"He's not going to come to our rescue!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

"Impossible, this... Maybe

everyone guessed something to a greater or lesser extent, but they didn't want to say it, or maybe they didn't want to believe it.

Although the person who said this guy quickly realized something, closed his mouth and said no more, but....

In people's hearts, the last 'hope' has been completely shattered.

Of course, at the same time, it is also crushed that is called rational in people's hearts.

"Why? Why! He is the Savior, why didn't he come to save us! "?

For a time, the crowd was angry and loud.

"I... I know! This is Changkong City, it must be because... It must be because he still remembers the trial two years ago! "

There are more 'smart' people who even realize the 'truth'.

"Is he crazy, he is murdering, murdering us ordinary people as saviors!"

Someone roared angrily

, "Hahaha, revenge, this is revenge from the savior!" None of us can escape... No one can escape! Hahahaha..." There

are also people, under this pressure, have begun to talk crazy.

But he was right about one thing, no one can escape trial.

"Why should a narrow-minded person like him be a savior? Why do you have that power?! "

Some people are still criticizing, shouting injustice in their hearts, thinking:

Why is it not me who has power?

Why is the Savior not me?


These ordinary people, like dying beasts, began to roar, roar... And... Attack!

Oh, you ask what to attack? Haha, of course it is....

Statue of the Savior.

"He doesn't deserve this statue!"

An angry crowd stormed the memorial park, all gathered in front of the statue.

Funnily, this is the first time the memorial park has welcomed so many people.

I don't know why, the statue is black, as if carved out of rock, although it is not well maintained, it still looks very sacred and coercive under the light brought by the queen.

Coincidentally, the long sword in the statue's hand is pointed at the queen above the city, and even makes people faintly have the illusion that the statue in front of them is their savior.

But it doesn't make sense, even if the real savior is here, it won't help.

People's emotions have been ignited and they need to 'vent'.

Vent your anger at being abandoned, vent your anger that you have not been redeemed.

"He is not worthy of being a savior!"

"Yes, what kind of shit savior is he!"

"Why is he standing here?"

And the statue of the savior in front of them, which they identified as abandoning people, is obviously a good object.

Scolding, noise, accusations, reappeared.

People only remember the good things that bad people do and the bad things that good people do.


When the first stone falls on the statue, its end is already preordained.

"Ring the bell!"

"Bang! Bang! "

People close to the statue would raise their objects to knock, and those who were far away would pick up stones on the ground or their own objects and throw them at the statue.

However, the statue still stood firm, and the long sword in his hand always pointed at the queen in the sky, without the slightest deviation, as if the people around it did not exist.

"Welcome to Changkong City, a model of civilization, here is a portrayal of the spirit of never giving up in this great collapse period, please refer to it."

No matter what's going on around it, the robot is still announcing the program because it's just a robot.

At this moment, under the golden sun, the statue of the queen pointed at the sword, and the people around it who frantically attacked it, formed an eternal flower scroll.

Some people say that it is just a statue, it is dead, he will not move, he will not resist, it does not represent anything.

But, is it possible that the real savior, too... So......?



"Che, human beings are indeed ignorant and incomprehensible creatures."

The queen naturally noticed the movement below, and she said impatiently.

She waved her hand, and the creeping Honkai beast outside the city immediately resumed its action again as if it had received some order, and rushed into the city with a roar.

Those so-called Destiny knights and Valkyries naturally can't stop these Broken Beasts, and since the end of the Final Battle three years ago, people have been content with life, and even A-class Valkyries rarely appear.

For a time, the scolding and accusations that had just been shouted were immediately replaced by the roar of the Broken Beast, the shouts of the people, and the screams.

"How is it, Zigfei, do you see clearly?"

The queen did not care about the people below, whether it was her now or her before, ordinary humans were just ants in her eyes.

"Alas, I see..." Everything

that had just happened, Ziegfei had a full view, and he sighed deeply, the statue of the human savior, which needs to be protected by the Broken Beast, this is ridiculous enough.

He did not hurry to answer, but looked down at the statue.

Because of the attack of the Avalanche Beast, most of the people surrounding it have fled in all directions, and only a few people will remain there, but they are also afraid, and they have no intention of continuing to destroy the statue.

Despite this, the statue was still badly damaged in an extremely short time.

His right arm was shattered, and only half of his left hand remained, and the long sword in his hand had fallen to the ground at some point, and Zigfei could even faintly see the footprints on the long sword.

Since the end of that trial, Siegfried has been thinking about one thing, why did humans become like this?

So timid, so jealous, so selfish, so greedy.

Selfishness and timidity prompted them to personally bring down judgment for their Savior.

Greed and selfishness motivate them to create immediate evil in their pursuit of power.

He always thought that this was because the shadow brought by the Great Collapse and the Final Battle had not yet dissipated, as long as he waited... Wait until they understand, wait until they wake up ... Everything, it will get better.

However, as people pounced on 'his' statue, Siegfried finally realized one thing.

Perhaps this is the nature of human beings.

No, to be precise, the nature of these people, that's it....

In a civilization, there will always be good people and bad people.

Perhaps those good people who are really worth guarding have long been in that tragic final battle, with those 2,000 warriors, with Teresa... Kiana... They died together.

And the 'bad guys' who hid behind these people who were really worth guarding survived.

Maybe I realized this matter a long time ago, but I didn't dare to admit it....

If the people who are truly worthy of protection have passed away in the process of guarding, then this kind of protection....

What's the point....


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