On the city's tall moat, anti-aircraft guns, howitzers and other protective machinery stand majestically.

One by one, the warriors in silver armor were waiting for the battle.

"Huh? Captain, the speed of the Honkai Beast Group seems to have slowed down! An

armored soldier handed a telescope to the man in golden armor.

The man took the telescope and found that this was indeed the case.

The group of Broken Beasts that were moving towards them quickly just now seemed to have lost their target for a moment.

Slow down and dangle around. There was a faint feeling of wanting to withdraw.

"I hope it's a false alarm, hasn't the call from the Intelligence Department been connected yet?"

"That's right, I still can't get through."

"Keep calling, send another soldier over to see how the situation is, and stay vigilant."

"Yes, Captain."

A sense of foreboding appeared in the man's mind.

At this time, a large dark cloud appeared over the city, casting a large shadow.

It left a haze in the hearts of many soldiers.

Ministry of City Defense.

A young man, panting violently, slammed the door.

"Anyone? Anyone? "

But the gate of the city defense department could not be opened.

The young man decisively took out his pistol and prepared to give the lock a shot.

"Destroying public property and using firearms by the Ministry of Urban Defense for no reason is illegal, understand?"

A seductive voice came to mind.

The young man's eyes were confused, and he slowly raised the gun in his hand and aimed it at his temple.

In the distance, a charming woman in a black robe appeared.

Charming eyes like silk, red lips upturned nose, red long hair, black robe can not cover the clever arc, every move, hook people's hearts.

At this moment, he was watching the suicide scene of the teenager with interest.

"Junior, it's time to go home for dinner!"

Just as the young man, trembling his hands, was about to pull the trigger.

An angry shout sounded from the bottom of his heart, and the young man instantly came to his senses and aimed his muzzle at the red-haired woman.

"Bang, bang, bang..." The red-haired woman easily dodged the young man's shot.

He looked at the young man in front of him excitedly.

"Interesting, I can even wake up with perseverance, I haven't met such an interesting toy from you for a long time."

The woman stuck out her tongue and licked her sexy red lips excitedly, her eyes emitting a strange red light.

"Don't look him in the eye!"

The young man did the same and quickly turned his head away to avoid the woman's eyes.

"Oh, it's interesting."

"Who are you and what the hell do you want to do!"

"It doesn't hurt to tell you the dying, we are the Savior, His believers, and the hope of mankind!"

"No need to find someone, they have returned to the arms of the Lord, do not worry, soon you will return to the arms of the Lord just like them."

"What the hell are you crazy people trying to do!"

"Of course, it is to return all sentient beings to their primordial origin, to be redeemed, to gain eternity, but that is only our ultimate goal, and now of course it is to redeem the city first!"

"Madman, give me death!" The young man roared and frantically pulled the trigger.

"Hmph, I don't know how bad it is." The enchanting woman stood motionless in place, and the bullet seemed to have eyes, accurately avoiding the woman's body.


"Then now please you ~ what."

The void slashed with a sword, and the woman's head was separated.

The enchanting woman watched her body fall weakly, and her lips squirmed weakly: "Holy Son!

"It's true, God is nagging, and in the end I don't know anything, speechless."

"Broken." Ye Jingxing swung the long sword in his hand again and smashed the gate.

A golden light flashed, and the person had disappeared without a trace.

Only the teenager who was stunned in place and a charming corpse were left.

Inside the city walls.

A crowd shrouded in black cloaks kept an eye on the movements of the Honkai beasts.

"Chief, something is wrong with the Honkai Beasts!"

"The collapse crystals in the city have been manipulated!"

"That can only start Plan B, and who of you is willing to perform this task."

"I do!"

"I would like to too!"

"Let me come!"

Countless fanatical believers rushed to show their loyalty to the leader.

"I am very gratified that I will tell our Lord the truth about your vision."

The chief pointed to a person at random.

"Just you, Xiang Ming."

"It's my pleasure."

"When the Lord comes, you may serve at the Lord's side and see eternity."

"See eternity." The mountain roared like a tsunami of songs.

The black-robed leader waved his hand and signaled quiet.

He handed the glass bottle containing a fist-sized purple spar to a man named Xiang Cheng.

"When the time comes, we will bear witness to your glorious deeds on the walls and will pray to the Lord and sing your deeds."

"Praise be to my Lord."

"Praise be to my Lord."

City walls.

"Captain, the Honkai Beast is moving fast towards us."

"Captain, there is a ragged man in front of the Honkai beasts, whether to rescue."

"Captain, Tianming has sent us back news, all the soldiers of the City Defense Department have died, be careful."

"Something is wrong, shoot, shoot, shoot the man!"


"Captain, that may just be an innocent mass, how can you make your own decisions and shoot the masses."

A bespectacled Sven teenager stepped forward to theorize with the captain.

"Special period, special countermeasures, it is better to kill by mistake than to let go, but behind us are millions of innocent people."

The captain looked solemnly at the group of Collapsed Beasts that were gradually approaching the attack range.

"All troops, listen to my instructions and prepare."


The captain looked incredulously at his chest.

A short laser blade, through the heart, appeared on his chest.



"Who let you do so much."

"Do it, open the city gates, and receive comrades."

Countless warriors dressed in silver armor drew laser short blades and backstabbed their former friends.

The flower of killing blooms at this time.


" "Give me death."

The Sven man's laughter stopped abruptly as a sharp golden chain pierced through his body, holding him firmly in place.

"Holy Son!"

"St. Nima's, I'll clean you up later."

In the void above the city wall, golden chains reappeared, firmly nailing one betrayer after another to the ground.

"Ugh!" "Ugh!" "Ugh!"

A bitter scream resounded in the sky.

Ye Jingxing took out the healing potion from his arms and distributed it to the seriously injured warriors in the city.

"Save our captain."

"The heart is broken, there is no power to return to heaven, let him rest in peace."

Ye Jingxing closed the captain's dead eyes.

"So who is the vice captain."


"Okay, take care of these people, don't let them kill me, I'll be in a hurry later."

The pale-faced captain looked at the Avalanche Beast, which was only half a kilometer away from the city.

"Forgive me."

"They handed it over to me."

After speaking, Ye Jingxing's figure flashed away and appeared in front of the collapsed beasts.

A sword moved the head of the man who guided the Broken Beast.

Taking the fist-sized Honkai Crystal in the man's hand, it appeared at the tail of the Honkai beasts, flickering away in the opposite direction.

On the city wall, watching the warriors who gradually moved away from the city wall, they all exclaimed in unison.

And that group of betrayers were extremely angry and couldn't wait to eat Ye Jingxing.

"No, what kind of divine is this!"

"Clean up the scene, call the headquarters, report the current situation."

"Leave a group of people to watch over the scene and prevent the rioters from committing suicide."

"The rest of the people, patrol the city to see if there are any hidden dangers."


The Sven man wearing glasses looked obsessively in the direction Ye Jingxing left.

"Holy Son, stop clinging to enlightenment, returning to the Lord's embrace is your only option."

"Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord."

The vice captain picked up the belt and frantically whipped the Sven man's face, head, and body, and roared while hitting.

"Let your Lord come and save you!"

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