Ye Jingxing covered his forehead expressionlessly: "... I really paid for the phone bill!

Unexpectedly, Mother Ye's ears were very sensitive, and she came directly.

"Who said you paid for the phone!"

Ye Jingxing's eyes just showed a little light.

"You picked it up from the river!"


Ye Jingxing petrified on the spot.

Alicia gently poked Ye Jingxing's head: "It won't really turn into stone!"

Ye Jingxing rolled the quilt onto himself, and looked at Alicia and the mobile phone angrily: "What, you mother and daughter have a good chat, let me be quiet!" "

Then get right into the quilt and don't say a word!

Alicia put the mobile phone next to it and gently shook Ye Jingxing: the mobile phone next to "Xiaoyezi ♪♪"

was unwilling to be lonely, jumping up and down.

"Ellie, Ellie, what's wrong with Xiaoye, isn't it uncomfortable!"

Looking at Ye Jingxing, who was wrapped in a quilt and motionless, Alicia was confused and wondered: "Maybe tired" Mother Ye said angrily: "♪

If you are tired, hurry up and rest, you don't know that you have been missing for the past few days, and my hair is white

and white..." Alicia picked up her mobile phone and talked to Mother Ye about homely things, as well as the unexpected joy of pregnancy.

Ye Jingxing, who got into the bed, fell into another trouble.

From the moment when Ye's mother said that it was sent by the phone bill.

An inexplicable sense of summoning came from within the imaginary space.

As time passed, the sense of calling became stronger, and his brain became more and more drowsy.

At the moment of wrapping in the quilt.

Ye Jingxing's brain instantly froze.

Maybe a second, maybe an hour, maybe hundreds of years.

Ye Jingxing slowly opened his eyes.

What comes into view is an endless void with stars all over it.

The scars were all over her body, and the embarrassed blood-haired girl stood opposite her, staring at herself aggrievedly.

Ye Jingxing looked at the embarrassed blood-haired girl, grabbing her hair and not knowing what to do: "Where to play, why are you so embarrassed." Hearing

this familiar comforting voice, the blood-haired girl's eyes were slightly red, and she raised her head, and her voice was crying: "A sea and a tree!" A bunch of perverts!

Ye Jingxing's right eyelid jumped wildly, and he lost his voice: "You really went to find them!" The

blood-haired girl could no longer hold back, and tears fell like beads of broken threads.

Flickered to Ye Jingxing's side, pulled Ye Jingxing's sleeves, and looked at Ye Jingxing aggrievedly: "It's not to give you an insurance for that so-called plan!"

Looking at the blood-haired girl pulling her sleeves, Ye Jingxing stretched out his hand embarrassedly and gently rubbed the girl's hair.

At this moment, the blood-haired girl is like a little girl who is bullied outside and seeks help from her parents.

This made Ye Jingxing can't help but think of the child who was not yet born!

"I wonder what that little guy will become in the future?"

The blood-haired girl kicked Ye Jingxing angrily.

Ye Jingxing touched the girl's hair and comforted: "Okay, okay, there is still a lot of time before the end comes, no hurry, no hurry!" The

blood-haired girl's eyes darkened, and she weakly released the hand that was holding Ye Jingxing's sleeve, and said softly: "Hmm!

Ye Jingxing took the blood-haired girl's little hand and said softly, "Go!" The

blood-haired girl's head glanced to the side, stretched out her small hand to wipe away the tears from her eyes, and her voice was thick and nasal: "What for!"

Looking at the blood-haired girl who was stunning, Ye Jingxing said of course: "Revenge!" The

blood-haired girl was shocked, "But didn't you say?

Ye Jingxing nodded his head and affirmed, "That's right, don't trouble them first!" The

blood-haired girl suddenly flicked her arm and glared at Ye Jingxing with dissatisfaction: "Then what else to report~~

" Ye Jingxing smiled slightly, and guessed: "It must not be them who make you so embarrassed!"

Blood-haired girl: "How do you ~~ hum!" In

the world of trees and sea, they are the only masters.

If they personally took action, no matter how powerful the blood-haired girl was, there would be no possibility of living.

Ye Jingxing: "Let's go then!"


Ye Jingxing stretched out his hand, and a golden void crack appeared in front of the two.

The two immediately stepped into it.


On the blood-red earth, stood a man and a woman.

It's just that the boy's figure is somewhat illusory and transparent, giving people a feeling that it will dissipate in the next second.

Looking at Ye Jingxing, whose figure became more and more transparent, the blood-haired girl's eyes showed a worried look: "Are you okay!"

Ye Jingxing smiled brightly at her: "No problem for the time being!" "


Dense white bone claws emerged from the earth.

Wailing and roaring came from all directions.

Black humanoid monsters....

The blood-haired girl was just about to strike, but was stopped on the spot by Ye Jingxing.

Blood-haired girl: "???

Ye Jingxing waved his hand casually, and the powder filled the sky.

"In the world of trees and sea, rules are fundamental!"

The blood-haired girl complained, "But those who control the power of the rules are so weak!"

Ye Jingxing smiled helplessly: "Because no lawyer can perfectly control power, or there is no time to fully familiarize himself with power, all they exert is some fur of power, and in the end, it may be the only lawyer who can perfectly exert power!"

The blood-haired girl whispered, "The Ultimate Lawyer? "

Hmm! Our ultimate enemy, the more we understand power, the more we can feel the horror of the end, and I even suspect that her life form has already changed! The

blood-haired girl was puzzled: "Life form?

Ye Jingxing scratched his head and explained, "Huh? It's like the Immortal Gap! "

Immortal Space?"


Strangely shaped creatures gradually condensed.

The blood-haired girl said excitedly: "Be careful, it's them, they can be immune to the attacks of the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor!" "




Three crisp snaps of fingers.

The monster that has not yet condensed and formed does not know where it was teleported by Ye Jingxing!

Blood-haired girl: "emmm~~~"

Ye Jingxing asked: "How?" The

blood-haired girl answered truthfully: "I don't feel very relieved!"

Ye Jingxing thought thoughtfully: "So it is!" "




The strangely shaped black monster reappears.



Golden void chains bind the black monster firmly.

Ye Jingxing turned around and said, "How!" "


"No, I have to withdraw first, you can watch it yourself, play casually, as long as you don't use the power of emptiness, break the void chain!"

After speaking, Ye Jingxing's figure disappeared without a trace.

The blood-haired girl thought for a moment.

A weapon with a long whip appeared in her hand.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The strange-shaped monster shivered: "Woo-woo, don't come over!" "

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