As Li Heng finished speaking, when he was still immersed in his own world, Mebius sneered and pulled Li Heng back to reality.

"Mouse, you don't want to refuse this 'great power' and Dr. Mebius' 'gift' because of that ethereal price, right?"

Li Heng was silent, indeed, Mebius Fee was so big, obviously he didn't want to reason with himself, but his current situation was very passive.

His only advantage now is that Mebius does not know that he still has three lawyer cores, but because of the four blood dragons, the four lawyer cores in his hand have been 'peeled' and temporarily unusable, and the other two are also unable to be used because they are 'invalid' and cannot be contacted.

The only thing that can be used at this time is the second Yan Law Core embedded in the [Calamity], if you can use it to kill a dragon to remove the 'peeling' effect, then you still have hope.

Can...... In my current state... Can it really still be used?

Li Heng felt his weak body and fell into deep thought.

"It seems that you are not going to accept the 'gift' from Dr. Mebius, guinea pig."

"But fortunately, it doesn't affect the result."

Mebius flew to Li Heng's side, looked at Li Heng who would fall without the support of disaster, smiled, and whispered to his ear.

"The medicine needed to awaken the gene has been injected~"

Li Heng listened, raised his head sharply, and suddenly found that in the corners of the surrounding walls, I don't know when a trace of white mist poured in!

Are you really going to come hard?

Li Heng's brows locked, and then, the tip of the calamity gun was instantly ignited, and Li Heng wanted to raise the calamity and poke through this transparent cage.

However, as soon as he moved a little, his body could not support it, and he knelt on one knee, still panting in his mouth.

"Still want to struggle? Mice, or do you think that with the wisdom of Mebius will leave you with loopholes?

Mebius looked at Li Heng and said with some disdain.

No way! My current situation... Completely unusable disaster....

Li Heng wiped the blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth again, and did not care about Mebius, but stared at the four-headed dragon-shaped monster outside.

As long as...... As long as you can kill one of them....

Li Heng gritted his teeth and stood up again against the disaster.

However, there is a limit to personal strength, and at this moment, Li Heng has reached this limit and cannot take another step.

There was already a tingling pain all over his body, and Li Heng felt that his blood was extremely hot, and his head began to swell and pain, as if something was about to grow.

The awakening has begun... It's too late....


Just when Li Heng was about to be unable to support it, a dragon groan came, different from the previous roar, this time it seemed to be... Pathos?

In this regard, Mebius frowned, but did not expect that there were factors other than experiments.

Li Heng looked up with difficulty, but was surprised to find that a huge opening appeared at the neck of the tall dragon, and as the dragon roared and slowly fell, a white figure fell from the sky and struck in the direction of Li Heng.


Before the two could react, the next moment, with a bang, the entire room collapsed.

"How's it going, Captain, are you all right?"

After the white figure broke through the wall, it immediately blocked in front of Li Heng, and it turned out to be to save him.

"Don't... Touch

those white mist..." Li Heng subconsciously said, those white mist obviously contained the Dragon gene potion, in this case, even if the lawyer came, it would also be affected.

"It's okay, I represent the stigmata space of Shanyat, and these things can't affect me yet."

Shanyat Stigmata Space? Wait a minute?

"M... Misterling? What are you doing here?

Li Heng looked at it and was shocked to find that the person who came was Misterling Shanyat, he probably never dreamed that this guy would come to save himself.

"Well, it should be the favor owed to you at that time."

Misterling held a shuttle in his hand, blocking Li Heng and Mebius, and said calmly.

"Human favor? When will I... Li

Henggang wanted to ask her when she owed herself favors, but she didn't expect that her body suddenly had trouble again, which made Li Heng cough.

Unexpectedly, Mebius's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was observing the two, and there was no intention to stop them.

"Captain, I've solved a Broken Beast, how are you recovering?"

Misterling looked at the shocking nutrition warehouse around him, and his tone had changed a little.

"Ahem... I'm okay... I already have the ability to leave, but how do you..." Because

Misterlin had killed a dragon, at this moment, Li Heng had successfully communicated with the core of the Void Law, and he could barely transfer.

It's just that at this time, he is a little worried about Misterling, and it seems that the headache caused by genetic awakening is a little too serious.

"Actually, don't care about me very much, I'm the embodiment of the stigmata space, Captain, they can't keep me."

Misterling looked back at Li Heng, and the former found that the latter's nails began to elongate, and already golden scales began to appear from his hands.

"Okay, then you be careful."

Li Heng nodded, and then forcibly endured the pain, activated the power of the Void Lawyer, and the next moment, he disappeared in place.

Seeing that Li Heng had left, Misterling shifted her gaze to the other three-headed dragons and the entire base, and then she summoned more shuttles, intending to destroy this inhuman place.

"Doctor, do we need to track it down?"

A pop-up window appeared in front of Mebius, and a mechanical voice came out, and it was the gray snake inside, and the tracking he was referring to naturally referred to tracking Li Heng's footprints.

"No need, gray snake, once the awakening of the hidden gene begins, it cannot be stopped, and he cannot escape."

"Doctor, what should the other experimental subjects do?"

The gray snake

asked, "Broken toys naturally have to be thrown in the trash, and those 'garbage' that are not even toys need to be asked?"

Mebius glanced at Misterling, who was attacking the dragon, and then disappeared and returned to the promised land.

Projecting your own data over is equally costly.

"Yes, Doctor."

The gray snake also took a look at Misterling, and ordered that after Misterling was over, all those experimental subjects including the nutrient warehouse were destroyed, and those who had not yet carried out experiments were cleared and sent back.


In a certain snow-covered valley, a purple light gate appeared first, and then a figure flew out of it, planted on this thick snow, and the whole person completely disappeared into the snow.


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