Ziegfried manipulated Alahto without saying a word, and he fell into deep thought.

Can Honkai really be defeated....

He, Walter and the captain just came up to get these soul steel data, and the result?

Walter died and Li Heng was seriously injured.

And that second lawyer, not only did not weaken, but gained the core of the law of reason, became stronger and more terrifying....

And they lost Walter Young, the first lawyer, like boxers who lost their arm.

And Honkai, like the gods with three heads and six arms in Shenzhou mythology, cannot be defeated.

"Captain, you said... Can we really defeat Honkai? Ziegfried was confused.

"For human beings, there is only one way to defeat Honkai! And...."

Because Walter was not in Alahato, Li Heng was now sitting in the co-pilot, and he raised his hand and gave Ziegfried a big fight.

"As a member of the Kaslana family, you have the consciousness to fight Honkai to the end! Your courage to protect your wife and children!

Ziegfried was silent

, "If you really don't have that courage, you can drive Alahato, turn to Honkai, let the Second Law transform you into a Quasi-Lawyer, and then destroy everything you cherish with your own hands!"


"Thank you, Captain." Siegfried's vision gradually returned to firmness.

Li Heng smiled, when encountering difficulties, people's first reaction was to doubt themselves.

The same is true of this guy Zigfei, Li Heng did this to let him regain his confidence early.

Although according to the original plot, Ziegfried will also regain confidence on his own, but...

It's really cool to slap my future father-in-law's big mouth....


On February 12, 2000, near the Tower of Babylon,

"it was another calm day..."

Patrick stood outside the Tower of Babylon with a kettle.

"The Second Law is still on the moon, and I don't know what Einstein is worried about."

Patrick took a sip of water, her empty cuffs fluttering from the wind and snow.

"Huh?" As if she felt something, she looked up.

The originally cloudy sky was suddenly torn open, and a strong red light shot out from the breach, and Patrick couldn't open his eyes.

"This is?!" She squinted and looked at the opening.

A warship emitting red light burst out of the clouds, its strange shape and eerie red light like a ship of doom.

In fact, this is a battleship created by Cylyn using the power of the Law of Reason, and it is full of Honkai beasts.

At this moment, she was sitting on the boat, looking expressionlessly at the Tower of Babylon, which had caused her countless pains below.

"Bella, clean up below." Celine withdrew her gaze.

At this moment, she is the judge of the last days.

She will bring down her wrath for this world.

"Yes, Your Honor." Bella accepted Celine's will on her knees and descended from the ship of doom with countless Collapsed Beasts.

"The cleaning begins."

Patrick looked desperately at the Avalanche Beast falling from the sky.

The people left behind in the Babylon Tower panicked

, "Everyone, quickly get in the car and evacuate!" Salome took up the command and gave orders, which temporarily calmed the panicked people.

"Most of the vehicles are unarmed." Nicholas came to Salome and told Salome about her discovery.

Salome thought for a moment and said

, "After leaving the Tower of Babylon, I will stay with you at the top of the carriage to deal with the Honkai Beast, remember." Saying this, her tone became a little heavier.

"Our goal is to retreat, prioritize the protection of vehicles, and do not fall in love with war..."

Not good! A man panted and ran to Salome, his face anxiously reporting back.

"We ... We're trapped! The exit of Gnaku was blocked by the Honkai Beast! Salome

was startled and came to the gate of Gnaku, and through the monitoring, she saw the densely packed broken beasts outside.

"Everyone get on board! Nicholas, you use the defenses in the tower to clean up the Broken Beast!

Nicholas nodded and used the base's laser to strafe wildly, forcibly carving out a path.

Salome opened the gate and gave the order, "Retreat at maximum speed, leave those left behind!" One can walk is one!

In the distance, Patrick saw the crowd fleeing from the Tower of Babylon and squeezed out a smile

"Salome... Nicholas...... You two guys, I really can't do it without me..."

However, Patrick's own situation was much worse than the two of them, the

weapon had been scrapped after overloading, and she herself was seriously injured.

"However, if you know that I betrayed you, you must be very angry..." At

this time, an emperor-level Collapsed Beast came behind Patrick and raised the spike in his hand.

Patrick didn't react, just muttered.

"I'm sorry, Captain Cecilia, and everyone from the Snow Wolf Squad..." The

spikes fell, blood staining the snow.


Bella, who was floating in the air, seemed to feel something and looked towards the fleeing convoy.

"Fish that slipped through the net?" She frowned, and the terrifying collapse energy converged from behind her wings, forming an electric ball in the air.

She smashed the electric ball at the team and then stopped looking.

The escaping ants are just enough to let her step on a second foot.

"It's not good, if it falls..." Salome, who was standing at the top of the carriage, looked at Bella's casual blow, and suddenly felt like a great enemy.

Without having time to think about it, she unfolded a light screen and rushed straight towards the electric ball.

"Boom!" Salome slammed into the ground.

The electric ball disappeared, and with it disappeared Salome's life.

"Salome ——!" Nicholas looked at the dead Salome, and was immediately indignant, and was about to rush up and fight Bella to death.

"Remember, our goal is to retreat, prioritizing the protection of vehicles..."

Salome's pre-departure instructions appeared in Nicholas's mind.

She gritted her teeth and hacked to death a broken beast that climbed up

, if she was impulsive now, then Salome's sacrifice would be meaningless.

Nicholas stood on the roof of the car, and the car gradually moved away from the Tower of Babylon.

Looking at Salome's figure that was gradually shrinking, she left tears of sadness.

On February 12, 2000, Salome, the A-class Valkyrie of Manifest and Nicholas, the A-class Valkyrie, covered the evacuation of fighters and researchers.

In the end, Salome, a Class A Valkyrie, died heroically to protect the team.

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