Soon, Li Heng dived to the bottom of the sea of knowledge.

"What the hell is going on?"

Li Heng looked at this dark blue seabed with some doubt, and he felt that he didn't swim for long.

Is your brain capacity so small?

No, I'm thinking about something....

Li Heng shook his head, and then carefully observed

the bottom of the sea, however, what made him a little speechless was that the bottom of the sea was a special layer of substance, and he could neither pass through nor detect what was behind this layer.

"It shouldn't be... There must be something at the bottom of the sea, otherwise how could Su ... Could it be that ..." Li

Heng looked around, and then made up his mind to probe in one direction along the bottom of the sea.

The probing ability of the Law of Knowledge has also been greatly affected here, and the scope is very limited.

Li Heng was not in a hurry, slowly and leisurely explored, while leaving a consciousness mark on the way to avoid getting lost here.

"Huh? Sure

enough, Li Heng quickly found a spherical object, which was quietly suspended at a height of one meter from the bottom of the sea, which was very eye-catching in this empty seabed.

"This is... Shen Yiqiu? "

The core of the Law of Knowledge feedback to him, this thing is called Shen Yiqiu, but it seems that because of the suppression here, it can't give much information.

But listening to the name, it should be something related to memory.

Li Heng looked around, but there was still nothing else except this thing in front of him.

"It seems that you can only touch this thing."

After Li Heng decided, he asked the core of the Law of Knowledge to add a buff to himself, and then put his hand into the Shen Memory Ball.

Li Heng's eyes suddenly turned dark.



When disaster strikes, no one is innocent."

A city that should be prosperous is now completely out of order.

Countless people poured out of their houses with large bags and small bags, and for a while, the sounds of abuse, crying, and howling rose and fell one after another.

"Welcome to Changkong City, a model of civilization, here is a portrayal of the spirit of never giving up in this great collapse period, please refer to it."

The hovering broadcast robot is still fulfilling his obligations, broadcasting the script that has long been set.

"Fuck you, give me something!"

"Ah, come man, this man robbed something!"

In the face of the robbery in front of them, people only cling to their own things and chose to ignore them.

Obviously, order, law, and morality have completely turned into nothingness at this moment, tearing off the cloak of civilization, leaving only the ugly bestiality.

It's strange that a doomsday-like scene appears in this bustling city.

"Everyone, evacuate to the southeast in an orderly manner, and those who dare to rob, I have the right to kill them on the spot!"

A solemn and dull voice sounded over people's heads, and people looked up to find that some people appeared above them at an unknown time.

They stepped on the flying machine, and the dress was uniform except for the person who had just made a sound.

People recognized them - knights of destiny.

The people below immediately converged a lot, and the person who snatched the thing only scolded, and then returned the thing, although the flow of people was still crowded, but obviously there was a trace of order than before, only the broadcast robot was still making noise.

"What about the evacuation in other areas?"

The man who had just spoken out was obviously the leader of the team, and he looked at the Destiny Knight beside him and asked.

"Report captain, the situation in other areas has also stabilized, only a few people are still making trouble, what should I do?"

The other knights immediately replied.

The knight captain did not say anything, but looked at the outskirts of the city, where there was the only security guarantee in the city - the commemorative wall erected by the people of Changkong City three years ago to commemorate the victory of Honkai, but three years later, it actually came in handy.

At this moment, outside the thick city wall, countless Honkai beasts were trying to cross the city wall to execute the will of Honkai.

"Kill on the spot, in extraordinary times, we Heavenly Destiny knights must use extraordinary means."

The knight captain asserted that the order they had so hard to establish could not be just messed up by a few black sheep.

Seeing that the knight captain was so decisive, the other knights of the Mandate of Heaven were ordered to carry it out immediately, and they all knew that the knight captain was actually one of the heroes of the Great Collapse period, and there was even a grapevine saying that he and the savior were close friends.

And he seems to have come here to guard because he was dissatisfied with the actions of the high-level of the headquarters.

Sure enough, it was the heroes of the Great Collapse period who felt more secure.

Other knights secretly said.

Under the iron-blooded means of the knights, the restlessness of the crowd suddenly decreased a lot, and it seemed that it was gradually and really possible to broadcast the "civilized model city" among the robot population. "

In the south of the city, there is a memorial statue carved of the savior of the Great Collapse period, [■]

right next to the statue, on the avenue where people evacuated, a person appeared out of thin air on the street, but people still bumped into it as if they didn't see it.


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