"That, Captain... If you don't explain, why did you lie to Celine at that time? Hearing

this, Li Heng suddenly froze, and his brain almost crashed.

He didn't expect Celine to ask about this at this time, and directly caught him off guard.

"This... Celine, in fact, as you can see, I am not an ordinary person, just a gunshot wound is still not enough to completely kill me..."

Li Heng temporarily squeezed ointment from his brain and 'squeezed out' a vague answer.

However, Xi Lin was obviously dissatisfied with Li Heng's statement, and she came directly to Li Heng, because Li Heng was sitting, she just happened to be able to look at Li Heng at eye level.

"The captain was injured like that at that time, and then he also put on that strange mask and did many strange things..."

said Celine, the whole person was still approaching Li Heng, an aggressive look, Li Heng was also frightened and kept retreating, but unfortunately, behind him was the sofa.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two was less than ten centimeters, and Li Heng could already feel the air exhaled by Xilin.

Well, this is the queen, domineering, domineering... However, isn't this posture a little strange? Moreover, the face of the Queen... Isn't it a little red?

Bella, who was watching from the sidelines, thought to herself, she looked at Celine, whose cheeks and ears were slightly red, and she didn't know much.

She had never seen Celine like this.

Because Celine kept getting closer, the posture of the two became a little strange.

Xi Lin put one hand on the sofa behind Li Heng, while one leg was half-kneeling in the empty space to support her body.

The whole thing looks like Cylin 'knocked' Li Heng.

"This... This..." Because

of this sudden situation, the wording he thought of earlier was completely forgotten by Li Heng, and looking at Xi Lin who was getting closer and closer, he admitted that he was a little panicked.

Then, Celine looked at Li Heng, who was at a loss, smiled slightly, and kissed him directly without warning.

Li Heng only felt that his lips were suddenly pasted with two pieces of cold and soft and sticky things, his eyes widened, and his brain was blank.

Bella looked at Li Heng and Xilin, who were kissing each other, and petrified on the spot.

Your Honor... Aaaah! What are you doing, Lord Queen!

After a long time... Of course, it may only be a moment later, under Bella's almost murderous gaze, the two parted their lips together.

"Hmph, so... The captain's first kiss is Celine's, no one can take it away☆~" Celine

licked her lips, as if she had some unfinished looks.

"Celine, you..." Li

Heng was still a little stunned, in his previous life, he was an old virgin, although he called this wife that wife that wife, but in fact he didn't even pull a girl's hand a few times.

However, after kissing with Celine, there will indeed be a strange, strange feeling that makes Li Heng a little intoxicated, moreover, Celine's lips are soft, and the kiss is also very comfortable...

Wrong! Now is not the time to think about this!

"Celine knows that the captain did those things for everyone's good, but... But captain, the next time you save someone else, can you first guarantee your own safety? "

Celine... I don't want to lose the captain again..."

said Celine, sliding to the left, and then the whole person leaned on Li Heng's shoulder, and there were tears flashing in her eyes.

"Well, I promise you, Celine."

Li Heng can be regarded as a little reactive now, he touched Xi Lin's upturned hair and smiled.

Ensuring your safety before saving people is quite simple, after all, you have six lawyer cores in your hand, plus the key of God and various devices.

Fortunately, Celine didn't ask herself not to be injured, and the law that a shot must be seriously injured... Even if he is a six-core lawyer, he is still a little overwhelmed.

After receiving Li Heng's affirmative reply, Xi Lin, who was leaning on Li Heng's shoulder, suddenly smiled evilly and stood up.

"Hehe, the captain has to do what he says, go, Bella, let's take a good look at Captain Hyperion~"

Then, Celine pulled Bella, who was still in a state of shock, and ran towards the rest of Hyperion.

Taking advantage of the captain's lack of reaction, he took advantage and ran, Celine still knew this truth, of course, she didn't know who took advantage of whom.

"Hey, you two! Hyperion is big, don't get lost! Li

Heng naturally couldn't let the two run blindly in Hyperion like this, so he quickly stood up and followed...

As soon as Li Heng's front foot left, Ai-chan's figure appeared on the multi-functional floating screen, she supported her head with her hands, and then looked at Li Heng leaving, and couldn't help but shake her head.

Some people take the script of '1', but play '0', alas, boss, should I really praise you, or laugh at you?

Alas, forget it, anyway, it's none of your business, the work given by the boss has been completed, rest (steal electricity) to go~

Oh yes, Ai-chan reminds everyone that in danger, remember to call 'Celine' 'Celine' 'Li Heng' for help Oh~

After Ai-chan sent the two identity certificates that Li Heng entrusted her to forge to Prometheus, she disappeared on the multi-function display, and I don't know where to steal the electricity again.

Li Heng, who was chasing after Celine, if he knew what Ai-chan was thinking now, he would definitely wave his hand helplessly, no way, who let himself take care of the loss, he could only let Celine get '1' for a few days, and then ... Hmph....

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