"Oh, no surprise."

Li Heng looked at the deserted city in front of him, and found a place to sit down with an expressionless face.

He was sure that it wasn't the first time he had been in this deserted city, because he could always feel something hazy.

Damn, every time I want to get a good night's sleep, I give myself this kind of thing, either to know the sea or to this strange space of consciousness.

Even if you come to this ghost place, if you are lucky, you may be able to discover some secrets, the key is that there is no impression at all after getting up, and the core of the lawyer cannot be contacted, play with a hammer.

Li Heng was too lazy to go in, under his feet was a grass that was incompatible with the city, and he chose to sit directly and hem rotten.

"Well, wait, it's all going to sleep anyway, can I sleep here?"

Li Heng suddenly thought of one thing, as long as he slept comfortably here until dawn, wouldn't it? It's the same anyway if you can't get in or not.

This guy simply found a position that he thought was the most comfortable, and lay directly on the ground, intending to sleep well here.

He was surrounded by a few plump dandelion plants, surrounded by tender weeds, and with his nose he could smell the smell of nature in the air.

It's a very nice place.

However, it is a pity that although after entering this place, Li Heng still has feelings, but his exhaustion has been swept away, and his spirit is terrible.

Helplessly, he was idle, while observing the ruined city in the distance.

Exploration is impossible, not in this lifetime.

I, Li Heng, even if I am bored to death, die outside! If you fight with two hands, you won't explore!

The city doesn't know how long it has been deserted, but the hues of the entire city are gray and black, and the grass has stopped spreading in some areas from the city, forming a clear dividing line.

There was a tall wall on the outermost part of the city, perhaps grand before, but now dilapidated and difficult to see.

There seems to be a big pit on the right side of the city that I don't know what was smashed out, and there are some sparse green plants growing in it, which seems to have just appeared.

There seemed to be some relatively dense white small things on the left, and he couldn't see clearly without the assistance of the lawyer core.

"No, this city...?"

The more Li Heng looked at the city in front of him, the more wrong it became, and a strong sense of familiarity hit his eyes, making him fall into deep thought.

"Isn't this Changkong City?"

Li Heng stood up suddenly, and he found that the ruined city in front of him was very similar to the Changkong City that he had been in Shen Yiqiu before!

It's just that compared with the one in the Shen Memory Ball, the city in front of him seems to have experienced some huge disaster, and thinking of the Queen in the Shen Memory Ball coming to the ProMax Final Version, Li Heng suddenly became cheerful.

Could this be the world after the end of the world?!

Li Heng was suddenly excited, got up and patted the dirt on his body, and was about to rush in to take a look, but before he could leave, a strange sound came from the sky.

"To get some power, you have to pay a corresponding price, unfortunately, this is one."

The calm and deep voice resounded throughout the heavens and earth, and as soon as Li Heng raised his head, he did not find anything.

"What people?"

Li Heng looked around warily, although this was useless.

Without the core of the lawyer, he is just an ordinary person, and a slightly more powerful Collapse Beast can easily take him down.

However, even as an ordinary person, he could feel the heaviness contained in this unknown voice.

Just as he was wondering, there was a change in the city in the distance, and through the hole in the city wall, Li Heng saw a long black shadow floating between the tall buildings.

"The world forged dragons and the chains that imprisoned them, and the gods distributed the chains to every human being."


As the words fell, the largest metal collision sounded, and under Li Heng's surprised gaze, a huge dragon appeared in the sky above the city.

The dragon is huge, his eyes are godless, and his body is scaly and golden, like the golden dragon in the legend of Shenzhou.

It was somewhat similar to the one Li Heng saw in Alaska during the day, and it was also chained everywhere on its body, and the chains were also pulled and rattled as the dragon swam.

However, unlike that one, there were far more than four chains that bound the dragon in front of him, and Li Heng couldn't count them for a while.

"Hey, hello! I am Captain Hyperion ■■, I entered this place by mistake, what is the situation here? Can you show me the way?

Li Heng shouted to the sky and reported his name, but the voice fell silent, as if it had never appeared.

However, the dragon was not silent, still swimming in the sky, and swimming faster and faster, frantically pulling the chains on its body, as if it wanted to break through its restraints.

"Bang! Crash...... Bang! "

With the efforts of the dragon, there were really some chains that were overwhelmed and broken, but even if a chain was broken, a new, larger and thicker chain immediately appeared, taking over the task of the previous chain and restraining the dragon again.

Perhaps the baby elephant does not really understand that it can easily break free of the chain, but it knows that even if he breaks free, people will immediately put on a new strong chain for him.

Breaking free from the old shackles ushered in stronger bonds.

However, as if it didn't know this, the dragon was still pulling the chains frantically, and soon because of the pull, the scales splashed, and blood flowed out of the bondage, slowly dyeing the golden scales red.

The golden dragon turned into a blood dragon.

Faced with this scene, Li Heng was silent, he quietly looked at the struggling dragon in the distance, and said slowly.

"You can't break free like this."

So how do you break free completely?

A voice asked rhetorically in Li Heng's mind.

Li Heng was silent again, he looked around, saw the plump dandelion on the grass, he picked one and put it to his mouth, gently blowing, the dandelion seeds flew up unrestrained, scattered into the distance.

"If you can't break free... Then it would be nice not to be bound by him in the first place.

Li Heng looked at the scattered seeds and said in a calm tone.

The dragon stopped struggling, and his gaze turned to Li Heng.

At this moment, Li Heng's vision suddenly widened, and he could clearly see the blood dripping from the dragon's face.

Looking down, golden scales had climbed up his neck, sharp claws popped out of his hands, and he also became a golden dragon.

The dragon's mouth closed one by one, and no sound came out, but Li Heng understood its meaning.

"So can you avoid the chain that can't break free?"

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