After breakfast, Ye Jingxing and Alicia went to the Shenzhou headquarters to check in daily.

Then, he stayed at the headquarters and began to fish.

Since discovering and cleaning up those two high-level Avalanche Beasts.

The birth rate of Honkai Beasts has also been greatly reduced, and it has been a long time since there has been a threatening Honkai Beast.

The first special squad has no special tasks.

Staying at headquarters has become their current responsibility.

After all, no one knows if this is a harbinger of the next big collapse.

Ensuring the security of Headquarters has become a top priority.

"Xiao Yezi, you have to continue to work hard ♪, I just heard someone say that Kevin defeated the trace, and Kevin's progress is too fast, which has caused a lot of pressure on me as a captain" ♪

Ye Jingxing looked at the table lying on the table, leisurely looking at the magazine, lazily talking about the stressed Alicia.

Three black lines floated to the brain.

"Sister Ai, if you are under pressure, read less magazines, go back to the training ground, and train more."

Say, take away Alicia's magazine.

Who knows, the other party who is quick to see easily predicts the action and easily dodges.

"Oh, Xiaoyezi, it's you, the cute girl's heart is omnipotent, of course, including the combat aspect ♪

" "Hey!"

Ye Jingxing shrugged helplessly, and did not pay attention to Alicia, who combined work and rest.

Walked over to the coffee table and poured Alicia a cup of green tea.

"I want to drink milk tea, I don't want to drink this, bitter, astringent ♪" "

Drink it, I'll buy you milk tea after drinking!"

Ye Jing Road.

"Drink it quickly, see what kind of trapped you are, touch the fish early in the morning, be careful to be discovered by the leader later, and deduct your salary!"

"Poof, Xiaoyezi, in other words, our family is not short of this money, how do ♪♪♪ you

" "..." "

It may be that the boss deducted too much salary in the previous life, and it has left a psychological shadow!"

"Okay, okay, don't be sad, can't I drink it yet, it's not because you were last night ♪♪" "Cough, cough, I'll go buy you red dates and wolfberry milk tea, ♪

make up more."

"Thank you Xiaoyezi, I like you the most, go early and return ♪ early

" "Uh-huh."

A powerful sense of oppression welled up in my heart.

Kevin's strength has become stronger again, the number of collapses has decreased, and the one-year period is constantly approaching.

The fourth collapse is almost over.

In the original work, the description of the seventh collapse before it was also a few strokes, and Ye Jingxing was not very clear.

The most important thing is his own appearance, which may have already upset the original balance.

He had a faint premonition that the degree of damage of the fourth collapse was definitely far beyond the previous era.

At this moment, all Ye Jingxing can do is become stronger and keep getting stronger.

Hurriedly bought milk tea and sent it to Alicia.

It was found that Alicia had already fallen asleep on the table.

Ye Jingxing draped his coat over her.

By the way, turn on the air conditioner.

"It's very cold, so it's very easy to catch a cold when you sleep like this!"

Poked Alicia's little face.

Turn around and walk out of the room.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Jingxing came to his room, closed the door, and opened his road to becoming stronger today.

Now that the level cannot be raised, he can only find another way to improve his strength.

Looking at the ultimate weapon supply card in his backpack, Ye Jingxing remembered it.

The king's treasure is very strong, but I don't know if it's because there is no sword as a key, and some of the ultimate treasures inside can't be used.

Therefore, Ye Jingxing's purpose this time is to draw the sword.

If the sword is drawn, then the treasure of the king will be completely unsealed and bloom with true brilliance.

He will never have to worry about equipment again.

I don't know if it's because I'm lucky enough to save too little.

A golden light flashed, and a long sword emitting golden brilliance appeared.

【Name】: Sword of Oath of Victory.

[Level]: A++

[Category]: Treasures in the city.


Ye Jingxing turned off the data template with some disappointment.

Looking at this holy sword that was about one meter long and exuded a holy brilliance, there was already a sound of sword clanging.

"It seems that I am too greedy!"

What he hopes to draw most is the obedient sword, so that it can be used with the treasure of the king, complement each other, and play the greatest role.

The second is the old version of the holy sword with a scabbard, EX-level, once the real name is liberated, the power is even far beyond the terrifying existence of the sword.


seems to feel the owner's dissatisfaction.

A faint black mist shrouded the sword body.

After a while, a black and red intersected, emitting a purple light, and the strange blackened holy sword was transformed.


"Change me back, I'll break you up in a moment."

"Buzz Buzz~~

" "This way the casting speed is faster!"


"By the way, the infinite map cannon is it!"


Remembering the theatrical version, the performance of black saber in the cup of heaven, Ye Jingxing's mood is also much better.

"So, start today's daily challenge!"

Put away the blackened holy sword.

Ye Jingxing's mind moved, and he sank into his own consciousness world, opening today's daily challenges.

The first is the regular experience, the material level.

With Ye Jingxing's Infinite Map Cannon of the Blackened Holy Sword, it didn't take a few minutes to clear the level.

At the same time, Ye Jingxing also tested his limits.

Under the increase without using any equipment.

Ye Jingxing uses the blackened holy sword that completely liberates his magic power, and can unleash the map cannon 5 times.

If you add your current experience jar, you can release 10 more map cannons.

And Ye Jingxing's blackened holy sword took into account the charging mode of the normal holy sword.

If the experience jar is raised for a while, the upper limit of the blue bar is a little higher, and he has a little more time, he is sure to kill a judgment-level collapsed beast with one shot.

With the continuous increase of the upper limit of blue volume, Ye Jingxing is sure that one day in the future, he will smash the final lawyer.

As long as the final lawyer keeps himself in place.

Thinking of this, Ye Jingxing also smiled brightly.

Then Ye Jingxing opened today's abyss challenge.

This time, Ye Jingxing came for the ultimate reward of this mode.

Last time, Ye Jingxing spent more than two hours and abruptly cleared the normal mode.

The later bosses were all a group of emperor-level collapse beasts, and they were still the kind with particularly high defense.

Ye Jingxing's king's treasure was also half-wasted at this time.

You can only rely on the ability of the lawyer to grind the boss to death.

The last few levels Ye Jingxing disliked too slowly, directly transformed into a real man for three minutes, and directly dropped the BOSS in seconds.

After the seconds drop, you will have to wait a short time before you can move on to the next level.

So three minutes passed quickly.

Ye Jingxing can only grind the boss slowly.

But now with the Holy Sword Map Cannon, he can finally raise his eyebrows and get the final reward of the normal mode!

Directly redeemed several bottles of advanced recovery potions.

The holy sword in the right hand is directly dried.

After entering, the king's treasure is directly opened, automatically aiming at the attack, and the three major laws are able to assist.

Ye Jingxing started the game by directly raising the blackening holy sword and began to charge his strength.

After clearing the level, flash past, charge to continue, and move on to the next level.

In this way, Ye Jingxing finally cleared the level within the specified time and got the ultimate reward of the ordinary mode abyss: 5W lucky value.

Then he set his sights on the mirror challenge that he had never touched.

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