"Since you can come here, then I think you must have seen the scene at that time, and heard of one of his identities, that is..."

It's not me, that's fine, if this guy has been in Niwa Phoenix for so long, directly waiting for his arrival, it will be really too scary, fortunately Zigfei, just the savior of their world... Wait, savior?

Li Henggang wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but suddenly found that something was wrong, this Zigefei in front of him meant that the savior was not dead yet?

"Wait, Siegfried, you mean, you've been waiting for that savior?"

Li Heng's whole person was not good in an instant, although he did not know what ability that savior had, but if that guy was really alive, it would be very terrifying.

Zigefei did not answer directly, but motioned for Li Heng to sit down, and leisurely poured two cups of hot tea, and only after he picked up the teacup and took a sip, he slowly said.

"No, it's just wishful thinking, or maybe it's because I want to see Cecilia again with the help of Niwa Phoenix, and I've been waiting here ever since until your arrival."

Li Heng was silent for a moment, and then he thought of the white-haired girl in Shen Yiqiu, and then asked.

"7-426....you should know, who is she?" Why is it so similar to Kiana? Hearing

the code name 7-426, Zigfei visibly froze, as if he had thought of something, and then, sighed, said.

"7-426, meaning the Seventh Institute of Heavenly Destiny, Group 4, Subject No. 26, as for why it is so similar to Kiana, alas... 7-426 is a clone of Destiny based on Kiana's genes, and the researchers of Destiny call her - Kaslanna, which means 'stealer'.

"No wonder it's so similar, it turns out to be a clone... However, the stealer ..... Who to steal? Savior? "

Li Heng thought of Shen Yiqiu, Zigefei and those people all thought that the savior was dead, and the 7-426 power also reached the final level at that time, shouting to avenge the savior, does this mean that she stole successfully?

"To be precise, it is to steal the power of the savior, people think that that power is very dangerous in his hands, conspiracy theories are rife, and when people don't need a savior, he becomes an extreme 'dictator', which is ridiculous."

When the three words dictator were mentioned, Ziegfried sneered casually, but immediately returned to normal.

"No, people shouldn't be so ignorant, moreover, when the collapse, the collapse can also..." Li

Heng just wanted to say, in the post-collapse book, ordinary people are not as selfish as Zigfei described, but as he spoke, Li Heng realized that something was wrong.

In the post-collapse book, 99% of the collapse energy was sealed to the moon, and the power of Bud Yi and Duck Duck was weakened, but according to Siegfried's description, the savior still retained great power after completing the task of salvation... Hiss....

"The wise people you mentioned have long since left in the final battle."

Ziegfei sighed and said slowly.

Obviously, he didn't understand what Li Heng meant, and he didn't know what the post-collapse book was.

Li Heng was silent, thinking about it carefully, he didn't seem to find acquaintances other than Zigefei and Zenghui who came behind in that Shen Yi ball, this was very wrong, and when this kind of disaster came, it was impossible for them not to appear and fight with it at the first time....


They really are gone, as Siegfried said...

"The Battle of the End... What exactly happened?

Li Heng didn't understand, why, why did the world where Zigfei was located be so far from the main line?

Obviously it's just a test from the Tree of Imaginary Numbers... Why did they leave....

"That, not a hug, not a test, we also realized at the moment of calamity..."

"This is a calamity, but also the supreme being, the erasure of the very different."

"It is the One who makes all this happen."

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