Not long after, Li Heng woke up from sleep.

"Huh? Hyperion, has set sail?

Through the porthole, he saw the bright and pulsing sky outside, and he slept until the Hyperion set sail.

The room he was in also changed, returning to the familiar captain's lounge.

"Huhhu..." The

sound of light breathing entered Li Heng's ears, and he tilted his head to find that Celine was sleeping peacefully on the side of his bed, and his small mouth was slightly closed with breathing, which was very cute.

"Gee, I'm tired of you too, take a good rest."

Li Heng smiled and gently touched Celine's head, this guy is the same as himself, because he didn't sleep for the third night, it is estimated that he didn't hold back when he sat next to him and fell asleep.

Then he beckoned, sucked in a coat that he had placed here before, and then quietly covered Celine's back.

After doing this, Li Heng closed his eyes again, but not to sleep, but to repair his body.

His body damage is quite serious, several broken bones, and a bunch of trauma, the trauma is so bad that it will be fine in a few days.

But this internal injury has to be managed, and it has healed itself for nearly a month before, who can afford this? And I have to walk with crutches this month, which is a lot of trouble.

Therefore, with the help of the core of the Law of Reason, plus the core of the Law of Knowledge, Li Heng quickly connected his broken bones, and also reset the misplaced internal organs in his body.

"Ah~~ huh? Is the captain already awake?! Not

long after Li Heng repaired his body, Xi Lin yawned, and slowly opened her eyes, watching Li Heng come to the action, and said a little unexpectedly.

"Of course, I'm not a lazy pig, I'm just a little tired."

Li Heng smiled, then sat up directly, and even stretched in front of Celine, and there was a subtle 'clicking' sound at the junction of the bones.

"Huh? Is the captain already well?

Xi Lin looked at Li Heng, who was moving his body wantonly, and said with some worry.

"Haha, I'm the captain, how can I stay on the hospital bed? Now that the internal injuries are almost healed, there are some skin injuries left, and they will be better in a few days, so don't worry about me.

Cylin blinked, looked at Li Heng, who had a relaxed face, and then gently held Li Heng's hand that was still wrapped in bandages, and said very seriously.

"However, the captain is also a human, even if the injury heals quickly, it will hurt every time he is injured, right?"

Will it hurt? Well...... Truly.

After all, Li Heng is still a human body, with a human nervous system, and rarely uses the core of the law to shield pain, and every time he is injured, he can clearly feel the pain.

But...... Maybe it's because there are too many injuries, and I'm used to it.

At that time, Li Heng can still recall those heart-piercing pains, and the injuries he suffered this time are 'insignificant' compared to those.

"Stupid Celine, the more I hurt Captain, the more you can bleed..." Li

Heng smiled and held Celine's small hand with his backhand.

In order to protect the people of Moscow, he himself was smashed by meteorites; In order to save half of Novosibirsk, he was blown up half to death by the abnormal Law of Death; In order to save Cheng Lixue's consciousness, he was penetrated by the spear of the sky...

Now in order to protect the duck duck, several bones were broken.

However, it is normal to save people from injury.


Celine listened to Li Heng's words, felt Li Heng's warm palm, looked at his gentle smile, couldn't help but have a sour nose, and tears flashed in her eyes.

"Huh, Celine, I'll just say it casually, don't..." Seeing

Celine's look like she was about to cry, Li Heng immediately panicked, coaxing girls or something, he really won't!

I could only gently take Celine into my arms, and then pat Celine's back while chanting.

"It's okay, it's okay... I'm here..." Seeing

Li Heng's clumsy look, Xi Lin couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Captain, are you putting this kid on hold?"

Seeing that Celine had returned to normal, Li Heng also smiled, blew a breath on Celine's forehead, and said half-jokingly.

"Hehe, isn't it? You see, isn't that very effective?

"Hmph, the captain is bad, Celine is angry and ignores you!"

Celine pinned her head and looked angry.

However, she said that she ignored Li Heng, but in fact she hugged Li Heng tighter.

"Eh, Celine, isn't it a little strange for us to hold like this..."

After a while, Li Heng looked at Celine who was leaning on his chest and whispered.

At this moment, Li Heng is still sitting on the bed, Xi is standing on the side of the bed, and he has to lean over to hold her, so the posture is a little ... Odd?

"Hmph, I don't care, the captain needs to hold Celine for a while."

Celine snorted, still looking a little angry.


"Because Celine likes the captain to hold Celine like this."

Celine said without blushing and her heart did not beat.

Li Heng: "No

, you really don't hide it at all!"

Looking at Li Heng's helpless look, Xi Lin suddenly smiled, and then slowly brought her face closer to Li Heng...

Seeing Celine's gradually approaching little face, Li Heng suddenly froze, and subconsciously wanted to retreat, but he forgot that he was being held by Celine at the moment.

No, how can my Seven Core Lawyers, Captain Hyperion, Deputy Bishop of Heavenly Destiny, Vice Lord of Anti-Entropy, Vice Lord of the World Serpent, and Deputy Principal of Saint Freya, be strong again by your little Celine...

However, things backfired, Celine's soft lips had kissed her without accident, Li Heng's eyes suddenly widened, but Celine winked at Li Heng playfully.

However, just as Li Heng and Xi Lin kissed, there was a slight movement outside the door, and before Li Heng could confirm carefully, the door of his room was suddenly pushed open without warning.

"Lord Queen, this is that guy's weapon, Himeko-sensei asked me..."

Bella walked in carrying the disaster that Li Heng had left in the ruins before, and after putting this thing behind the door, she accidentally glanced at Li Heng and Celine on the bed.

"Uh, Lord Queen, I..."

Bella looked at the strange posture of the two, and the whole person suddenly froze, and her brain was short-circuited without warning.

"What's wrong, Sister Bella?"

Just as she was about to leave quietly without seeing anything, Bess also poked her head out the door and looked in with some curiosity.

Just when Bess was about to see the scene of Li Heng and Celine kissing together, Bella instantly covered Beth's eyes at a speed that was unattainable for humans, and then the corners of her mouth twitched a little.

"You're still young, don't look."

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