
People carved monuments here to praise the great work of the Savior.


"According to local sources, this statue was built three years ago, which translates to about two years after the boss you hibernate." The tombstones of the victims of the second collapse were also built around the tombstones, which is now a monumental memorial park in Moscow.

Aiyi found the details of the statue in an instant, and then she looked at the mask of the statue in the video, looked at Li Heng's face, and then smiled.

"Boss, what do you say this statue was built? This is a one-to-one restoration according to the figure of 'that hero'~

" "Ahem, yes, it's a good building, it's very handsome."

Li Heng came back to his senses and coughed twice.

It seems that people did not blame him for not saving Moscow, but took him as a hero of salvation.

Compared with the statue of the savior in the Shen Memory Ball, he is still lucky.

However, Li Heng feels that he is not a 'savior' or a 'hero', and to put it bluntly, the second collapse can be regarded as caused by Li Heng, and saving Moscow is just to reduce his sins, let alone not save it.

Well... When this is over, let's go around Moscow.

"Oh, by the way, boss, I forgot to show you a video."

Ai Yi slapped her head, jumped off Li Heng's shoulder, stepped on the communicator twice, and then another video was 'stepped on' by her.

"What is it? Destiny Top Secret Files... Where did you get it?

Li Heng glanced at Aiyi suspiciously, should this guy be again...

"Ahem, this... This is what I found from the Destiny database, it just happened to be a video taken by the Valkyrie sent by Destiny to Alaska to investigate the incident, I thought, anyway, Bishop Otto knows us, so I brought it to the boss you... Hey, hey....

""You guy... Not an example. "

Li Hengfu, if Otto hadn't trusted himself enough, you would have been unloaded by him in this situation...

Forget it, anyway, he is also a deputy bishop, and the authority to access the top-secret files is still there, if the Otto guy asks, say that he called it himself.

Then Li Heng calmed down and concentrated on this so-called 'top secret file'.

The video is short, presumably a procession transporting men, with a tall caretaker every few meters.

The whole team was quiet and terrifying, and there was not even a little commotion among these escorted people, and everyone kept their heads down, like the walking dead.

At the end of the video, a man with an umbrella suddenly appeared on the edge of the team, he turned his back to the photographer, stood in the snow, and quietly looked at the team in front of him.

The video ends here, and it can be seen that the photographer is afraid of being discovered by that person, so he does not dare to continue filming.

The scene of the video is dark, presumably at night. The photographer should be hiding in the thick snow.

"That man is... Gray snake? Sure enough, it's the snake of the world. Although

these 'robbers' did not show a trace of obvious characteristics, the gray snake's iconic black umbrella also made Li Heng recognize him.

What does the snake of the world really want to do?

Li Heng was silent.

He actually had some... Afraid.

The unknown is the most terrifying.

"Boss! Boss! Do you want me to get our Hyperion?

Just as Li Heng was brainstorming, Ai Yi tilted his head and asked.

"Huh? You all ran to me, and you can still control Hyperion?

Li Heng said in surprise.

"Hmph, after all, my full name is - Aiyi Hyperion, this little thing can still be done!"

Aiyi snorted, and then plugged in.

"Oh, what do you want?"

Li Heng shook his shoulders, and then said helplessly.

"Didn't you hear what Einstein said? Alaska has about five lawyer-level enemies, and our Hyperion is as crisp as paper in front of the lawyer, and it is to deliver food.

"Moreover, the Hyperion weapon is not loaded, and it is a decoration to come over."

"Ahem, boss, in fact, the weapon has been loaded

..." Li Heng: "..." "

This time things are difficult to handle, Hyperion is easy to drag his feet, in case we don't get rid of it, we will be homeless, or let it rest well at the Heavenly Mandate Airport."

"Actually, I can still live with Teressa..."


Early the next morning.

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