Oceania branch.

In the quiet corridor, the sound of rubber tires rolling over the floor can be heard.

A girl with short black hair and a bunch of swaying hair on her head, who looks very quiet, turns the wheelchair tire.

Heading towards the training ground where she used to sweat.

Her name is Wendy. She was once a student of St. Freya Academy and a proud disciple of Theresa.

After graduation, Wendy joined the Oceania branch. With her strong strength and excellent tactical qualities, she was quickly promoted to A-level Valkyrie, leaving her peers far behind. It was even once believed that she would become the fourth S-level Valkyrie of this generation.

Everyone is looking forward to Wendy's better performance.

She is a rising star, shouldering countless eager eyes.

Until Wendy was recommended by Theresa to participate in a human experiment. (Wendy herself volunteered)

Everything went smoothly, and the bright and far-reaching future left her overnight.

At the same time, in this experiment, Wendy also lost her legs forever.

From the much-anticipated rising star, she has become a useless person today.

From the clouds, she has fallen to the dust.

She is not as humble as a butterfly dancing in the garden.

At least, butterflies have freedom.

But Wendy, who has become a container for the desired gem, does not have it.

The girl stopped the wheelchair, and the blue iris and black pupils formed a subtle contrast.

The gentleness and cheerfulness of the past are gone, and what is left is only a dead silence.

It is like an ancient well, which will only have a ripple when the wind blows.

"That's great."

Looking at the way the Valkyries who trained with her and went to the battlefield together in the past were chatting and laughing after the exercise,

Wendy opened her thin lips lightly and let out a faint sigh.

Once upon a time, she was one of them.


Looking down at her legs, which showed no response no matter how much stimulation she exerted, Wendy's eyes became darker and darker.

Three years

, three whole years.

Every day when she got up, she had to face the indifferent eyes of the researchers, and the cold experimental equipment in their hands.

Even when she slept at night, she had to be monitored.

Such days, Wendy could no longer bear it.

There was a person in her heart. As the darkness deepens, the sound becomes clearer and clearer from far to near.

That's the same voice as her own, she's talking——

"Valkyrie Wendy."

A deep male voice sounded behind her. Wendy turned her head and saw a middle-aged man in a white coat saying in a routine and indifferent tone,"Come with me. The branch chief wants to see you now.""

"See me? Why?"

Wendy didn't understand, she was a useless person now.

What could the branch leader need to tell him personally?

Ha, that would be such an honor.

"Don't ask so many questions. As a Valkyrie, it is your bounden duty to obey orders. Could it be that because you have been disabled for so long, you have even lost the most basic qualities of a Valkyrie?"

The tone was as indifferent as ever.

But the unabashed acrimony in it still deeply hurt Wendy's heart. Rouyi, who was too thin and had obvious veins on the back of her hands, suddenly grasped the armrests of the wheelchair.

Deep in Wendy's eyes, she couldn't restrain herself. There was a trace of murderous intention. Kill

him, kill these hypocrites , kill everyone who dares to hurt you. The voice appeared again, like a devil from hell, tempting Wendy into the abyss little by little.


Fortunately, Wendy is an excellent Valkyrie after all.

She controlled her emotions and lowered her head.

"Come on, I'll go with you to see the branch chief."

In the silent corridor, the sound of tires rolling over the floor was heard again.

Under the light, Wendy's shadow was stretched very long.

Thirty minutes ago.

Branch chief's office.

The direct order from the Archbishop at the headquarters of the Heavenly Mandate was thrown directly on the uncertain face of Reynold, the branch chief of Oceania, by Amber on the other side of the screen.

"Secretary, I don't mean to disobey the Archbishop's order."

"The plan to create a Herrscher has reached the most critical stage. Wendy's current situation must be monitored in real time by our Oceania branch."

"Otherwise, if the desire gem loses control and the fourth Honkai outbreak occurs, who will bear the responsibility??"

"I admit that Principal Teresa's St. Freya Academy is superior to our Oceania branch in training Valkyries, but when it comes to scientific research capabilities, we are obviously more advanced and mature, right?"

"I really can't understand why His Excellency the Archbishop would issue such an order."

It sounds like a high-sounding statement, but it's actually just an excuse.

Reynold simply didn't want to hand over the Desire Gem and Wendy.

That's a man-made Law Maker!

Once successful, there will be endless benefits. And he, Reynold, will become a great scholar and a great leader who will go down in history.

Few people in the world can resist such a temptation.

Amber saw Reynold's thoughts at a glance.

She spoke in a flat tone, not even bothering to explain.

"Do you want to disobey?"

These five simple words scared Reynold into a cold sweat.

Resisting Otto in Tianming is basically the same as seeking death.

What's more, it was Lu Ming who proposed this matter. Of course Amber knew that in Otto's heart, How important Lu Ming is.

If Reynold doesn't understand, tonight will be the day he dies.

After struggling for a few seconds, under Amber's gaze, the Oceania branch leader bowed his head under the pressure of power.

"Subordinates dare not"

"Then execute the order, remember, this is the first time, there will be no next time. The Archbishop doesn't need disobedient people, you................Understand?"

Without any need for Reynold to answer, Amber cut off the video unilaterally.

Because she knew that Reynold would definitely understand.

In fact, this was indeed the case.

After ending the communication video, Reynold asked her secretary to take Wendy with her. When they arrived at the office,

Reynold put on a friendly smile as he looked at the old Valkyrie in front of him, and greeted Wendy for a while before getting to the point.

"Wendy, the Archbishop has issued an order for you to report to St. Freya Academy before eight o'clock tonight."

"Although I am sad to see you leave, the Archbishop's order cannot be disobeyed."

Are you reluctant to part with me? You obviously can't part with the longing gem in my body. Ha, hypocrisy is really disgusting." Wendy sneered. She didn't answer Reynolds' words at all.

However, the girl's emotion could not affect Reynolds' performance at all.

He was very enthusiastic.

After the aerial battleship landed, he even took the initiative to help push

Wendy onto the battleship.

The door of the battleship slowly closed and then took off. Novel Network!) After her ears were finally cleared and she was able to stay away from these hypocrites, Wendy immediately felt much better.

The days at St. Freya Academy were one of the happiest times in her life.

A classmate and a kind teacher.

Although he is always reckless, he is more responsible than anyone else at critical moments.

For Wendy at this time, returning to St. Freya Academy is better than being in Oceania. It would be better for the branch to continue to suffer. It would be a hundred times better

"Principal Theresa, did you save me?"

Close her eyes, Wendy put her hand on her heart, feeling���A touch of warmth arrived.

At least, not everyone doesn't care about me.

There are still people who love me.

Alicia gave Herrscher a chance to fight, and the love and emotion between people ignited hope.

With a beam of light shining on her, the whispers in Wendy's ears disappeared a little unconsciously.

When the aerial battleship landed on the tarmac of St. Freya Academy, Wendy stared at everything familiar in front of her.

It was as if she had shaken off a heavy burden, and her whole body felt lighter.

Although there is still a haze hanging over my heart, at least I don’t have to live so hard all day long.

Especially after seeing the white-haired Lolita who was the leader of the group of people waiting for him.

Wendy almost cried on the spot

""Wendy, welcome home."

She stepped forward and noticed the student's unconscious legs.[]

Theresa was also upset. She only knew that the Oceania branch was going to use the Desire Gem to make a weapon to fight against the Herrscher.

That's why they recommended Wendy to participate in the experiment.

Who knew that the weapon these psychopaths were talking about was actually the Valkyrie herself? If she had known this in advance, Theresa would have gone to the Oceania branch to make a scene.

""It's been a long time since we last met, Principal Theresa. You're still the same as always." After wiping away the tears from her eyes, Wendy smiled as softly as usual and said,"Thank you for saving me from hell."

Upon hearing this, Theresa's expression froze.

She said shyly,"This....................actually.............I...................."

"In fact, she never thought that you, Wendy, would be treated so badly. The Oceania branch has done a good job of keeping secrets. The principal has applied to visit you several times, but was rejected."

Jizi was unceremoniously exposing the truth, but considering the friendship over the years, she still helped Theresa explain a few words.

After that, she pulled away the white-haired loli who had no B number, and gave up the center position to introduce Wendy to the black-haired young man who had been watching the touching drama of the teacher-student reunion with a smile.

"Wendy, you were saved this time thanks to Lu Ming"

"It was he who asked Archbishop Otto to send you to St. Freya Academy."

Requesting Archbishop Otto?

Noticing the key words in Ji Zi's words, Wendy looked at Lu Ming with a little more surprise.

Asking and begging are not the same thing.

The former is undoubtedly much tougher.

Being able to ask Whoever does what the archbishop does must be a big shot with the same status as the archbishop, right?

Also, how does Mr. Lu Ming know about this insignificant little Valkyrie? But on the surface, she is still very important.

Quick reaction

"Valkyrie Wendy, thank you very much for your kindness."

"If it weren't for you, Mr. Lu Ming, I might not be able to hold on for long.

It doesn't mean that my body can't hold on for long, but my mind.

Wendy knew the consequences of falling completely into darkness.

That is - to become a herrist

"You don't need to thank me. I just don't like the behavior of those people in Oceania. I believe Otto will give me an explanation for this matter later."

Waving his hand, Lu Ming said nonchalantly.

In his eyes, the group of idiots in the Oceania branch are the same as the people who hurt Xilin in the Babylon Laboratory.

None of them are good. They all deserve to die.

Otto is a smart man. There are many things that don't need Lu Ming to say.

He will naturally solve them.

"Let's talk about the past later. Wendy, we have prepared a welcoming banquet for you, at the principal's house."

Ji Zi took over the conversation with a smile, diluting the gloomy atmosphere.

She blinked at Wendy and said,"All the ingredients for tonight are paid for by the principal, Wendy, you have to eat more."

"Ah? When did I pay the bill?"

Theresa, who blinked her big eyes and looked full of wisdom, scratched her head in confusion, causing Lu Ming and Ji Zi to laugh uncontrollably.

Then, Wendy, who was infected, , I couldn’t help but raise my lips.

It’s great.

I’m back here again.

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