Li Heng opened his eyes, surrounded by an unfamiliar environment

, in front of him were rows of steps, and on the steps sat

a man with blond hair and blue eyes, looking about twenty years old, wearing a purple gold-trimmed tunic with a shawl, the neckline and cuffs were white, tied with a red scarf,

he held a glass of red wine, gently swayed the

two of them, looked at each other

, "You, how did you get here, here" The man shook the red wine glass and joked

Li Heng was silent, he vaguely remembered that he was still safely waiting for the update of the main line of Honkai last night....

And this person in front of him, how can this voice

be so like Otto....

"Otto?" Li Heng tentatively asked

about this, the man on the high seat did not react Li Heng looked, the man on the high seat

was deep, the terrible eyes

The two were silent for a while, only to see the man speak

, "Can appear here out of thin air without the help of collapse energy, this mastery of space, that is, the former civilization's void law can not do" The man looked at Li Heng and slowly said Li Heng

froze, It seems that this guy is really Otto, there is no doubt that

grandma drops, sleep can pass through

Li Heng, seemingly calm, in fact, the brain is running at high speed

, Otto this guy said that I appeared out of thin air, hiss, cross the collapse, forget it, but also cross into Otto's face?

But this guy doesn't panic at all....

Oh yes, the soul steel body

is a little cracked, it's better to reopen it

"Hello, Archbishop Otto, I think this is a misunderstanding" Li Heng bowed slightly "Oh, misunderstanding

?" Otto smiled, and Li Heng, who was laughing, was a little scared

: "My friend, I just came here, enjoying a good afternoon, you suddenly appeared in front of me, this seems a little bumpy, right?"

"Li Heng is a little cracked, this guy won't handle me..."

"Otto Apocalis, the current bishop of the Mandate of Heaven, ruled the Mandate for more than 500 years. Karen Kaslana's fiancé, Teresa Apocalis' "grandfather", former head of the Apocalis family, holder of the First God's Key "Void Wanzo". Li Heng said in one breath that

Otto could still listen to it with a smile in front, but the paragraph in the back directly made Otto's smile gradually disappear

, "You, you know quite a lot

" "I can come here, it is naturally not difficult to know these" Li Heng said calmly

, he wanted to use these words to calm Otto

, "Oh?" Otto's face turned cold

: "Tell me, did I succeed?"

Li Heng was silent, he knew what Otto was talking about, the plan he had been preparing for 500 years, but if he told Otto the truth, would there be a huge butterfly effect?

But looking at Otto's posture, if you don't say it yourself, you are likely to die on the spot

" Before answering this question, Lord Bishop, I want to ask a question, did the second collapse happen

" Li Heng must first find out, what time is it now,

and whether the second collapse broke out or not, it is a very star dividing line

" No" Otto replied very simply

"This way..."

"You did succeed," Li Heng said calmly

, "right?" Otto put the wine glass down, "But you should understand that banishing Honkai, that kind of thing, is impossible to do, how can I really succeed." "

No, Li Heng is shocked, this guy is tempting me

" Expelling Honkai that kind of thing, you really can't do it, after all, your goal is not it, resurrecting Karen at all costs is your plan."

Otto stood up and came to Li Heng

, "Interesting, what I said, you won't be surprised

" "So, my friend, what should I call you?" Otto smiled and said

, "Captain" Li Heng thought about it, after all, when he got here, the code name of captain was more appropriate, "Captain

?" Otto narrowed his eyes, "Strange codename

", "yes, can I go?" Li Heng just wants to leave

here, and then find a place to take care of it" this is held

" Otto dropped a thing, Li Heng picked up the card and looked at it, there was a golden Mandate pattern on

it, "With this thing, you are in the place under the jurisdiction of the Mandate of Heaven, it is enough to be unimpeded"

Otto said, Li Heng directly put it in his pocket, leaving here

, Otto looked at the direction he left, pondered,

and a person appeared next to Otto, it is

Amber "Lord Bishop, why did you let

this person who was full of doubts leave" Amber doubted In her opinion, this person who suddenly appeared next to the bishop and said a bunch of strange things should be thrown to those who are engaged in intelligence, and dig up everything about this person

to "The man's expression, at first confused, turned into shock after seeing me, but changed to respect when talking to me"

I can guess why he was confused and shocked, but I couldn't understand his respect" Otto drank the red wine in his hand

"In my life, I have not done anything good in my life, so I thought of the plan I devoted my heart to, and sure enough" Otto calmly said

Amber suddenly realized, and asked himself the last question

, "Then who do you think, who is he?"

Otto smiled



Leaving the gate, Li Heng still felt unreal

, he actually came here, this world called Honkai San,

"This is a communicator?" Looking at what Otto gave, Li Heng pulled it away, it turned out to be a communicator of the Mandate

of Heaven, but there was a card inside, which was estimated to be used to identify

the identity "What does this Otto want to do..." Li Heng put away the communicator

, looked elsewhere and looked around all kinds of buildings and signs full of science and technology, and the church behind him looked a little out of place

: "Mandate of Heaven headquarters?" Li Heng has explored several times in the game, and it is not enough to get lost here,

but the key is how he goes down....

He can't stay here all the time, Otto this guy is a ticking time bomb, in case when he starts to go crazy

"Hey, who are you?"

A familiar voice sounded, Li Heng followed the voice to see

a petite figure, holding his hands and looking at him,

"I haven't seen you before... And how did you get out of grandpa's place? "

Teresa?" Li Heng was stunned, the world's first... Bah, why is she here

"Me? I'm the new captain" Li Heng thought about it, Otto just said that, then can I get Hyperion? Oh, where is Ye's ship now....

Teresa glanced at him and went straight in to find Otto

, although he was dressed a little strangely, but after all, this is the headquarters of Destiny of Heaven, the defense is tight, ordinary people don't know, and there are so many captains of Destiny that she can't know them all

, not to mention, this guy just came out of her grandfather, with his grandfather's urine nature, there can't be any problem,

Li Heng looked at Teresa's figure

, well, exactly the same as in the game, hair, eyes, voice......

There is also height, Li Heng gestured well

, is the type of light physique that is easy to push

down, shake off these thoughts, Li Heng walked to the place where the ship was parked

, he had to get a means of transportation, preferably able to fly, otherwise this place is inseparable from

the headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven, but suspended in the air, this calls him down, skydiving?

Hey don't say, skydiving from here is estimated to be exciting

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