"What's the matter, Cher, hurry up, there is not much time, there are 19 minutes and 25 seconds left, 24 seconds

..." Cher: "..." "Ah


With an unknown "milk dragon roar".

The silver-haired little loli turned into a cannonball and pounced on Ye Jingxing.

Ye Jingxing hurriedly stretched out his hands, firmly caught the white-haired dango, and lifted her high above his head.

"Haha~~ cough, what are you doing, Xue'er, there is not much time, don't hurry up and back."

Xue'er little loli stretched her mini little arms and legs madly, and launched a fierce attack on Ye Jingxing.

It's a pity that he can't touch Ye Jingxing.


Didn't you say that you can recite it backwards..." Xue'er

little loli crossed her hands at her waist and said dissatisfied: "Hmph╭(╯^╰)╮, you also said that as long as I pass the test, I don't have to go to school!" "

This needs your mother

~~" "I don't listen, I don't listen~~~ Dad is a tracheitis..." Ye Jingxing: "..."

"Xue'er, you can eat indiscriminately, you can't talk nonsense, I'm a spoiled wife ~~~"

"Don't listen or listen, Wang Ba Nian Jing ~~~ Anyway, Dad is a tracheitis ~~~"

Looking at Xue'er who covered her ears with her hands and couldn't

enter the oil and salt.

"Good, good, good, as long as you memorize this fairy tale book upside down, even if you pass the test ~~~"

"Memorize it backwards, can you not go to school?"


Xue'er was a little weak-hearted: "Don't you have to apply to your mother?" Mom won't be angry when she finds out. "




"A gentleman's word."

Ye Jingxing looked at the little loli who was held in the air by himself with a bright smile: "It's hard to chase the horse, by the way, there are only 15 minutes left, come on~~

" Xue'er sighed softly: "Hey! "

Ziri's happy blessing is fortunate to have been on the lord and the son ~~~"


Fifteen minutes later.

"Dad, dad let me go, I've finished memorizing."

Ye Jingxing: "... Xue'er, you~~~"

Xue'er slowly took out a smartphone from her small pocket.

"No, I have a recording here, if you don't believe it, you can listen to it again!"

Cher pressed the play button.

"Good, good, good, as long as you memorize this fairy tale book upside down, even if you pass the test..."

Ye Jingxing helplessly put down Xue'er little loli: "Okay, okay, I know~

~~" "Yes, you don't have to go to school~~~" "


A crisp snapping of fingers sounded.

Xue'er's bright and bright smile instantly dissipated.

The mobile phone in Cher's little hand disappeared.

"Dad, return my phone ~~~"

Facing the [aggressive] little baby, Ye Jingxing helplessly squatted down and looked at Ye Xue's ice-blue eyes seriously.

"Xue'er, can you tell your father why you don't want to go to school?"

Cher's little face bulged at the moment, like a small pufferfish.

"Don't want

to, return the phone to me~~" "Okay, okay~~"

Ye Jingxing returned the phone to Xue'er and rubbed her little head by the way.

"Can we say it now?"

Cher threw the phone into the mezzanine of her bag, after making sure it was correct.

Glared at his old father.

"It's such a waste of time, Cher wants to do something meaningful?"

Xue'er's words aroused Ye Jingxing's curiosity.

"Such as?"

"Fight against Honkai."

Ye Jingxing frowned tightly.

"Do you know what Honkai is?"

"Not particularly clear, does Dad know?"

Ye Jingxing thought in his heart, whether to tell Xiao Xue the concept of [Collapse].

Thinking, thinking, he found something wrong.

"No, where did you hear the word Honkai!"

"What the little man in the square pimple said."

"Has Honkai begun to be made public?"

Looking at Ye Jingxing's half-believing look.

Xue'er puffed out her little face, took Ye Jingxing's hand, and rushed to Fang Pimples.

"Hmph, the time is almost up, and there will be little people who will report on time later!"


Ye Jingxing followed suit.

Half an hour later.

Cher jumped up and down, peeping around the square pimple.

"How come, yesterday there were still villains talking about Honkai, Dad, you have to believe me, I didn't lie to you, it's clear that a few days ago ~~~

" "Okay, okay, maybe that villain's uncle is sick~~~" "By the way, let's

talk about the reason why you abandoned the text and followed the martial arts!"

Cher was puzzled; "Abandon Wen and follow the martial arts?"

"Studying well and being admitted to a good university is literature, becoming an excellent female warrior ~~ warrior, and fighting against Honkai is to follow the martial arts."

"Na Xue'er is going to become a powerful warrior, fighting for all the good in the world against Honkai!"

Ye Jingxing asked tentatively, "... Have you also played Three Jumps?

"Nima, wouldn't this be a crosser too? So am I still the main character?

Xue'er tilted her head, her face full of question marks: "Three jumpers?

"A particularly fun game, your dad used to play this game, but he has won two superb titles - [Liver Emperor], Leopard Head [Zero Charge]."

"I want to play too?"

"Under eighteen years old can't play?"


"Wait until you get into college."

Xue'er was full of vitality and said, "Forget it, I'd better continue to fight against Honkai!"

Ye Jingxing was speechless in his heart: "Hey, hey, shouldn't it be asking how to get admitted to college?" Why don't you play your cards according to the routine?

"Okay then, Cher, do you know what Honkai is?"

"I don't know, Dad, what is Honkai!"

"Honkai, it's a screening mechanism ~~~ Forget it, let's tell you a story!"

"Okay, yes, yes!"

"A long, long time ago, there was only one sea and one tree in the world, and as time went by, the sea became wider and wider, the tree became taller and taller, and the sea wanted to eat the big tree and become the boss of the world."

"The sea is good or bad, what about Mr. Daiki?"

"Mr. Oki will definitely refuse, and then Mr. Oki continues to absorb the moisture of the sea, wanting to completely eliminate the sea."

"And then?"

"During the confrontation, many leaves grew on the tree, which absorbed the energy of the tree, strengthened itself, and fed back to the tree at the right time. But some leaves will only endlessly ask, do not know to feed back, thank the big tree.

"This leaf is really bad."

"When the other leaves saw this, they followed suit, and just like that, the tree grew thinner and weaker, and the sea grew stronger, gradually flooding the tree, and at this time, [Honkai] was born, and he was the ranger of the tree, pruning those leaves that were insignificant and worthless."

"And every leaf is a world!"

Cher: "???

"In the future, you will understand, what we have to do now is to pass the [ranger] test, and our opponents are those broken beasts and [lawyers]."

"Let's go, if you want to fight Honkai, you must understand why you are fighting!"

Ye Jingxing waved his big hand, and the [Power of Knowledge] was launched, and a red light mist shrouded the four fields.

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