After the end of the seventh collapse, the disaster called the collapse could no longer be concealed, and it intruded into the public eye with impunity.

Walking on a remote road, you may encounter a wild car at any time, or a sickle dead man who runs away from home~~

A lucky young man can smoothly advance to an ordinary dead man, and a guy with bad luck may become fertilizer for the earth.......

In the years that followed, the frequency of collapse events gradually increased.

It seems that someone is tired of seeing the transition between this collapse and human beings, and presses the accelerator button with the highest multiple

... As a result, people's lifestyles have changed dramatically.

On this day, a huge sun was suspended alone in the middle of the sky, without a cloud accompanying it, and the sun was poisonous.

The streets below are even urban, quiet and excessive, and there are few people on the street.

A county that looks a little empty.

Under a long-abandoned stone bridge.

A man with an unkempt head and no face covered by a straight face was lying on his side on a shabby straw mat, covered with a black dress, and a rusty iron sword was placed beside him, and from time to time a few wisps of wind blew through the bridge hole, bringing a little coolness.


The shrill roar of the engine sounded from afar.

A black locomotive that I don't know how many times it has been modified is speeding towards this side.

Where the locomotive passed, it was dusty.

The owner of the car is a young guy wearing a vest and somewhat dark skin.

I saw that the guy controlled the steering wheel with his right hand, and his left hand didn't know where to touch a horn.


In the blink of an eye, the car crossed the stone bridge and flew away, but the white horn was thrown under the bridge.

"Bang dang, dang dang!"

"Sword maniac, sword maniac, sword maniac come to live, come live, see you in the old place later, see you in the old place later, pockmarked point, pockmarked point, pockmarked point!"

The continuous words are played on a loop under the bridge hole, enduringly, and the listener's head is two circles bigger.


The person known as the sword maniac, casually touched it, and a dagger broke through the air.

In an instant, the horn was divided, and the noisy sound stopped abruptly.


A few seconds later, the man known as the sword maniac picked up the rusty iron sword, put on a black coat of some years, and walked up the stairs by the river.

Unhurried, steady steps, a few yawns from time to time, and the appearance of not waking up.

It's past noon.

There were a little more pedestrians on the street, and some small vendors appeared.

The sound of shouting and shouting is endless, adding a bit of life to this county.

"Lao Liu, come a drawer of buns, and another millet porridge, take them all away, slip away, I'm in a hurry!"


Named Lao Liu, the owner of the bun shop who was more than half a hundred years old filled the man like a homeless man with food.

"Hey, old Liu, what's your wife?"

The owner of the bun shop known as Lao Liu smiled happily.

"Go back to the big city to live with my son, take care of my grandson, the medical conditions in the big city are good, and her old problems can be slowed down!"

"What about you?"

"I, a bad old man, am not used to that life, but I suffered my wife, ran from the big city to this remote small place, suffered for so many years, but you, the age should not be old, my granddaughter is about the same age as you this year, it is better to introduce it to you~~"

Hearing the old man's words, the long-haired man hurriedly shook his head, put a green ticket on the board, mentioned his breakfast, and ran away.

"Discuss again, discuss again~

~" "Your money~

" "Save first, come back next time!"


Along the way, countless pedestrians greeted the long-haired man one after another.

The long-haired man ate the bun in his hand, carefully observed the situation on the road, and said helplessly.

"Hey, there are fewer people, and the buns are getting smaller, so I have to buy another drawer next time!"

Around the county seat.

A strange mechanical pole stands around the county seat, firmly enclosing it.

Tens of thousands of long poles exude strange currents, intertwined, and faintly feel connected!

On the avenue outside the county seat.

Dozens of large trucks stood here, bulging on top of the carriages, and I don't know what they were.

"Boss, I heard that the new generation of Honkai Beast Expulsion Device has been circulating normally on the black market, is it really or fake?"

"Of course it's true, otherwise you think that making such a big battle is to fight the autumn breeze!"

"Ye ye ye, finally want to be renewed, doesn't that mean that in the future, ten miles near our county seat will be safe, and we can finally live the ball addiction!"

Hearing this, the 30-year-old man, known as the boss, grinned.

"Just your football skills, forget it, go back and practice for a few more years!"

"Hey, boss, don't accept to fight when you come back."

"Okay, okay, let you have a hand when the time comes!"

Young man: "... Isn't the difficulty of our play football? A

middle-aged man in the team who was shirtless, burly, with a board inch, with a cigarette hanging from his mouth, sat at the front of the big truck, looking into the distance from time to time, and said a little impatiently.

Dozens of cigarette butts were scattered under his feet.

"Why hasn't the sword maniac come yet~~ Xiaowang, did you see the sword maniac wake up?"

The swarthy young man known as Xiao Wang hurriedly defended.

"Uncle Wang, I swear to God, I must wake up, I paid a horn at that time, that thing is now a scarce commodity, it can be sold for a lot of money, woo-woo!!"

"Lao Wang, how long have you been waiting, what is the panic, although the sword maniac sometimes has a bad brain, but ~~

" "Buzz!"

A crisp sound of swords broke the slightly dull atmosphere.

A rusty sword fell from the sky and stuck into the ground in front of the convoy, buzzing and trembling.

"Hey, hey, I can hear it, saying bad things behind people's backs, but it's not a bad habit, three bottles of burning knives!"

"Your fucking mother is finally here, after running this trip, buy you two boxes of burning knives!"

Hearing this, the long-haired man who slept on the long sword reached out and pulled away the long hair that blocked his eyes and tied a ponytail.

A handsome but slightly vicissitudes face appeared in everyone's sight.

Those eyes were shining brightly at the moment, exuding dazzling light.

"Three bottles first!"

The man untied the gourd around his waist and threw it directly to the man at the head.

"Okay, then this peripheral Honkai beast!"

The sword maniac glanced at the dozens of Collapsed Beasts that were several meters tall and wandering above the wasteland, and grinned.

"Drink and pour, come when you go!"


The sound of the sword sounded.

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