Li Heng's consciousness gradually returned, and he opened his eyes to see that this was the promised land, and there was no strange scenery just now.

He seems to have been influenced by Hua from the moment he entered here.

"Hello, successor, I am Hua, the twelfth place of the thirteenth Yingqian of the fire, the Ming of [Fusheng]."

As soon as Li Heng returned to his senses, Hua stood in front of him, introducing herself, and she also returned from that illusion.

"Successor Captain, I have seen Senior Hua."

Li Heng bowed his hand.

"Don't dare to be a dare not, I just came to this world some time earlier than you, your marksmanship is free, the momentum is like a rainbow, but the heart is impetuous, if it precipitates for a period of time, it will definitely surpass me."

Hua also bowed back the salute, as for how much moisture she said... It's impossible to know.


Canned looked at the two people who were originally like sculptures, and suddenly arched around at this moment, and suddenly glanced at them suspiciously.

Then climbed onto Li Heng's shoulder.

It doesn't seem to be generally comfortable here.

"However, what makes me a little concerned is that the palm technique you just used is very similar to what I created, with only some minor changes..."

Hua thought back, the palm technique that Li Heng used just now was very similar to the heaven-opening style, with only a few changes in power.

And the reason why she wanted to know where Li Hengshi came from was here, just a few differences in power, which made the power of this palm method increase a lot.

If Xi succeeds, ordinary people alone can split steel and cut stones.

This kind of breakthrough is obviously not something that Li Heng, who is still wielding a gun in front of him, can do.

"Sorry, Hua, I don't know the identity of the person who passed on my

palm..." Li Heng said helplessly, but what he thought in his heart was:

I vaguely remember that it was a woman who taught me this palm, she should not be Hua, and the 'scale' of that woman is 'bigger' than Hua...



Hua nodded and stopped pursuing.

"In the trial just now, although you died, you still passed my trial, and I will give you the engraving of [floating life], and I will also help you adapt to the engraving."

"Float for life, don't do nothing."

"Engraving is a glimpse of the past, but I also hope that at some point, it will give you some options."

Rays of light converged in Hua's hands, these rays represented the lives of ordinary people, gray, not dazzling, nor dim, giving people a very close feeling.

Yes, in this world, it is mostly ordinary people who will eventually return.

Their lives will not be as dazzling as heroes, and even if they disappear, they will not have much impact, but they will not be as bleak as nothingness.

You can say that they lived ordinary and inconspicuous.

But it cannot be said that their life and death are meaningless.

Li Heng looked at the gradual convergence in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Does Li Heng yearn for an ordinary life?

No, it doesn't.

Unlike other people who want to live an ordinary life, Li Heng hopes for a more interesting life.

Perhaps because he is actually only in his twenties now, he is still at a spirited age, or perhaps because Li Heng has not experienced the beatings of society, and he yearns for an interesting life.

Maybe later, the captain who learns the plot of the event will not be bad to sail in the world bubble.

But in that case, with the current Hyperion's performance, it is naturally unbearable, and it has to be upgraded....

Well? What is it?

Li Heng, who was caught in his imagination of the future, suddenly felt that someone was staring at him, and through the amplification of the core of the law of knowledge, the feeling was extremely clear, and...

On pins and needles.

Li Heng turned back sharply, and almost threw off the can on his shoulder at a fast speed.

However, even so, after Li Heng turned around, he only faced the floor tiles, and the strange feeling disappeared instantly, leaving no trace.

"Meow? Meow? Meow? "

What's wrong?"

The can looked at Li Heng with a confused expression, just now in order not to fall, it also accidentally scratched Li Heng's clothes.

Hua Shang floated with the [Fusheng] engraving, and also looked at Li Heng strangely.


Li Heng turned around and said calmly.

However, in fact, Li Heng's brain was running at high speed.

Now he understood what was going on with the hazy feeling of entering the promised land before, and he thought it was an illusion without the help of the core of the law at that time, only to find out that it turned out to be someone peeping.

There are only two people who will secretly stare at themselves in the promised land.

Aponia and Mebius.

First exclude Mebius.

Although I exposed the core of the law, Mebius should not have noticed me so early.

Aponia is different, my arrival is not part of the original plot, not to mention that I am still a knowledgeable lawyer who can make a fortune in the promised land, and it is impossible not to pay attention to me.

Moreover, even if Aponia stayed in the deepest place, he could still see the trial.

Mebius is different, maybe she is still in the place of the promised land to complete her consciousness transfer technology, it is impossible to find me, she should not go to the body of the lawyer of consciousness.

So, to sum up, Li Heng speculated that the gaze just now...

It must have been Mebius who did it! (Perfect, listen to applause!) )

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