Li Heng disappeared.

During the period of his disappearance, Mandate of Heaven and Anti-Entropy rarely formed a joint search and rescue force, almost turning North America upside down, and even under the guidance of Ai Yi, the place where Li Heng disappeared was 'digging the ground' in the true sense, and Li Heng's trace could not be found.

As a result, the theory that Li Heng was dead was circulating in the two major organizations.

Otto naturally wouldn't believe that Li Heng was really dead, or in his opinion, the world could still live well without this guy.

But some people believed, such as Aiyi, she also built an electronic tombstone for Li Heng, enjoying the Cyber Spirit Hall, and focusing on a trend.

Although Delisa said that she didn't believe that Li Heng sent it, she didn't know what Teresa thought, and sometimes she would go to the Cyberling Hall built by Ai Yi to incense Li Heng's black and white photos....

Of course, during the period of Li Heng's disappearance, many major events also happened.

First, Teresa left the headquarters of Destiny and went to the artificial island to establish Saint Freya, where she trained Valkyries.

At the same time, because there was no intervention from Li Heng, Otto also carried out cloning experiments like in the main plot.

An experimental subject called K423 was made, and after implanting the core of the Second Law and programming the genes of Celine and Kiana Kaslanna, K423 was born.

Moreover, K423 is the only conscious subject in this batch.

In addition, Siegfried also successfully left Destiny with the help of Teresa, but unfortunately was discovered by Otto, and under various obstacles, Ziegfei finally failed to take Kiana, but could only take Kiana's replica, K423, and named K423 Kiana, vowing to protect the people around him.

On the other side, the real "Kiana" who remained in Destiny had a new name, Bianca Lauderdale.

This is because she fell unconscious because she was hit in the head by a flying machine while fleeing, fell from a thousand meters in the air, and after being treated, she woke up unexpectedly and lost her memory.

The current Urandell should still be in the orphanage.

As five years passed, the clock fast-forwarded to the present, which is the winter of 2010.

The search and rescue forces of Anti-Entropy and Destiny have withdrawn from Alaska in North America after several fruitless searches.

This can't be blamed on them, but Prometheus deliberately manipulated the area where Li Heng's 'corpse' was located, and if they came to search again at this time, they would be able to find this area that they had not set foot in before.

A fat polar bear that came out to forage became the first creature to come to the area, and when it was looking for food, it smelled a smell of blood and found it here.

It thought it was some kind of injured animal, but after coming here, what appeared in front of him was a pool of blood that had solidified.

Just as it was about to leave angrily, a blue gemstone that appeared at an unknown time caught its attention.

The gemstone is suspended less than two meters in the air, shining in the sun, and the overall blue is opaque.

As the blue gemstone flickered, many red silk threads appeared, beginning to arrange and combine, eventually forming a male border.

Subsequently, under the crazy flickering of the gemstone, the bone... Flesh and blood... Organ... They are all constructed out of thin air, and they are arranged and combined in an orderly manner until the red border disperses and a human male body is constructed out of thin air.

Faced with this situation, the polar bear felt that his few IQs had received a devastating blow, and was stunned in place for a while, referred to as - CPU burned.

However, it is worth mentioning that this human body does not have any hair, the top of the head is bare, and it can even gather light for barbecue.

This body is the new body that Li Heng constructed for himself by borrowing the core of the lawyer.

As Li Heng opened his eyes, the core of the lawyer floating in the air also fell, and was steadily caught by Li Heng.

"It seems that after so many years of not using the core of the law, my technology has not regressed."

Li Heng smiled, put away the core of the Law of Reason, and also noticed the polar bear who was observing the situation not far away, but he did not take it seriously, but looked back at the blood stain on the right.

This pool of blood is the body before Li Heng, and after the 'destruction' in Prometheus's mouth, it has become the appearance in front of him, and faintly, he can see several cards, which are the identity cards given to him by the three major organizations.

In this icy snow, the blood stain has long been solidified, but at this moment, it seems to feel Li Heng's arrival, and this pool of blood has once again changed a little, in this state, it is still necessary to entangle Li Heng.

"No, I don't want to be locked up, and when the calamity is solved, I still want to go around the Quantum Sea."

Li Heng raised his hand with a smile, and the core of Yan Law appeared in his hand, and the next moment, hot flames erupted from Li Heng's hand, burning this pool of blood.

After Prometheus' weakening, yes, he was able to clear it with such simple means.

He knew at that time that this trip was not simple, so he didn't bring anything with him, and the important things were all shipped back to Hyperion by Anti-Entropy, as for those identity cards... Burn it, burn it, it's a big deal to find Otto Lao Yang, they want Zhang Xin.

After solving the mess that Mebius gave himself five years ago, Li Heng found the [Trial] that had disappeared into the depths of the snow, wiped off the ice and snow on it, and carried it behind his back again.

He and Prometheus stayed in the lawyer space for five whole years, and if Prometheus hadn't had game equipment, he might have directly choked inside (sadly, in

the past five years, he also missed a lot of things, those missed things aside, according to the time calculation, it should be 2010 now.

If he remembers correctly... In 2010, it was Kiana (K423) Second Legalist personality, the first awakening of the Queen.

After constructing a hat for himself again, Li Heng looked at the white snow and said to himself.

"Eastern Siberia... Hopefully I'm over now, it's not too late.

Li Heng patted the two white coats he casually constructed, and then reproduced the divine skill of stepping on his left foot and right foot, flying into the sky, towards Eastern Siberia, flying at high speed.

After learning more about his impact on the world from Prometheus, Li Heng's mentality has changed somewhat.

After all, the main line that he did not want to interfere with too much had already collapsed the moment he arrived, the chaotic future and unknown calamities... is what he needs to solve.

Instead of hiding behind the scenes and quietly watching the disaster happen, as the second collapse did ten years ago.

Perhaps, some people must become saviors, even if they do not want to.


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