolicon. [Hey, hey, hey, laughter from handsome readers.]

When Xue'er, the [Fifth Lawyer], was sealed again, the fifth collapse was completely over.

The birth rate of the Ice Grade Avalanche Beast gradually slowed down until it stopped completely.

The high-level Collapse Beasts were also cleaned up by several [Special Squads].

Because the influence of the Fifth Law is too great this time, all countries are cleaning up the losses, and they don't have the heart to care where the Fifth Law Died!

At this moment, a core of ice that exudes severe cold is placed in a special glass container.

It can be regarded as Alicia's battle exploits this time.

The white-haired little loli jumps alive every day, pestering Alicia every day, and she is very intimate.

I don't know how Alicia took out the core of ice.

[Anyway, the girl who was taken out of the core of the last lawyer, the grave grass, no, that girl has not been born yet? ] None other than the strongest lawyer, Wendy. A

few lawyer cores don't know where to play.

When Aponia woke up, he was firmly occupied by a white-haired dango and a pink-haired dango.

One morning.

Aponia's soft voice sounded from outside the door: "Ellie, it's time for breakfast." "

Ellie, Ellie..."

"Knock, knock, knock."

Just as Aponia was about to push the door and enter, I don't know what I heard, red little face, took Cher'er's little hand, and hurriedly left.

Ye Jingxing pushed the pink octopus above his body and said in horror: "Ah, disrespectful, don't ah~~~"

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