When the white light dissipated, everything around Li Heng changed drastically, he was on a grassy field, the grass grew very high, it was already close to his knees.

As far as the eye can see, the endless grass meets the sky, and there is indescribable tranquility and peace.

The only thing that can still be seen is a small wooden house rooted in this grassland.

"Where is this?"

Li Heng was stunned, he just injected some law power into the Danyu Phoenix Zhang, how did he get to this strange place.

"Shasha..." Li

Heng walked a few steps, he could clearly feel the feeling of grass brushing over his calf, this very real touch made Li Heng even more puzzled.

"No, this is... Consciousness space? Li

Heng tried to communicate the core of the law, and it quickly gave Li Heng a response and appeared in his hand.

With the help of the core of the law of knowledge, he can clearly perceive that the place he is in now is not the real world, but just a space of consciousness.

But he couldn't connect with the other five cores, and through the Law of Knowledge core, he could clearly feel that his current self was just a conscious state of consciousness, which made him even more puzzled.

"Wait, is it because of that Niwa Wind Seal?"

Li Heng suddenly recalled that he seemed to have lost consciousness briefly after injecting the power of the law into that Niwa Wind Seal, so it seems that the Niwa Wind Seal should be an item related to consciousness, but...

Li Heng let the core integrate into the consciousness body and did not directly enter the state of the lawyer.

He now needs to figure out what is in this space of consciousness, and within his exploration range, there is only that log cabin, compared to looking for it like a headless fly in this vast grassland, it is better to look at it in the past.

After making up his mind, he stepped on the grass and walked in the direction of the wooden house.

Soon, Li Heng came to the wooden house, the wooden house was not a shadow, and he did not encounter anything that could not be seen or touched.

To his surprise, behind the wooden house was a snow-covered snow-capped mountain, and the snowy mountain towered into the clouds, and it was reasonable to say that Li Heng should be able to see it when he did not stand in the wooden house.

He did not go directly inside, but observed it outside.

The structure of the wooden house is very simple, the whole is fenced, and the detection of the law cannot penetrate, as if it is blocked by something.

Judging by the traces of the grass being pressed, it is inhabited here.


Just as Li Heng was about to ask if there was anyone inside, two very familiar voices sounded neatly behind him.

Li Heng looked back, and a blue-eyed girl with white hair and a single ponytail and a yellow-haired blue-eyed girl were looking at him with a look of surprise on their faces, with a thick disbelief on their faces.

"Oh my God, it's really you... Captain!

After the white-haired girl saw Li Heng's face clearly, her whole froze, her pupils contracted, and her voice trembled.

"I thought... After that... I'll never see the captain again..."

She rushed to Li Heng, hugged him, and cried, saying some strange things in her mouth.

Although the other yellow-haired girl was not like the white-haired girl, her eyes also had tears shining.

"Qi... Kiana? Langdale?

Li Heng's whole person froze, the girl recognized him, and he also recognized the two of them.

The white-haired one is Kiana Kaslana, and the yellow-haired one is Bianca Youlander.

What can't you see me, and why are they here? In this space of consciousness?

Li Heng was very confused, but he looked at Kiana, who was crying while holding him, and still subconsciously patted her on the back and comforted,

"It's okay... I'm here... Here..."

Urandale next to him blinked twice, and then patted Kiana's shoulder as well.

"Okay, sister, didn't my father say that the captain would come to us one day..."

However, Li Heng heard something was wrong.

Your father? The father of Ulandel and Kiana....

Zigfried? Is he also in this space of consciousness?!

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