"Hey, Paimon, are you there?" Ye Zi saw that everyone had already discussed, and also began to call Paimon in his heart.

"Yes, yes, everyone is going back together, right? That's where it begins. As Paimon's confused voice sounded, everyone was once again surrounded by white light.

But every time Yezi calls Paimon, the other party looks like he just woke up, shouldn't this guy be sleeping all the time? How is it really like a child?

However, while Ye Zi was thinking about this, several people had already returned to the place of departure, which was their dormitory.

Then Kevin also directly spoke to a few people and left directly, saying that he wanted to go back to the world snake first, and Walter was similar, after all, he had not returned to reverse entropy for a long time.

However, before she went back, Ye Zi also specially reported some of Kokolia's behaviors to her, such as doing human experiments in a vain attempt to control reverse entropy.

Looking at Walter's face when he left, it can be imagined that Kokolia's next fate is not too good, and the punishment is at least.

"Well, I'm finally back, but it doesn't feel like it has been long." Kiana was thinking about sighing about the process of this trip, but found that this trip seemed to be really just a trip.

I didn't even fight, although I recognized an ancestor for myself, and I found that Youlandale had a relationship with him, and found Teacher Yang back.

"After all, I just ran into Kevin when I went in, and Xi'er still happened to be by Kevin's side, such a coincidence is not common, the next time, if it's okay, let's go out together."

Ye Zi glanced at the sun that had not yet set out the window, it was morning when they left, and now the time was less than 12 o'clock, and it was only more than an hour to go out.

"Well, okay, then I'll go get my phone first." Bud Yi then walked into the bedroom, she did not bring her mobile phone before leaving, but not long after Nha Yi entered, she walked out with a panicked face.

"Oops, look at this!" Bud Yi was holding a mobile phone in his hand at this time, his face was a little not very good, and he showed the screen to everyone.

"Huh? Why did Aunt and Teacher Himeko make so many calls? Is there something important? Kiana looked at the dozen missed calls shown on the call log.

"Stupid Kiana, pay attention to the date, this is three days after our departure." Bronia looked at the date displayed in the upper left corner, and also understood why Teresa was so anxious.

Several lawyer-level combat powers suddenly disappeared, and it was still three days after disappearing, and the most important thing was that they also brought the strongest Valkyrie of Heavenly Destiny, and it would be a big deal if they didn't get things right.

"Well, but why is that? We've only been out for less than an hour. Kiana was still a little unconvinced, after all, the time on her phone was still displayed not long after departure.

"The passage of time in the Quantum Sea is different from reality, but it's better to call the academy president first." Ye Zi also immediately took out his mobile phone, and then dialed Teresa's number.

The call had just been made, and within a second someone on the other side picked up the phone, followed by Teresa's angry voice.

"How many of you are finally willing to come back? Come to my office! Teresa was thinking about how to explain to the Mandate of Heaven at this time, and Ye Zi's phone came over by chance.

In the past three days, she has dragged it out until now, although she doesn't know why grandma and mother care so much about Yezi and them, but if Yezi they don't come back, don't talk about Teresa, even if Teriteri comes, she can't hold it!

"Got it, come right away!" Ye Zi also hung up the phone after saying this, after all, some things are not clear on the phone, and he estimated that if he continued to answer, Teresa might burst into foul language.

This time, let's let the head of the academy calm down first....

Ye Zi thought this in his heart, and then turned his head to look at the people who were listening.

"Let's go, go to the dean's side first." After Ye Zi finished speaking, he also took the lead and walked out of the dormitory door.

When passing by the dormitory next door, don't forget to go in and take a look, but Wendy and Miko are not inside, if nothing else, it should be at Teresa's.

"Wow, it's terrible, the thought of having to endure the nagging of my great aunt for a while... Obviously so afraid of being said by Youlandale, but she herself has become her most hated look. Kiana was also holding her head in her hands at this time, looking very distressed.

"It's okay, the head of the academy is not an unreasonable person, let's make the situation clear with her, I believe it will be fine." Bud Yi also opened his mouth to comfort at this time.

"Senior Teresa's side is indeed easy to deal with, but there is no contact for three days, and I am afraid that the Mandate of Heaven headquarters has already sent someone over." Youlandale also added at this time, but her words made the atmosphere of the scene more solemn.

"It's okay, it's a big deal to take one step at a time, anyway, let's go to Teresa's side first." Ye Zi glanced at Youlandale a little speechlessly, should not say anything, you really don't look at the situation when you speak.

In the end, everyone also rushed to Teresa's office at a very fast speed, after all, it has been delayed for three days, and if it is still delayed when it comes back now, it is estimated that it will not be explained.

And sure enough, Wendy and Miko were in Teresa's office, but it seemed that they had just come over, in addition to them, Rita was also sitting in the office, and after seeing people coming, she didn't forget to get up and pour tea.

"How many of you are still willing to come back, tell me, where have you gone?"

Teresa's voice suddenly came at this time, Ye Zi also looked down when she heard this, it turned out that Teresa was standing too close when the door was just opened, causing everyone to not notice, but from the expression on her face, it can be seen that the other party's emotions are far greater than expressed on the phone.

But this is also normal, Teresa actually learned that they were gone the next day in the real world after the leaves and they went to the Quantum Sea.

The main reason was that the Mandate of Heaven contacted her after not receiving a report from Youlandell, and Rita had already arrived at the gate of the academy at that time.

Of course, if it was just like this, Teresa would not be so angry, and most importantly, Ye Zi and they went out and did not inform her, was she such a faceless head of the academy?

"Let's sit down and talk first, the tea has been brewed, and there are small snacks." Rita also came forward to reconcile at this time.

Teresa glanced at the cookies and cake that Rita had brought to the table, and then stopped for a moment.

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