"But... Because if I caused the 'test' to become the 'calamity', then what would be the impact of Prometheus, who was the successor left by the former civilization..."

What has she already discovered? It seems that it is necessary to find a time to visit her. "

Since the disaster cannot be avoided, then I usually don't have to be so afraid of changes in the world line, as long as it is not too great, I can ignore it."

Li Heng made up his mind and was about to roll over and get out of bed, he was almost rested.

Suddenly, as if he felt something, he immediately retracted and lay down obediently.

"Good morning, Captain, a new day begins with a wonderful encounter ♪"

The next moment, the door of the room where Li Heng was was pushed open, and Ellie appeared in front of Li Heng, she was still smiling.

"Is it still morning... Wait, Ellie, how did you know I was awake?

Li Heng was stunned, he thought that it had been a long time since the time flow in the Shen Yu Realm seemed to be different from the outside world.

"Hmm, ♪ Captain, this is the little secret of the beautiful girl~" Is the

sixth sense of the legendary woman......

Li Heng guessed.

He looked at Ellie, not knowing why, he suddenly wanted to tell Ellie that Honkai had changed the matter because of his arrival.

Of course, Li Heng subconsciously hopes that someone can help him share the pressure he is facing and help him come up with ideas.

"By the way, Ellie, you said..."

"Hmm-huh ♪

" "Forget it, it's nothing."

Li Heng shook his head.

Now Ellie is just a memory, and she doesn't even know what the so-called 'catastrophe' is, and telling Ellie can only make her work hard.

"Ellie, are you looking for me for something?"

Li fixed his gaze, and then asked.

"Of course, and it's a very important thing."

Ellie didn't care, smiled and took out something and handed it to Li Heng.

He took a look, and the silver-white texture and very characteristic pattern made him recognize it at a glance.

"This is ... The badge of the Fire Moth?

"Yes, the badge of the Fire Moth, because of the choice of the captain, the flowing memories converge and form, each member has one, unique."

"It reminds me of the day the Fusion Warriors first assembled, and I, Sakura, Kevin, and Mebius, really miss that all the stories started on that day."

"I heard that there was a golden commemorative version after twenty-five years in the organization, and we made a bet at that time, but no one got it, and the fire moth did not last until that time."

Li Heng raised the badge, it was no different from in the game, perhaps because it was composed of memories, he could not feel the weight.

"Thank you, Ellie, I love this gift."

Li Hengdao, then he also put away the badge of the fire moth, for others, they can't bring this thing out of the promised land, but Li Heng can be said to be a 'lawyer of consciousness', and it is simple to do this.

"Uh-huh, the captain likes it. Because of it, I have been able to meet the most important companion in my life, and I hope that the same luck will favor you.

Ellie smiled.

Meet a companion... Haha, I'm afraid it's difficult, at least the only person who can be called his companion now is Teresa and them.

Otto is also a first half of his 'companion'.

Although he thought so in his heart, Li Heng said on his lips.

"Maybe it has already played a role, isn't it a kind of luck to meet them..." After

Li Heng finished speaking, he got up and got out of bed.

"Oh, won't the captain rest for a while?"

"No, lying in bed for so long, I'm almost moldy, it's time to go to the concave... It's time for trials.

Li Heng almost said that it was a paradise, but fortunately he changed his words quickly.

"Well ♪, the captain is really enthusiastic, but I think the captain still has to make some preparations."

"After all, the fusion warrior you're going to meet next... It's a little [passionate]..." Li

Heng's face froze, and he looked back at Ellie, but found that the latter was still smiling.


Depend on.

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