
Su nodded, a new leaf suspended in his hand, and then came to Li Heng.

"Visitor, if you wish to interrogate about the dusty past, follow this bodhisattva in advance. He will show you the way when [the enlightened One] will come in the midst of all the destinies.

Su then raised his hand slightly, and the Bodhi leaf sent him to the distant side.

Li Heng looked at the Bodhi leaf and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Leaves fall and leaves are born, and they flow endlessly..." "

Everything in the world, but cause and effect rotate."

"Then, visitor, step into this immeasurable light."

"This is the inscription of [Tianhui]!"

The golden light converged under Li Heng's feet, turning into a leaf pattern with eyes, and then merged into Li Heng's body.

"Thank you, Sue."

Li Heng felt the new engraving in his body, and then looked at Su seriously and said.

If it weren't for him, I might still have explored the promised land with that attitude, which is a wonderful feeling.

But he didn't know why, he lost so many memories.

Is this the after-effects of crossing?

"It's more because of Ellie's engraving and your own obsession, I just play a supporting role."

Su shook her head and said, Ellie's [True Self] engraving gave Li Heng the conditions to enter that state, and she could only be regarded as guiding him into that state.

"Keep going, visitor, unlike us, you still have the ability to move forward."

"Well, see you in the hall, then, Sue."

Li Heng nodded, and then carried the disaster on his back, stepped through the 'door', and entered the next layer of space.

After Li Heng left, Su slowly opened his eyes.

A leaf appeared in his hand, and unlike the yellow leaf of the linden tree behind him, this leaf was green.

"Is there only a good and ruinous ending... Well, anyway. I hope you can lead the world to that beauty.

Su looked at the door that Li Heng passed through and muttered.

Soon, Li Heng completed this trial without any moths.

But it broke the curse that the shot will be injured, in fact, it was not broken, and when he recalled, Li Heng suffered a bunch of psychological trauma...

However, with the current difficulty of the Promised Land, even if Li Heng does not rely on the engraving, he can brush it alone, not to mention the true self engraving given by Ellie and Su's Tianhui engraving, then it will be as happy as silent fried fish.

However, when he left the trial, he suddenly felt dizzy, feeling as if he had been hollowed out, almost making him fall to the ground, but fortunately, one hand supported him.

"Are you all right? The first contact with the engraving is like this, a little adaptation will be fine ♪"

Ellie's gentle voice came into Li Heng's ears, which immediately made him much more sober.

"It's okay, thank you, Ellie."

Li Heng sat in the lounge to rest for a while, and quickly recovered.

"I didn't expect Ellie, your engraving, and this effect."

Li Heng said with some surprise.

"The engraving of [true self] reflects a person's [true self], and it's ♪ normal for a captain to change that way,"

Ellie responded with a smile.

"Also, Captain, you look really handsome when you fight in the promised land! I defeated the enemy in a few strokes, but I saved a lot of photos ♪ about you,"

Ellie said with a smile, and also took out a few photos, which showed Li Heng wielding the enemy with a calamity.

At this time, Su also came to the Promised Land Hall, and Li Heng hurriedly signaled Ellie to put away those photos, if it was seen by others, it would be too dead.

"Oh, by the way, Ellie, I'll give you a brief overview of the state of the current civilization."

Li Heng thought for a while, and then said.

"Today's civilization has given birth to two lawyers, Walter Young the Law of Reason and Celine the Law of Emptiness."

"Among them, Walter Young was the second law of reason, and the first law of reason died of serious injuries in order to protect the city of New York."

"Hey? Protect the city, that is, the Law of Reason is already on the side of humanity, right, Captain?

When Ellie heard the words to protect the city, her eyes instantly became shining, and Sue fell into deep thought.

"Well, yes, when the Law of Reason was first born, with the ideas of 300,000 people in the core, he successfully resisted the temptation of collapse and became a lawyer who helped mankind."

Li Heng nodded and said.

"Hopefully, he will rest in peace."

"As for the second lawyer Celine, it is a very special existence."

The corner of Li Heng's mouth hooked a smile, he was a puffer fish that was particularly easy to expand....

Subsequently, Li Heng told the two about the second collapse.

But what made Li Heng a little strange was that the two did not seem surprised that Celine obtained the core from the moon.

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