"Is it over?" Alicia lowered her arm and looked suspiciously at the center of the battlefield.

A ruin.

Through the gaps, you can even see some exposed wires.

"Moisture!" The sound of electricity kept ringing.

The armor on Kevin's body had long been shattered.

The big sword in his hand was close to Ye Jingxing's neck, and a trace of blood snake continued to slide down the blade.

Ye Jingxing's fist was a stone's throw away from Kevin's temple.

"Okay, okay, they're all good friends, just go until ♪ you click," Alicia said.

"Well, let's count it as a tie!" Ye Jingxing withdrew his fist.

"No, I lost." Kevin withdrew his greatsword with some frustration.

"Well, you found out, as punishment, please each of us a cup of milk tea!" Ye Jingxing said with a smile.

"Drinking milk tea in the morning, is it easy to get fat ♪," Alicia hesitated.

Subsequently, Ye Jingxing and Kevin hooked up and went to buy milk tea.

"Wait for me, you won't be able to make friends ♪ like this again," Alicia was a little unhappy.

A few hours later, Vilvie, wearing a strange hat, led her engineering team to start the restoration of the site.

The repair funds were credited to Ye Jingxing's account.

Ye Jingxing probably never dreamed that he was so unlucky today.

After drinking milk tea, the three of them dispersed.

Alicia and Kevin each lead a squad for daily training.

Ye Jingxing used the great method of touching fish and wandered around.

Let Ye Jingxing go to clear out the Broken Beast and eliminate the Lawyer, his eyebrows will definitely not move.

As for going to be someone else's instructor, forget it, this kind of misleading thing is better to find someone else, Ye Jingxing he can't bear this responsibility.

While walking, Ye Jingxing found a very interesting thing.

He should have personally ended the field, but the humble call who led the first team did not come.

Those present were gray-haired and blue-eyed, wearing black combat uniforms, combed high ponytails, and handsome and youthful gorgeous.

The squad she led was languishing, and the password to China was deaf and lazy.

These fighters have undergone strict screening, systematic training, and their physical functions are also at their peak.

Even if Hua wants to end up in power, it is impossible to subdue someone quickly, and if he falls into a state of fighting, he will fall into a more embarrassing situation.

After all, Hua at this time is just a girl who can do some kung fu.

Before he underwent [Hyperchange Surgery] and the [Shenyin] plan, he had always been just an ordinary person.

When the upper echelons inspected the teams, they could see the problems of these teams at a glance, and after a little digging, they knew that they had not come.

Hua looked at the sagging team below, closed his eyes, and seemed to have made up some determination.

"Good morning, Hua, where is Humble Mihu?" Ye Jingxing took the initiative to step forward and greet Hua.

"So handsome, if he is our instructor, even if the training is painful, I am willing." A young girl in the flower season with twinkling eyes.

"Don't dream, this look, either the sea king or the pseudonym, we probably have no chance!" A young girl next to her had some heartache.

"Cut, isn't it just a little more handsome than me, who knows what the strength is, whether it's right is a soft rice eater!" A somewhat handsome teenager was not angry.

"Little brother, do you want to come and eat my soft rice~~~" A sweet and soft voice sounded next to it.


"Brother Ye." Hua heard a familiar voice, her beautiful eyes flowed, and she looked at Ye Jingxing excitedly.

"Last night in the banquet hall, the captain did not drink alcohol, returned to the dormitory and drank for half the night, and now he is still sleeping in the dormitory!" Hua approached Ye Jingxing and said embarrassedly.

"Oh, it's a humble huh!" Ye Jingxing grabbed his hair helplessly.

"I'm okay anyway, why don't I help you!" Ye Jingxing smiled brightly.

"Wow, so handsome, please be our instructor!"

"Instructor little brother, can you exchange contact information?"

"What about our humble instructor, I want a beautiful instructor!" One teenager spoke out about the psychology of most boys.

Originally, the instructor they booked was a humble, enthusiastic big sister, which boy didn't like it.

Who knew that after being excited for several days, finally temporarily changed, and the enthusiastic big sister became a young and handsome little sister.

This made these men how to stand it, so there was a situation at the beginning.

"Okay, Captain Beimihu has not sent something for the time being, and then I will lead the team, you have no opinion!" Ye Jingxing smiled brightly.

"Yay, yes." A crowd of teenage girls cheered.

"Why, you are not much older than us, what can you teach us!" A group of boys were not angry.

"Yes, aren't you the male attendant at yesterday's meeting?" A boy with a good memory said.

"If you are not convinced, go to the training ground, I like to convince people with force (physics)!" Ye Jingxing smiled brightly.

Young? The heart is arrogant, Ye Jingxing can accept it.

Young people are not crazy teenagers, as long as they do not touch some bottom lines, they are still good teenagers.

Then Ye Jingxing led everyone to the ordinary training ground.

After Ye Jingxing entered, he stood directly in the middle of the venue and drew a circle with a diameter of one meter for himself.

Ye Jingxing put his hands around his chest, glanced at everyone present, and said softly: "Those who are not convinced can go together, as long as you force me out of this real circle, even if you win!"

"Of course, I won't use any weapons, armor or anything."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

The girls were fascinated by Ye Jingxing's confidence, and the stars flashed in their eyes.

Hua did not show any surprised expression, but she had luckily seen Big Brother Ye make a move.

Plain to the point, nothing fancy, but incredibly practical.

"I lean on and look down on us."

"Fuck, let's get on together!"


Originally a young man, young and vigorous, he was slightly stimulated by Ye Jingxing, and he immediately couldn't bear it.

Three three two two, huddle forward, is bound to take Ye Jingxing.

Otherwise, with the influence of this guy among girls, if not curbed in time.

It is estimated that I will not find a girlfriend in the future.

Ye Jingxing stood with his hands in his hands, showing his superior demeanor.

Facing young warriors in all directions, Ye Jingxing did not use so many bells and whistles.

In the change of eyes, red dots appeared on the young warrior's body.

Ye Jingxing gave them a name: "Weakness." "

This ability is also slowly revealed after the eye is healed.

It is estimated that several powers converge with each other and give birth to extended skills.

After that, Ye Jingxing punched a little friend.

In just a few seconds, Ye Jingxing was surrounded by a group of children, rolling on the ground and wailing in pain.

"Oh, those children, do you still want to come up and talk?" Ye Jingxing looked at the other stunned warriors who were stunned in place.

"No, we just want to come and see the heroic posture of the instructor, there is no other meaning." A boy laughed dryly.

"That's right, that's right."

"That's good." Ye Jingxing said with a smile.

Ye Jingxing then personally went down and fed each student a pill.

After a while, the boy lying on the ground stood up with difficulty and returned to the team with a fearful face.

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