Kiana looked at the two who looked at her, and after pondering for a while, she tentatively spoke.

"Uh, I'm hungry?"

These words also made Bud Yi and Bronia directly speechless, but this can only be said to be worthy of Kiana, and it is really a suitable reason for her.

In the end, the three of them could only give up the idea of going to find Yezi tonight, and except for someone, the other two began to suspect each other.

After all, this kind of thing is too outrageous, even if it is a coincidence, there is no such a small probability of happening, but they are not sure, naturally it is impossible to ask directly.

However, Kiana seemed to have asked them before whether such a thing existed in her previous life, although she didn't have a clue on her side, but Bronia had it.

After all, there were three people accompanying Ye Zi in her previous life here, Xi'er naturally needless to say, she has met them all, so this possibility can be ruled out, so it is only Youlandell?

Although it is unlikely, there is one person who said something very reasonable, excluding all possibilities, and the remaining one, even if it is impossible, must be the truth.

So Kiana is actually the Glorandel who burned her head during the reincarnation process, right? It must be so, there is nothing wrong with that, no wonder there are many similarities in appearance.

The more Bronia thought about it, the more it made sense.

However, the excuse Kiana said should be barely plausible, but after a few people ate a little, it seemed to return to the situation at the beginning.

But this time Kiana didn't want to go back to the room, so she decided to do it simply, anyway, it wouldn't be good to go out, so she silently walked towards the door.

"Kiana, what are you doing? Don't go back to your room to sleep? Bud Yi's gaze froze, and her words also made Bronia notice this side.

"Haha, I'll go out and buy something." Kiana saw that her actions were exposed, and she immediately tried to fool the past with the best reason she could think of.

"The supermarket in the school should be closed by now, and... Stupid Kiana, do you want to go out dressed like this? As Bronia said this, her body seemed to approach the door.

"Huh? This one...... Wrong! What about you, Bronia? What do you want to go out for again? Kiana didn't know how to explain, and immediately asked after seeing that the other party also wanted to go out.

"Bronia has a question and wants to go to Himeko-sensei."

"Oh, it turned out to be... No, ask questions so late, you have a big problem! And Himeko-sensei should have fallen asleep by now. Kiana was about to nod, and then as if she had reacted, she pointed out the problem in the other party's words.

"You can even detect that you are not Kiana, who are you?" Bronia showed a shocked look.

"Hey! Bronia what do you mean? Am I that sluggish? As if she had been poked at a pain point, Kiana opened her mouth to argue excitedly.

No way, who let if it wasn't for Celine reminding her just now, maybe Kiana really believed the other party's words, and it was precisely because of this that she would feel unconvinced.

As for why Celine did this, the reason was simple, after staying in Kiana's body for so long, she also knew that Kiana and Yezi seemed to have a past life, although she didn't know why this happened.

But according to this, it is speculated that the little girl next to Kiana and the purple-haired girl next to her are estimated to be in the same situation as her.

She and Kiana are at least still in the same body, the two of them are also considered to be on the same front, the other two can't just let them go to find Yezi, otherwise who knows what will happen?

"Bronia, Kiana, you two don't make any more trouble, go back to sleep now, there will be class tomorrow morning." Bud Yi also instigated the two in the tone of a big sister at this time.

The two originally wanted to struggle, but after seeing Bud Yi's gentle and stern expression, they finally decided to forget it today.

But when the two came to the door of the room, they turned around and found that Nha Yijing was still in place, and did not want to go back to the room at all, Bronia and Celine also noticed that something was wrong, and as for Kiana, it was also discovered under Celine's reminder.

"How, what's wrong? Go to bed early. Seeing the two staring directly at themselves, Bud Yi was also a little unnatural.

"Sister Bud Yi also hurry up and go to sleep."

"Yes, Nha Yi, or will I sleep with you tonight?"

Bud Yi was also very bad when he heard this, but still tried to delay it, "No need, I still have to prepare the materials to be used to make breakfast tomorrow morning." Nha

Yi's words obviously did not convince the two, and in the end, there was no way, and she could only set the plan until later.

The three of them were just like that, carefully watching each other, Kiana was guarded by Celine, Bud Yi and Shadow stood guard alternately with each other, and Bronia used her ability to build a small observation machine.

So in the end, as Ye Zi expected, no one came to him that night.


The next morning, Ye Zi got up and stretched comfortably, glanced at Miko lying beside her, covered her with a quilt, and got up to wash.

Although I slept comfortably last night, if nothing else, the price should be that I am very tired today, and I have to explain it well to the three of them, and I don't know if they know each other.

Ye Zi thought for a while and decided to take a step to see one step at a time, anyway, how bad can it be? It really doesn't work, he strikes again.

Ye Zi was thinking about what to eat this morning when there was a knock on the door, followed by Kiana's voice.

"Yezi, are you up?" Kiana stood outside the door, and if it weren't for the locked door, she would have opened the door and entered.

"Kiana, you got up so early today? It seems that they are still very effective in improving you. Ye Zi was surprised that Kiana could get up so early, and as for the door, he thought no one should come last night, so he locked it.

"Hehe, of course, don't look at who Miss Ben is, as long as Miss Ben wants to, there is nothing she can't do!" Kiana crossed her waist in a daze, and then remembered what she was going to do.

"Yezi, do you want to go to our side for breakfast?" Bud Yi has already made breakfast. In

the face of Kiana's invitation, Ye Zi naturally did not refuse, but this is said to be breakfast, in fact, it is equivalent to the Hongmen banquet, otherwise he would not suddenly come to him.

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