Ten minutes before the launch of Alahato, 10 February 2000.

It took the anti-entropy scientists 6 hours to cram Allajato into the rocket.

Walter, Ziegfried, and Li Heng also entered the cockpit.

After the three entered the cockpit, Walter didn't say a word, just quietly debugging the instrument.

Zigefei was also a little silent

, but Li Heng couldn't bear the loneliness, and looked east and west.

Mecha is a man's romance!

By the way, can you use the power of the Law of Reason to construct it?

Li Heng suddenly had a bold idea.

No, Dr. Tesla will kill me....

Li Heng swallowed his spit, copied her things, and with that guy's violent temper, it was estimated that he could pull out his ancestor eighteen generations to greet.

The Law of a Thousand is a model....

"Alahato's retrieval system, return to home control, ready; guidance control, ready; Flight dynamics control, ready..."

Einstein's voice slowly came from the radio.

"Alahto enters the launch countdown, 10, 9, 8, 7..." Li Heng

looked at the silent two, and suddenly a conversation appeared in his mind.

"Why is the Great Sage going?"

"Step on the Heavenly Court, Crush Lingxiao!"

"If you don't go back?"

"I'll never go back!"

Maybe now all Walter, just hold this mentality?


"6,5,4..." Li

Heng shook his head, thinking about something.

Walter has the special ability "Yang sit-up", which is so easy to ga.

Eight years after the collapse, this guy is still alive.

He even ran to the Star Dome Railway....

Li Heng sat on his back, staring ahead.

Walter also looked out the window, not knowing what he was thinking.

“3,2,1...... 0..." "


Huge flames erupted from the bottom of the rocket, and Li Heng only felt as if he was pressed on a chair by a big hand.

This is... Overweight? Li Heng thought to himself.

"Reach the target, boost the engine to fall off!" Einstein's voice is still reporting.

The three felt the vibration, and then the shell wrapped around Alajato came off, and Walter started Alajato's engine.

"It's in orbit." Einstein paused.

"Good luck to you."

Allahato, full power, flew towards the moon.

Walter patted Ziegfried, then pointed to the starboard window.

Ziegfei looked at the port window to the right and was immediately stunned by the sight in front of him,

a beautiful view he had never seen before.

In the dark night sky, a blue planet occupies most of the starboard window.

The sun's light shines on this beautiful planet, dividing it into a world of light and darkness.

"It's so beautiful..." Li Heng was also shocked by the scenery in front of him, he didn't have the opportunity to come to outer space, maybe there would be some photos taken by satellites, but seeing it really would only make him feel more shocked.

"Now, on the contrary, there is a sense of loneliness after leaving my hometown..."

Walter smiled and said

, "Human beings, born to open up the future."

"If you don't get out of the cradle and leave your hometown, how can you embrace that bright future?"

Li Heng looked at Walter and thought,

is this the reason why you went to the Star Dome Railway a long time later....

Walter didn't know what Li Heng was thinking, he took out a bottle of wine and looked at Ziegfried.


Zigfei smiled and took the wine: "Of course, how can a real man not drink?"

Then he opened the cork, and the wine floated out directly because of weightlessness, pasting Zigfei's face.

"Hahaha." Walter laughed for a long time, took out a straw and threw it to him.

The previously oppressive atmosphere disappeared at this moment.

Li Heng looked at Zigfei and said with a smile: "Walter, you don't know, someone, when I was a child, I watched the cartoon you made, and I ran away directly from home with enthusiasm!"

"Angry with Otto, if it weren't for your mother's intercession for you, you would have been taken back by him with stamina

" "How did it turn out, it's not because Cecilia has returned."

Zigfei's face froze, "That's what's wrong with you, Captain, you... How can you expose me? "

Running away from home?" Walter smiled, "I also had that time..." "

At that time, I had just inherited the name Walter, and I felt endless pressure... Under this pressure, I ran away from home.

"And then?" Ziegfried asked

, "Later, naturally, I figured it out, inherited the core of the Law of Reason, and inherited the name Walter, these are all heavy tasks that must be undertaken."

Walter said calmly.

"In other words, you have to thank Walter for meeting Cecilia." Li Heng thought for a while and said

, "At that time, Cecilia was in charge of escorting the weapon called 'Weapons That Can Kill the Lawyer', and what happened, Walter came over and cut off his beard, and then Cecilia was defeated and was sent flying by him."

"Later, I was picked up by you who cleaned up the Broken Beast, really, how come I don't have such good luck as you, I can pick up my wife while walking on the road?"

Li Heng was indignant.

"Ahem, luck is not something you can block if you want to gear." Ziegfried looked at Walter,

"Did I expect me to do such a good thing by mistake?" Walter smiled.

"Speaking of Captain, what is your situation, I have never heard of the Mandate of Heaven and the Adjutant Bishop before." Ziegfried asked suspiciously.

"It's just the black hat that Otto forced me into, I still prefer to be my Captain Hyperion."

Just kidding, he didn't want to be a bishop, and after Otto went to the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, wouldn't that make him a bishop?

Don't want it, isn't it good for Grandpa to be dashing around with Grandpa's Hyperion and Valkyries? Leave the pile of broken things in Destiny to Teressa.

Sun Jiyeye, there is no problem.

Over the next 48 hours, the three of them talked a lot, but they all tacitly avoided the problem of choosing the AB option.

Li Heng naturally knew which one Zigfei would choose, and he didn't know how many times he had read the broken comics.

Several people chatted about some common things, and the three seemed to have become childhood friends.

Siegfried even invited them to his house for dinner after the affair.

Li Heng has reason to suspect that Zigefei is because his childhood affairs have been exposed, and he wants to kill him and kill him.

The Walter guy even accepted it, really - not afraid of death.

The first rule of the kitchen, never let someone from the Kaslana family into the kitchen.

The journey will eventually reach the end, and this time is no exception.

In the distance, the moon has already appeared in the eyes of the three.

Walter looked at the gauge, which

showed that there were still 10 minutes to go before landing on the moon.

Silence fell again in the cockpit.

Ten minutes later, the landing area of the Tauras-Litro Valley of the Moon.

Alajato turned off the main engine and turned on the descent engine.


Just listen to the clang

, Alahato, landing successfully.

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