Countless broken beasts surrounded them, and they stopped at the feet of 'Bud Yi', raised their heads and watched quietly.

"It's so ugly to actually get hurt to protect that coward! Kiana. '

Bud Yi' looked at Kiana in her arms and said expressionlessly.

Obviously, from all indications, the person who now controls the body of 'Bud Yi' is no longer herself, but the one who came into being with the third collapse - the Law of Thunder.

"Wake me up, I won't allow you to die so simply."

'Nha Yi' shook Kiana and said.

"I am the only one who can take your life."

Boom, boom.

Unlike thunder, the roar from the engine reached the ears of 'Bud Yi', and as soon as she looked up, a huge battleship appeared in her field of vision.

The battleship was none other than Hyperion, and at this time it stopped not far from the 'Bud Yi', and the ship's searchlight once again illuminated the block.

"This guy is the lawyer?"

Himeko looked at the bud clothes in front of him and said with some disdain.

She thought it was something even more terrifying, like tentacles or slime or something...

Celine's eyes narrowed slightly when she saw the 'bud clothes' suspended in the air holding Kiana, and the familiar wings of light composed of collapsed energy behind her.

"This is... Bud clothes? Then in her arms is Kiana.

Celine recognized in her heart that Li Heng had mentioned Bud Yi and Kiana to her, so she was also very clear about the identities of the two girls in front of her.

Merely...... Captain, where did this guy go ?!

Said that it was good to converge here, but as a result, this guy's communication communication could not be opened, and everyone did not see it, so he would not go alone to single out the lawyer and then be counter-killed, right?

"All naval gun lockers! Prepare for fire suppression! "


While Celine was thinking about it, Himeko had already given further combat orders, and dozens of naval guns on the Hyperion were aimed at the 'bud clothes'.

And the bud below looked at this scene expressionlessly, and then frowned and said.

"Mortal bugs, who allowed you to be above me?!"


The huge thunder rose up again, turned into a thick thunder pillar, and smashed towards Hyperion.

"Not good! Fast! The protective force field is fully open! Looking

at this terrifying thunder pillar, Ji Zi's face suddenly changed, and with a wave of his left hand, he immediately let Ai-chan open the protective force field, otherwise under this terrifying attack, Hyperion would become the same as that Temple-level Collapse Beast.


The initiator 'Bud Yi' looked at all this expressionlessly, and the huge Hyperion was just like those broken beasts in her eyes, and as long as she waved her hand, she could destroy it...

Well? Wait a minute?

'Bud Yi's expression finally changed, and she looked at Lei Zhu with some doubt.


Mutation, appeared.

When the thunder pillar was about to collide with Hyperion, a figure quickly flew from afar, and then went straight to the thunder pillar.

Subsequently, the huge thunder pillar disappeared between a few breaths, and there was not even a trace of energy left.

A young man wearing a hat appeared where the pillar disappeared, and he held an unsheathed long knife in front of him, seemingly blocking the pillar with this thing.

"Whew... Call... Bud coat... No, the Law of Thunder, there is something to say, don't be so impulsive..." This

guy was Li Heng, at this time, he gasped, and then slowly put the weapon away, and at the same time couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

Damn, caught up!

Almost, almost Hyperion was hit!


The Council Chamber of the Far East Branch.

On a long conference table, there was a group of people sitting around, they were all high-ranking members of the Far East Branch, and Teresa was sitting on the main seat because of her body.

Communication was interrupted due to interference from the lightning pillar, and these people were watching the last image transmitted before the signal disappeared.

"Is this humanoid creature the Lawyer?"

"Is that Honkai beast kneeling in front of her as a sign of submission? Can the lawyer even manipulate that kind of monster..."

"The interference is too serious, and even the appearance of the lawyer cannot be confirmed."

"The long sky has caused the satellites above to be interfered with by strong electromagnetic fields, is this also the ability of that lawyer?"

However, no matter what the people below discussed, Teressa, who was sitting on the throne, was unmoved.

"It is impossible to defeat the lawyer by relying on A-level martial gods alone, and we must let the headquarters send S-level Valkyries as soon as possible!"

"But it will take 45 minutes for the troops from the headquarters to reach Changkong City at the earliest, and they must drag the lawyers..."

As the quarrel below intensified, Teresa spoke.

"You don't need to panic, if you don't know the information of the lawyer, this will only increase the loss, please believe Major Himeko, moreover, there is a main card hidden on Hyperion."

Hearing this, everyone immediately settled down, because they knew that the hole card was a special combat system that could instantly increase the Valkyrie's combat power and make it reach the level of an approximate lawyer.

Teresa looked at everyone, in fact, she didn't say one more thing, that is, the deputy bishop of the Mandate of Heaven, that is, Li Heng, also followed.

As soon as she thought of that guy's combat effectiveness, Teresa suddenly felt fearless.

However, about Li Heng's whereabouts, she will try to keep it secret, and the picture transmitted back actually has another frame, that is, a figure blocking in front of Hyperion.

Familiar with Li Heng, she could see at a glance that this person was Li Heng, even if there were only a few frames, Teresa still let people cut this paragraph.


Long Sky City, Hyperion Up.

"It's Captain!"

Celine said with some surprise, she recognized Li Heng at first glance, but after a closer look, she quickly found the problem.

"The captain ... Why did it hurt? Hearing

this, Ji Zi was stunned, and then he also looked at the picture displayed by Hyperion, and sure enough, he found that Li Heng's state at this moment was not right.

Uncoagulated blood dripped from his right hand, his white shirt became dirty, and his pants were torn several times.

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