Fire Moth Base.

"Report, the shadow that shrouded the Southern Wilderness City just now has completely dissipated!"

"Report, just now a violent collapse energy fluctuation was found above the Southern Wilderness City."

"Report, there was a violent explosion in the Southern Wilderness City just now!"


"Could it be that the Wind Law has discovered the traces of the Wind Law and has already started fighting?"

A middle-aged man wearing glasses stroked his chin and muttered.

"Ordered, the drone first conducts distant reconnaissance, sends the nearest small team to the Southern Wilderness City to support, rescue first, annihilate the enemy second."



A city relatively close to the city of the Southern Wilderness.

Looking up into the distance, I saw the rapidly expanding green hurricane in the sky.

The sky of the Southern Wilderness City is cloudless.

The sky was as blue as a sapphire at the moment.


Just as Alicia flew up and was about to enter the sea of green storms that were constantly spinning at great speed.

A familiar voice rings in the ears.

A golden void crack emerged.

A bloody man fell out of it, holding a little green-haired girl in his arms.

"Little leaf!"

Alicia didn't care so much, and hugged her blood man.

"Go fast~"

Ye Jingxing opened his mouth with difficulty, weakly said.


" "Go!"


Alicia also hugged Ye Jingxing hard, and blue flames of light appeared from the wings behind her.


The hair danced wildly in the wind, and a drop of blood flew in front of his eyes and flashed towards the rear.


An excited, excited cry resounded in the sky.

"Fly down!"

Ye Jingxing spoke again.

The sea of storms in the sky quickly returned, condensed, and contracted.

Endless winds surged madly from all directions of heaven and earth.

As if at the call of someone.

Not to be outdone, green spots of light in the sky flew all over the sky.

The green sea of storms, the constant surging wind, shimmering.

I don't know what is breeding in the sea of storms.

Violent collapse energy fluctuations spread out from the Sea of Storms.

"What's that!"

"Hehe, it may be the new wind lawyer!"

Ye Jingxing tugged at the corner of his mouth bitterly.


The heart-wrenching pain came from the bones of his limbs again, causing him to gasp continuously.

"What about the recovery potion!" Alicia said.

"I have no way to move, even if it is a recovery potion, it can only cure the symptoms but not the root cause, woo~~"

Ye Jingxing's eyes widened suddenly.

Alicia pulled out a recovery potion from the armor carry-on bag, raised her head and drank it, and personally fed it to Ye Jingxing.

After a few minutes, the two slowly separated.

Ye Jingxing looked at Alicia's blood-stained, more vivid and full red lips, and she was a little dumbfounded.

"What about ♪ these people" Alicia gently pushed away Ye Jingxing, who wanted to approach, and looked at the unconscious hundred or so people on the ground.

"You guys go first, go and call me for help!"

Ye Jingxing stretched out his blood-stained hand and gently wiped the blood on Alicia's red lips.

"By the way, and this little guy!"

He handed Alicia the Wind Lawyer, who slept comfortably in his arms and shrunk again.

"She is!" Looking at the cute little girl who appeared out of thin air, only two or three years old, and looked cute.

Several question marks appeared in Alicia's head.

"I'm telling you, this is the previous generation of wind lawyers!"

“!!! ♪♪♪

"However, the core of the lawyer has been taken out, and my head has been hammered a few times, and I have lost my memory, so I can adopt it with confidence!"

"Aren't you very envious of Grace of the Blanca family, now the wish has come true!"

"Roar!" The Sea of Storms shrank again.

"Time to go!" Ye Jingxing looked up at the sky and said helplessly.

"What about you!" Alicia's apricot eyes widened suddenly.

Because of her and everyone on earth.

I don't know when it has already entered the range of the Golden Void Rift.

"Remember to call me foreign aid!"

Before leaving, Alicia read Ye Jingxing's lips.

"Give me back alive."

"Of course, or my incense will be broken!" Ye Jingxing grabbed his hair.


The golden void crack disappeared completely.

Everyone except Ye Jingxing disappeared.


The sea of storms also dissipated at this moment, and the green hurricane dispersed in all directions.

A green-haired beauty with two horns on her head, white ribbons flying in the wind, carrying green, symbolizing the divine ring of the wind, smiled and looked at Ye Jingxing!

[Target]: Aunt Feng.

[Title]: The Law of the Wind.

【Height】: 170cm.


[Status]: Excited.

"Hahaha, what kind of Aunt Feng, it is clear that it is Feng Bo, and the broken will can really play ah!"

Ye Jingxing covered his forehead and said with a smile.

"Ready to die?"

The green-haired Fengbo was also not annoyed, and looked at Ye Jingxing with a smile.


Ye Jingxing looked up to the sky and roared.

A pitch-black body with purple lines all over his body, and armor that emitted a strange light appeared on Ye Jingxing's body.

Protect Ye Jingxing's bloodstained body that exposed Sensen's white bones.

Especially the blood hole that is very close to the heart.


Aunt Feng's fingertips condensed the wind.

Countless green hurricanes like drill bits, surrounded by cyan thunder, fiercely drilled towards Ye Jingxing on the ground.

"Get out!"

Ye Jingxing clenched the purple-black long sword in his hand tightly with both hands.

A purple-black pillar of sky-high light rose up again.

The yellow desert, gray walls, and blue sky are rendered dark and eerie.

"The first law of an ideal fluid is that it is absolutely incompressible."


The green drill bit passed directly through the purple-black sword light and dismembered it.

"Boom!" Ye Jingxing suddenly clenched his right hand.

"Boom." A purple-black sun suddenly bloomed.

The sand dances wildly and the dust is all over the sky.


Three cyan drills that shrank several times, broke through the smoke and dust, and their power was undiminished.

Three huge black spiral-shaped giant pits appeared where Ye Jingxing had just stayed.

"Ahem, is it so strong!"

Ye Jingxing wiped the black blood from the corner of his mouth, and his face turned pale.

"What's wrong, little mouse, why don't you talk!"

A green silhouette suddenly appeared behind Ye Jingxing, and his right hand wrapped around the extremely fast rotating wind, poking at Ye Jingxing's back.

"Get out!" Ye Jingxing's body suddenly squatted, turned around, and slashed towards the Wind Lawyer.

A purple-black pillar of light emerged from the tip of the sword again, and the yellow sand reversed to both sides.

"Aren't you dead yet?"

A green wind fist suddenly exploded in Ye Jingxing's chest.

"Touch." Ye Jingxing suddenly turned into a cannonball and galloped towards the city wall.

A large mouthful of blood suddenly spit out, and the blood spilled on the ground



The thick walls were easily crossed.

I don't know how many houses were shot through before I stopped.

Cracks appeared on the armor.

Ye Jingxing is like gold paper, with less air intake and more air outlet.

"What a shame, betrayer!"

The green silhouette waved her small hand.

All the soot, the broken house, and the garbage were all scattered to both sides.

Clear out a wide and tidy road.

"How does it feel to be injured by the wind law core, cut by a thousand cuts, the wound continues to heal, and then slowly tear!"

"It hurts!" Ye Jingxing grinned.

"Hand it over, I'll give you a blast then!"

Aunt Feng walked to Ye Jingxing's side and stretched out her jade hand towards him.

Ye Jingxing squinted his eyes, raised his head with difficulty, and looked at the high and high Aunt.

"Bah!" A mouthful of blood spat on Aunt Feng's hand.

He took a handful of green shards from his arms and threw them into his mouth.


" "Find death!"

A green wind formed in an instant.

Aunt Feng's clothes fluttered, her long hair fluttered, and the green divine ring emitted a dazzling divine light.

Ye Jingxing was thrown out by the hurricane formed in an instant, breaking through dozens of houses.

"Ready to die?"

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