
The sky is as gloomy as ink.

The long-lost heavy rain arrived as scheduled and poured down.


The week-long fires that swept through Australia also came to an end.


Hua stood quietly in the rain curtain.

Short gray hair was wet and stuck to the face.

Rain, tears slowly slipped down her little face, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

At the moment, she was embarrassed like a homeless rabbit, helpless.

His eyes were numb and staring ahead.

I saw a silver-haired man in front of me, standing in a white ice field.

Before the heavy rain approached, it turned into white mist and turned into a member of the white ice field.

Hua gritted his teeth, and a trace of blood slipped down the corner of his mouth: "Kevin ~~~" Kevin

gently stroked the white ice coffin containing the body in front of him, with his back to Hua, and his voice was ancient.

"Hua, it's all over!"

"Just now Captain, she was clearly smiling at me, why?"

Kevin seemed to remember something, and his face became more and more gloomy.

The extent of the white ice sheet also expanded.

Snowflakes are flying all over the sky.

He just glanced at the sky quietly.

It's so similar to that day.

Death's smile.

Because of his soft heart, a prosperous city turned into a dead city in an instant, and countless lives instantly turned into flying ash.

Feeling the silver-haired manhood in front of him become colder and more dangerous.

Hua clenched his teeth: "Answer me!" "


Kevin slowly turned his head, only revealing half of his face, and a cold cold light erupted in his eyes, coldly looking sideways at the gray-haired girl.

"You are still too naïve, Hua, this is a war, a war related to the survival of the race, there is no room for childhood!"

"Think about it, Hua, your teammates, the innocent audience inside the Australian Dome, the innocent humans in Australia ~~"


this moment, Kevin's eyes are faintly prone to some artificial collapse.

There is a golden glow in his eyes.

The range of the white ice field expanded again and brought Hua into its own range.


"Captain ~~~"

Hua fell to the ground.

Kevin fixed a glance at Hua, who had fallen to the ground, and looked down at his somewhat alienated body.

"Kevin, Kevin, please answer when you hear."

"I'm here, May!"

"How do you feel now?"

Mei's voice trembled slightly.

"It's good, I feel that I have reached an unprecedented peak state now."

Mei breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good." "


"Wait a while, the transport plane will arrive at the scene in about 10 types, you can now try to control your emotions and return to normal."


Kevin closed his eyes.

The next moment.

With the naked eye, the alienated features on Kevin's body quickly disappeared.

The broken and damaged garment seemed like a dream.

Mei, who was far away, breathed a sigh of relief.

Mebius folded his arms around his chest and sneered: "Heh, what a lucky young man, I hope he can control this power so easily next time." "

The other side.

Kevin let out a long breath, looked at Hua lying in the rain, and frowned.

He looked down at the ice beneath his feet.

"Mei, urge the rescue force, there is a little girl on my side who needs help."

Mei: "Okay.

Mei: "Arrive on the battlefield in three minutes.

Kevin nodded: "Good." "

Look at the pouring rain outside, and then look at the snow above your head.

I think back to the similar smiles of the Sixth and Seventh Lawyers.

"I have no choice!"

Look at the remains displayed in the ice coffin.

Kevin was silent for a moment and said softly: "You will also support us, right!" "


With the death of the Seventh Lawyer.

The seventh major collapse, the core hard-hit areas returned to normal.

But the aftermath of the seventh collapse continues to affect the world.

For the first time, Honkai was completely exposed to the public eye.

Endless broken beasts, and dead men haunt the world from time to time, which has brought a lot of impact to the normal life of human beings.

Because the seventh collapse occurred in Australia.

Hundreds of millions of human lives have been killed.

Australia was also turned into a wasteland in this war, and the rich collapse can endure for a long time, resulting in no one to live and produce for hundreds of years.

As a result, the structure of human society has undergone major changes.

Countless riches disappeared out of thin air.

A large loss of population, a decrease in demand for large factories, a decrease in orders, layoffs, unemployment, a decrease in income, and a decrease in consumer desire ~~~

As a result, a series of social problems have arisen.

Countless small countries have gone bankrupt as a result.

But leave these problems to those professionals.

The main task of the organization, led by the Fire Moth, is to fight against Honkai.

The other side.

Between the tree and the sea.

The land of origin.

The fire faded.

The final lawyer wearing gold-wire glasses, his hair was messy, he was panting slightly, and he walked forward calmly.

Move with her steps.

The sky full of stars moved.

Star Sea Rewinding.

The fire along the road slowly dissipated.

The woman picked up the buzzing golden spear.

Stabbed at Ye Jingxing, who was lying on the ground and half-dead.

The tip of the gun was again on fire.

"You lost."

Ye Jingxing was goosebump at the moment, as if he was an old man about to enter the soil.

The voice was weak and weak: "Yes, I lost again."

Ye Jingxing said weakly: "Kevin's group of perverts lost to you, I finally understand, before I die, hurry up!"

Ye Jingxing said silently in his heart: "I really won't see you again this time, sister!"

"So weak, you should not be the same kind I am looking for

" "Willing to gamble and lose, since you lose, you will be punished!"

After speaking, she smiled brightly.

Ye Jingxing looked at the weird smile, and his heart was suddenly stunned.


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