"Captain, let's go..." At

dusk, after training, Celine took Bella to climb the highest bell tower of Saint Freya again.

After thinking twice, Teresa asked the two of them to start learning from the most basic things of Saint Freya, after all, their cultural achievements are really difficult to say.

But it was this decision that allowed Celine and Bella to be in the same grade as Kiana five years later.

At this time, Celine was lying on the stone fence, looking at a place at the harbor, where the Hyperion was docked, but it was empty at the moment.

"Lord Queen, that human will come back in a short time, you don't have to worry, and, Lord Queen, you still have Bella~" Bella

followed Celine and comforted her, and then she took out the drink she had prepared and handed it to Celine.

The opportunity to be alone with the Queen, she will not waste it!

"Lord Queen, this is the milk tea I carefully prepared for you, it is very delicious, and it is definitely no worse than that captain!"

"Well, thank you, Bella."

Celine took the milk tea and took a sip, this milk tea is very sweet, the taste is indeed good, and her mood has become better because of this cup of milk tea.

"Whew..., Celine... Bella, you two, sure enough, here.

Just as Celine and Bella were quietly looking at the scenery, a voice sounded behind the two, and Celine looked back and saw that it was Wendy.

"Senior Wendy? What are you doing here?

Celine looked at Wendy, who gasped slightly, and said with some surprise.

Celine inquired that few people would come to the top of this bell tower, because it was a little too high, there was no elevator, and it took a lot of time to climb up.

"The school captain is afraid that after the captain leaves, you two run around, let me look at you, I didn't see you in the dormitory, so I guessed that you came to this bell tower."

Wendy also leaned against the stone railing, and the quick climb of the stairs made her slightly fatigued.

"Hey, the Queen and I are not children, and this place is so big, where can we go?"

Bella was a little unhappy, she understood that Teresa was treating her and Celine as naughty children, how could this be tolerated?

"Haha, maybe the principal has her own considerations~"

Looking at Bella who complained, Wendy couldn't help but smile, this feeling was like watching a child whine.

Of course, in a sense, Celine and Bella are indeed children.

Because of the reason why Celine has been sleeping in the nutrition warehouse for ten years, her thinking is actually the 14-year-old pufferfish, not to mention Bella, she can even say proudly: the first time to be a person, please advise.

"Bella, do you still have your drink? Get a copy for Sister Wendy.

Celine approached Bella and whispered in her ear.

"Huh? But that's for the Queen..."

"Obedient~ Sister Wendy must be very tired when she runs so high to find us."


Bella reluctantly gave Wendy a cup of milk tea.

"Thank you Bella~"

Wendy thanked Bella politely.

"In other words, how did Celine meet the captain? While... Of course, if it's any secret, forget it..."

Wendy found that Celine was still quietly looking at the place where Hyperion was moored before, and then thought of her usual lively appearance, and said with some curiosity.

Gossip is human nature, not to mention that the relationship between Celine and Li Heng is not simple.

"Actually... It's not a secret..." Hearing

this, Celine tilted her head, thought about it, and then smiled.

"A long, long time ago, Celine was caught by a group of bad guys and locked up by them, and the bad guys experimented with Celine

and Celine's friends every day, and the experiment hurt very much, and every time the experiment, Celine's partners would be fewer..." Speaking of this, Celine's eyes were a little bleak, and she touched her arm, although there was nothing on it now.

A long time ago, his hands were still wrapped with bandages, and under the bandages were one wound after another caused by experiments.

Then, she suddenly thought of something and took out a bunch of red Chinese knots from her pocket, which Li Heng gave himself before leaving in the morning.


"To Celine, remember it?"

"Wow, Celine still remembers, this is the boss's gift to Celine!"

"Haha, then you have to hold it well this time, and if you lose it again, I won't be able to get it back~

" "By the way, then... What about the captain?

"Me that? Hiss...... It seems like... It's gone..." Looking

at this Chinese knot, remembering Li Heng's helpless smile in the morning, Xilin's eyes gradually recovered and continued.

"Later, just when Celine thought she was going to stay there for the rest of her life... The captain suddenly appears, and it is he who rescues Celine, protects Celine, and saves Celine from that hell.

"So, Celine wants to repay the captain, and also wants to make up for some of the mistakes she has committed."

Celine's eyes were firm and her tone was serious, as if she was no longer the fourteen-year-old ignorant girl.

In fact, it is also so, after experiencing so many things, Celine's heart has grown a lot, but in front of Li Heng, she is more willing to act like a child.

"Hmph, that man... Although that guy is sometimes weird, he is still very reliable. Seeing

Celine like this, Bella also reluctantly evaluated Li Heng.

"Is Celine originally a test body girl? Wait... Wait, could it be that Bella is too... Yes... Embrace... Sorry, I shouldn't have asked this.

After listening to Celine's story, Wendy immediately guessed Celine's identity and realized her gaffe, which was because Saint Freya had previously recruited similar experimental girls.

It's just that she seems to have misinterpreted something. The 'Bella' in front of her was essentially a trial-level Avalanche Beast, not the Bella who had died in the experiment.

"Well, it's okay, Sister Wendy, after all, everything is gone, people, look forward☆~"

Celine smiled and turned into the smiling girl again.

"Saving the maiden... Captain...... Is it such a person? It's not the same as she imagined..."

Wendy recalled what Celeine said just now, and combined with what she heard not long ago that Li Heng brought the remains of the Valkyrie stormtroopers back for burial, her impression of Li Heng was partially improved.

To put it simply, Celine invisibly helped Li Heng brush a wave of favorability in front of Wendy.

"That... Celine, Bella, shall we go? It doesn't seem early, and there will be a cultural class tomorrow.

"Actually, Sister Wendy, you don't have to mention cultural lessons..."

"Bella hates cultural classes."

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