Bella soon returns, and she tells everyone that Himeko has arranged Bess's residence.

Although Ji Zi did not know what Li Heng was doing this for, he still arranged Bess in Bella and Celine's dormitory as he requested.

Then Li Heng nodded and told her his reasoning about the origin of the bass.

Bella listened and fell into deep thought.

Seeing your body have a new sense of autonomy and still move freely next to you, how weird and weird this thing is....

Of course, she can't say that Li Heng did wrong, after all, according to this guy, in the original world line, if he doesn't save himself, he will already be dead, and he won't be able to see Lord Queen.

It can only be said that this B details are not handled well.

Then Li Heng told Celine and Bella not to let Bess know that we already knew her identity, and hurried to Teresa's office.

Although the appearance of bass has made the world line very chaotic, at least it is still under control, and it is too crooked, and he can make up for it.

Coming to the door of Teresa's office, Li Heng thought for a while.

This matter must be told to Teresa, after all, such a big judgment-level collapsed beast is placed on the campus like this, if something suddenly happens, it will be miserable.

But...... Tell Teresa directly:

"Because of my mistake, when the second collapse occurred, the judgment-level collapse beast became self-conscious and woke up in human form, in order to fear her running around, I included her in Saint Freya, you pay attention."

This must not work, otherwise Teresa can take her Judas out of her phantom on herself.

So after Li Heng entered the office, he said this to Teresa.

"Teresa, I found a strange classmate when I was enrolling, and through my observation, I found that she turned out to be the judgment-level Honkai beast during the second collapse."

"However, her behavior seemed a little strange, and after I inquired, I found that he seemed to have lost his previous memories and had a sense of self, and for safety reasons, I took her into Saint Freya, and now she is with Himeko."

Hearing the judgment-level Collapse Beast, Teresa was startled at first, and immediately clenched her bag, but after listening to Li Heng's explanation, she gradually fell into deep thought.

Later, after Teresa asked the name of the bass, she hurriedly took Li Heng to the dormitory to secretly look at the bass, and found that it was no different from ordinary people, and even a little timid.

After returning, Teresa discussed with Li Heng until midnight, Li Heng was very tired, and even forgot to set the connection boundary when he went back, and was almost attacked by Xi Lin at night.

There is no way, the sins you have created must be paid back by yourself.

Teresa finally decided to leave Beth in the school.

First, I was afraid that her judgment-level collapsed beast would run around outside, and it was not a joke to predict that it was not a joke to make a fuss when the judgment machine collapsed, but in Saint Freya, there was herself and the captain sitting in town, a judgment-level collapsed beast, and it couldn't turn over the waves.

The second is that Teresa found that Bess's consciousness is now really an unearthly girl, and if he can guide her and cultivate her into an excellent Valkyrie, it will be a big help against Honkai.

Later, Li Heng let Ai-chan do his old job and forged an identity information for Bess to facilitate his enrollment.

So, under the superposition of various conditions, Bess successfully entered Saint Freya and became a Valkyrie.

With the end of enrollment, Fu Hua, Celine, Bella, Bess, and four heavyweight freshmen were also officially enrolled.

Of these four, one should not have appeared here at this time, one should have died long ago, one should have dissipated, and one should not have appeared, all because Li Heng gathered in Saint Freya.

Saint Freya of such a lineup, Li Heng only dared to take a look, because one more glance would be... beng!

If you count Kiana, Bud Yi and Duck Duck who enrolled in the back....

Far East Demon Cave, terrifying.

But there is a good saying, the future is the trash can of time, anyway, it has already been messed up like this, it's a big deal that I will make up for it in private in the future

.... The future can't come so soon anyway, right?

Three years later.

"Bella, Beth, and Celine... How about the cultural class of the three of you..."

Himeko looked at the three people who had been teaching for three years, but the cultural class was still failing, and suddenly one head and two bigger.

Three years ago, this culture was not good, Ji Zi thought that he could teach a teaching, but he didn't expect it...

Of course, this can't be blamed on them, although Celine, Bella and Bess have good physical fitness, but the cultural class is a disaster, after all, Celine has been in the Tower of Babylon for so long... Bella and Bess are two broken beasts, and naturally they have not studied culture.

But even so, Celine still became the deputy squad leader with her own ability and social skills, and Fu Hua sat firmly in the position of squad leader like the main line (well, how is it still deputy?).

In three years, Celine and Bella have not changed much, but they have grown a little taller and look a little more mature.

The most changed is bass, at the same height, bass is 4 pounds heavier than Bella... It is self-evident where these 4 pounds are long.

Sometimes, Li Heng wondered if Bella and Celine didn't have a good meal?

"Captain! You still laugh! I suspect that their cultural classes are not good, they just learned from you! Seeing

Li Heng, who was hiding not far away and snickering, Ji Zi suddenly became angry.

"Oh, don't slander me, I have a good history!"

Li Heng retorted with a smile, you know, with the memory of the world line, his history test is a full score!

For three years, he also taught history (wild history), although the classes were all based on the mood, sometimes three sessions a week, and sometimes not a single session for several months....

"Alas, I really am... Forget it, I'll let you go today, I still have an appointment tonight, you guys go."

Ji Zi looked at a few people, couldn't help but hold his forehead, and beckoned to Li Heng.

"Himeko-sensei went on a good date, goodbye!"

Celine suddenly felt amnestied, smiled slyly, and then pulled Bella and Bess to run away with a cigarette...

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