Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

Otto lifted Judas and was about to deliver it to Teresa.

For her later plans, Teresa must learn Judas' power rating today - the divine enchantment

Judas is the divine key made by the core of the Binding Law of previous civilizations.

The ability of the Binding Law is to disable a certain range of collapse energy, while other energies are weakened.

Because of this ability, the fusion warriors of the former civilization are helpless, and once a fusion warrior enters the enchantment, then they will die because the current in their bodies that sustains the human body will fail.

But they have no choice but to pile up the upper limit of the Law of Restraint with human lives.

And this incident also greatly reduced the number of fusion fighters

, and finally only 13 heroes were left.

And the God Key made with its core naturally has the ability to make Honkai fail within a certain range.

Although it is only a short minute, there is so much more to be done in this minute.

Amber came to Otto and reported.

"Lord Bishop, we have just detected that Lord Bishop's spacecraft is flying to Novosibirsk, do you have any instructions?"

"Oh?" The corners of Otto's mouth rose: "Is that guy afraid that after I know the ability of the Law of Death, I won't care about the Law of Death?"

"Hehe, indeed, after knowing that the creation power of the Law of Death is simply copied with DNA, I have no interest in her, so he will go if he wants."

Otto carried Judas and went to find Teresa.

Teresa guy, since the last injury, has been clamoring to go out and help.


Li Heng looked at the scenery outside and felt bored

with a day from Huangshi to Novosibirsk.

He laid the driver's seat flat and lay on it, when an idea popped up.

"Ye won't get the core again."

He smiled and slowly closed his eyes.

In the dream, he was in a dark space.

He stretched his foot and tried to take two steps, but the surroundings seemed to have no gravity, leaving him suspended in the air

"Boom!" Strange sounds sounded, and the surrounding scenery changed.

The white color that was diametrically opposed to before filled the world, and Li Heng felt his body sink, and instantly had a down-to-earth feeling.

He raised his head and found a white-haired girl in front of him with her back to him.

He wanted to speak, but found that his throat seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't make a sound at all.

He wanted to move forward, but his chest felt like a large stone was pressing, making him breathless.

He raised his head, trying to remember her back, but even his head began to weigh heavily.

The girl seemed to feel something and slowly turned around.

Li Heng narrowed his eyes, but he sadly found that he couldn't see her face clearly.

Li Heng completely gave up resistance and allowed his body to fall.


In reality

, "Ah!" Li Heng sat up abruptly, and the whole person was sweaty as if he had just been fished out of water.

"I just... Had a dream? Li Heng recalled the dream he had just had.

"No, if it's a dream, it's still black in front of Mao Ye's eyes? Ye's chest is still so heavy?

Li Heng stretched out his hand, touched his face, touched a furry thing, and violently pulled it off.

His eyes instantly regained their light, and the surrounding scene reappeared.

He looked at the thing he was carrying in his hand.

A rabbit was blinking red eyes and looking at him pitifully.

Li Heng lowered his head and found that there was also a rabbit lying on his chest.

"Grandpa Heye just had a chest tightness and shortness of breath in the dream just now, and his eyes were blackened, because of the two of you..."

Li Heng grabbed them both and kept the two goods in the back seat.

Although the back seat has become a little smaller because of his encroachment, it is not a problem to stuff two rabbits.

"I don't know if I can catch up on sleep now."

Li Heng looked at the time, well, at 12 o'clock

, he pinched his fingers, there were still three hours to reach his destination, lay down, and planned to sleep back to the cage.

Just as he was about to fall asleep.

"Today, the devil has invaded our home again!"

A window pops up suddenly.

Li Heng: (Frightened. JPG)

"Kill our loved ones and destroy our cities!" It thinks we'll be scared and can easily destroy us. A

blond man was standing at the podium, giving an impassioned speech.

"What?" Li Heng looked at it and saw that this person was Otto.

"It is wrong, and their fighters will never admit defeat."

"Hey? Can't turn it off! Li Heng found that this window had no forks to point at all.

"For five hundred years, we have been preparing for this moment, and we want to tell it that humanity will not let it be slaughtered!"

The corner of Li Heng's mouth twitched, and he roughly understood that this guy Otto was engaged in pre-war mobilization.

"We are warriors of destiny, and we will protect our hometown!"

"I have to say that Otto's ability to control people's hearts and fool people is not ordinarily strong, even surpassing a certain fallen art student."

Li Heng said to himself, he was a little excited by what Otto said.

"To the north, we will fight the devil in the air. The strongest Valkyrie, Cecilia, is back, and she will disperse the storm for us.

Cecilia held the Black Abyss White Flower and appeared behind Otto.

Li Heng looked at Cecilia and thought about

the north, that should be the one who is like the law of the wind, right? I remember....

Well, yes, it was cut by Cecilia's blow to the black abyss white flower.

"In the south, we will fight the devil on the sea, and our respected commander, Cheng Lixue, will lead us to defend every inch of the land."

Cheng Lixue held Ruoshui in his hand and also appeared behind Otto.

The south, forehead, seems to be a person who mimics the law of inflammation.

Well, by Shenzhou Ping... Bah, pinched by Fu Hua.

"Oh yes, this Cheng Lixue..." Li Heng thought for a while, Cheng Lixue was a disciple of Fu Hua, and in the second and this collapse, he died alone to cover Fu Hua's retreat and block Xi Lin alone.

"Save it." Li Heng smiled, after all, he was Fu Hua's disciple, and he also looked good....... Ahem.

"To the east, we will reclaim our city from the devil."

Otto is still speaking.

"This time, the Vice-Bishop of Destiny and Captain Hyperion will join you in fighting to the death with the devil!"

As soon as Otto's words fell, Li Heng's mask and the image of robbery appeared on the screen behind Otto.

Li Heng's smile froze.

"Vice-bishop of Heavenly Destiny.....," Fu Hua looked at Li Heng on the screen, to be precise, looking at the calamity in Li Heng's hand.

Cecilia and Cheng Lixue also looked at the picture, not knowing what they were thinking.

"Otto, you guy..." Li Heng felt that he could now cut out a set of three rooms and a living room.

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