"All right, Dr. Tesla." Walter waved his hand.

Tesla was about to say something, but a rapid ringing interrupted her and she connected the communication.

After a while, she put down the communicator tremblingly, and her eyes gradually darkened.

"What's wrong, Tesla?" Walter asked.

"Just ten minutes ago, we observed a strange set of electromagnetic wave signals from the moon, and after analyzing it, we found that it was a message from the second lawyer, and the message said..."

"Come to the moon to meet me, the first lawyer, otherwise I will send 4 meteorites to the earth every seventy-two hours."

"Don't make me wait too long, I don't have much patience."


After Tesla finished speaking,

the room fell into a deathly silence.

"Ah~" Li Heng yawned and broke the silence.

"When you decide to go up, remember to call me, I have to adjust it again."

Although the body has almost recovered, the mental trauma has not yet healed.

"Wait a minute." Walter stopped Li Heng, who was about to leave.

"How much strength do you have left?"

Li Heng thought for a while, "I can barely hold back the previous Second Lawyer."

"But those electromagnetic pulses, you guessed, the second law must have achieved new power on the moon, and we alone will definitely not be able to defeat it."

"Well, wait a minute, Einstein is analyzing meteorite fragments, and there should be results soon."

"As you wish." Li Heng waved his hand and found a place to sit.

Ziegfried didn't know what he should do now, so he just waited together.

"Ally, the meteorite analysis report that fell in Los Angeles is out."

After a while, Einstein came over with the analysis report.

She glanced at Li Heng and then handed the report to Walter.

Walter took the report and glanced at it.

"Hey, Ziegfried, Captain, I'm going to the moon, but before that, you can help me contact Otto."

"I can't guarantee that guy will pay attention to me."

Although Siegfried didn't know what Walter wanted to do, he still helped him contact Otto.

Unexpectedly, this guy Otto actually took it.


Visiting room of the Archbishop of the Tower of Babylon.

"Lord Bishop is coming from the headquarters, and it is expected that there will be five minutes, but..."

Ziegfried paused for a moment, and said helplessly

, "He said that this is the Supreme Council, and he will not let me participate, cut, it is always mysterious."

"Even if you listen, how many words can you understand when they say?" Li Heng was a little speechless, can you understand this old rough man...

As for him, it doesn't matter if he listens or not, he knows the situation anyway.

But Otto this guy named him to participate, and did not let him refuse, it was outrageous.

Forget it, just put that soy sauce on hold.

"Okay, I'll go to the training room to kill time, where to find me if there is something." Ziegfried waved his hand and left the reception room.

Click... Click....

The floor clock in the reception room runs smoothly, as for the people next to it.

It's another story.

"Long time no see, Dr. Einstein, oh, and Lord Vice-Bishop of Destiny."

Otto slowly walked in from outside with a glass of red wine.

"Oh, hi, Lord Bishop." Li Hengpi greeted Otto with a smile.

Then Li Heng was silent, he just needed to be a qualified bystander.

But what did he do when he came in and emphasized his status as an auxiliary bishop?

Want to let yourself drink anti-entropy and get rid of the relationship? No, is it ...

Li Heng stood by the window, looking at the scenery outside the window and thinking.

"And Lord Walter, the leader of the anti-entropy alliance, speaking of which, how many times have we met?"

"That's right." As if remembering something important, Otto walked up to Walter and leaned down.

"I heard that Mr. Walter was seriously injured in the previous battle, but I have done some research on medical skills, and I may be able to help you a little."

Although Li Heng was looking at the scenery, listening to Otto, who was acting wildly, he couldn't help but be a little speechless.

If you remember correctly, Walter's injury was caused by you, right?

If Ziegfried hadn't arrived in time, you might have slaughtered him.

"Enough, Otto."

Walter was also not accustomed to Otto, and directly parsed the wine glass in his hand and the red wine.

"If you still want to know if I still have the power of a lawyer, I can prove it to you now."

Otto smiled and picked up his glass of red wine again.

"It seems that Mr. Walter has misunderstood, and in the face of the threat of the second lawyer, we should turn enemies into friends."

Einstein unfolds the screen.

"Don't waste time, Mr. Bishop, let's start the meeting."

After a while.

"You should know that I'm not interested in Seal Collapse at all." After listening to Einstein's description, Otto picked up the red wine and made a gesture to leave.

To put it simply, Einstein told Otto that they found the technology to seal the collapse from the meteorite, but because the meteorite burned through the atmosphere, even the soul steel was incomplete.

Plus Li Heng also split one.

These alone cannot replicate that technology, and meteorites were all thrown by Cyline from the moon.

So they wanted to work with Otto to go to the moon to get those technologies.

Walter walked up to Otto and said in a deep voice.

"Your goal is the power of the lawyer, and now that the second lawyer is on the moon, you should also have a headache, right?"

"When you hear the details of the plan, you will know that this is a plan that is beneficial to you."

Walter whispered a few words in Otto's ear.

"Hahaha, hahaha-" Otto laughed maniacally.

"Faux pas, just follow your plan."

Otto brushed his hair, but the smile on his face remained undiminished.

"I won't get in the way of your plan, and I'll let Zigfei fully support you, as for him..." Otto looked at Li Heng, who was standing by the window.

"What to see? You, a Archbishop of Manifest Destiny, decide what do I do as a side bishop?

Li Heng glanced at him.

"Haha, well, well, the deputy bishop of Destiny will also fully support you." Otto put down his glass and didn't care.

"I didn't expect you to come this far to save the lives of those ants."

Otto turned to Walter obliquely, his eyes teasing

: "You are indeed a respectable opponent, I apologize for my previous faux pas, respected..."

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