"Well, I'll stop those Broken Beasts, and I'll leave it to you here."

Li Heng stretched out and said lightly.

It was as if it was not 80,000 Honkai Beasts that struck, but eight Honkai Beasts.

Lei Li first looked at Li Heng, then at the ruins that had just dug him out, and finally turned his gaze to Li Heng.

Li Heng: "..."What

kind of eyes are you!"

"Okay, Lairy, don't worry too much about the captain, this kind of thing... He's kind of experienced.

Walter was not surprised by this, after all, in Moscow a few years ago, Li Heng did a similar thing.

Although he didn't have Heavenly Fire to help him this time, Walter felt that this guy dared to say this, there must be some hole card, in a sense... Li Heng's ability has almost deified in Walter's eyes... (Doge)

Finally, Li Heng nodded to Valt, then stepped on his left foot and his right foot, took off again in place, and flew bare-chested in the direction he came.

In the process of taking off, he also gradually entered the lawyer form, but only after moving away from Walter, he completely entered the lawyer form.

Li Heng knew that these people in Otto Walt must have been guessing their abilities, and if they wanted to do something, they would definitely not be able to completely hide these abnormal powers.

But how did Li Heng deal with it? Just one sentence.

You don't ask, I don't say; How much you ask, how much I say.

It's all about brainstorming.


Li Heng didn't fly long before Aiyi gave a warning.

"Report the boss, a large number of Honkai beasts were found ahead, and compared with the video taken before, it can be determined that they are Honkai beasts that were stranded in the mountains before."

Hearing Aiyi's warning, Li Heng stopped, suspended in the air, and observed the environment below.

However, those Collapsed Beasts were not close enough to be visible to the naked eye, and what appeared in front of Li Heng was only white snow that could pierce people's eyes.

"Is it? Let me see!

Li Heng turned on the farsightedness function on the goggles, and with the lawyer-level vision, he finally saw the group of broken beasts moving densely towards Barrow Town.

"Well, the pace is not even, the lineup is uneven, the route is illogical... The snake of the world, really has yours.

Li Heng looked at these collapsed beasts and couldn't help but spit on the World Snake.

Before, these Honkai beasts were lying on their stomachs well, but as soon as they entered Barrow Town and solved the mark-headed monsters, these Honkai beasts came.

Li Heng doesn't think it's a coincidence, or that any normal person will feel strange.

It is clear that someone is deliberately guiding these broken beasts.

"It's a bit too many..."

Li Heng turned off the far-sighted mode, taking advantage of the fact that the Collapsed Beast had not yet arrived, thinking about the strategy against the enemy.

"Hmph, it's just some Honkai beasts, boss, as long as you wave it like before, snap, aren't these Honkai beasts gone~" Seeing

that Li Heng was in thought, Ai Yi couldn't help but lean back and said comfortably.

In this regard, Li Heng nodded rarely.

If it weren't for these Honkai beasts, but for meteorite drops like Moscow a few years ago, even if it was really two, or even three, with his current ability, he could easily deal with it.

But the spread of these Honkai beasts is too wide, and it is still a little difficult to 'block' them all.

"Whether it is the 'Judgment' form or the 'Calamity' form, it is still a little difficult to deal with such a large number of Collapsed Beasts."

Li Heng looked at the spear in his hand, then waved it lightly, put it away, and then held it in his right hand, and a big sword appeared in his hand.

"It seems that it depends on you this time."

This sword is the Yan King Sword, speaking of which Li Heng has not used it for a long time, and when holding him, Li Heng always feels some strange emotions.

Finally, as soon as he raised his left hand, four lawyer cores appeared in his hand.

In order to reach the level of blocking 80,000 Collapse Beasts with one blow, he directly planned to equip it with the four laws of Flame Law, Death Law, Void Law and Rock Law.

To Li Heng's surprise, every time he installed a core, the sword would be a little heavier, and the colors on the sword would be a little brighter.



However, Ai Yi in the communicator, seeing Li Heng installing the cores one by one, Ai Yi showed no matter, he looked like he had seen a big scene, and even yawned boredly.

Li Heng, who was about to install the last Void Law Core, heard this breath, suddenly smiled slightly, clenched the Void Law Core, and gently snapped his fingers.

A purple 'hole' leading to the imaginary space immediately appeared in front of Li Heng, and then Li Heng took off his goggles and communicator and threw it directly.

"Oops! Boss, what are you doing?!

Only then did Ai Yi react and ask Li Heng with a look of horror.

"Am I not afraid to burn out the communicator when I swing my sword later?" For your safety, you better stay inside for the time being, rest assured, I will pick you up when it's over. "


After Li Heng noted down the coordinates of Aiyi in the imaginary space at the moment, he snapped his fingers again with a smile, and the path to the imaginary space was slowly closed.

At this time, the figures of those Collapsed Beasts also slowly appeared in the sky, which was when they suddenly stopped after advancing for a while.

"Gee, although I really want to shout the lines, but I don't know what to shout."

I saw Li Heng raise the Yan King Sword high, a huge red light rose up into the sky, and a trace of black qi gushed out from the hilt, and the terrifying energy contained in it, even the earth trembled slightly.

The Honkai beasts were trembling, and they instinctively sensed that if they didn't leave now, until the long sword fell, they would never be able to leave.

Sadly, they couldn't move a step, and their whole bodies seemed to be nailed to the snow, and I don't know if it was because of the power of the rock law or the power of the empty law.

"Forget it, please, stay here, don't move forward any further."

The huge long sword fell, forming a magnificent slash, with a power that did not seem to be a 'blocking' at all, rushing towards the 80,000 Broken Beasts.

But yes.

If the Honkai Beast died, wouldn't it be able to move? Can't move anymore. Isn't that blocked?


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